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[综合辅导] 托福备考资料:托福IBT考试口语特训(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:51:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  15. Color! e, a+ d2 s& Y- a( S& K
  The reasons you chose the color:
* W, _- @3 y5 _/ O; w( x: i   - happy color
6 U& T- W7 k) E+ r9 T0 y$ f   - looks good on me
" j, }  m1 z+ A& M* }9 F   - goes with all my outfits: X6 i' Y) j5 X- J" h" ]/ S$ x
  In my closet I have clothes of many colors but my favorite color is pink. Pink strikes me as such a happy color. For this reason I feel that I always look good and I feel good when I wear pink. When it is rainy in the winter, I like to wear my pink silk and wool sweater. It makes me feel so warm inside. Pink appears in separate pieces of clothing as well as in some of my accessories such as scarves, hairpins and belts. Gradually I have added pieces to my collection of clothes but they all go together with each other and with the color pink. My wardrobe is coordinated around a color that both flatters me and makes me feel good.8 p, {. F/ F4 l5 e: K* S0 w
  16. Ingredient4 K7 w1 g9 S  y7 a7 {
  The ingredient: ground meat/ F% p& N4 j: P4 x
  The reasons you chose the ingredient
1 f8 t- J3 {& }8 c- S# W& F   - cheap and easy to buy( V+ F' c1 b0 y$ _& T. \
   - suit a lot of recipes* l! ]9 z3 n& O1 u4 v
   - stores well! W+ E9 X% H! [6 J0 k
  The most useful ingredient in my fridge for cooking at home is ground meat because it is inexpensive and suitable for many recipes. It used to be called hamburger meat and was usually beef. Now, it is sold all over as ground turkey, veal, chicken or pork as well as beef. I use it to make my favorite, meatball. Sometimes I use ground meat to make a meat sauce for pasta and then there are meals when I stir fry it into vegetables and put it all on a bed of rice. I even use it in soups. It can be fried, grilled and baked in hundreds of different recipes. Meatloaf is just one of the dishes I can prepare ahead of time with ground meat to have ready for company or when I am busy. Ground meat is the most useful ingredient because it doesn’t cost a lot and cook easily for freshly made meals or to store in freezer for later use.
2 `% w& V( |" J0 i3 u0 h  17. Hobby1 S/ R' C2 D! g0 e, t6 i4 G
  The hobby: model airplane building6 p- m* _3 [$ P
  The reasons you chose the hobby:  g; Z; T: W6 z* C
   - like to work alone and figure out the parts
: k( D# C& @: K2 j3 @  q: X7 K. {; u   - learn about engineering" W7 p3 C* t* s3 {
   - touch adventure and history: p% d1 b7 V6 X3 X
  I like building model airplanes as my hobby because it gives me a change of pace from my busy schedule. I have been building model airplanes since I was 10, when my father gave me one as my birthday present. It takes time and concentration to match and glue the small parts and although some people don’t have the patience to do this, I find it very relaxing. Each model teaches me about design and engineering. Sometimes I go to a club where there are others who share my interests. This hobby lets me touch a bit of history and I can imagine the adventure of the original flyers.

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