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[综合辅导] 新托福考试复习:必备黄金口语话题3

发表于 2012-8-14 23:51:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  说到新托福考试口语复习的必备参考资料就不能不提到黄金口语80题。这套资料能给我们提供一些重点该准备的口语主题范围,通过此类主题的准备还能以此类推其他的口语题目。接下来就是这份资料的搜集整理版本,希望能对大家的托福口语复习起到帮助。6 T8 D; [) z6 v+ v" D
  41.Choose one of your favorite methods to relax and explain why it is your favorite. Please include specific details in your explanation.7 c, R! H$ x* _0 U% l- j
  42.Is it important for students to attend class regularly or study by oneself? Explain why.
. m: ^* Q" e7 b# Z  43.Describe a most happy event in your childhood. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.5 J' \% W  q" r/ s4 ?7 J* I
  44.Describe a school that you have attended.描述一个你读过的学校5 e+ m% |: A$ J9 J& b+ l% H
  45.Some universities provide physical education. Others believe that physical education is not necessary. What do you think and why?学校应不应该在普通课程中加入Sport courses?/ m1 @6 Y  X3 I4 |2 n! U
  46.Everyone has to leave home sometimes. What do you miss most when you are away from home? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.
$ P: x5 a, R7 x5 w2 X  47.Some people believe that we should help those in an emergency. Others think that we should first make clear of the situation, then decide whether to assist or not. What’s your opinion? Please include specific details in your explanation.人们往往认为应该在危急时刻帮助别人,但另一种观点认为你首先应该看清楚情况
: w: j2 T5 L! D2 \* S; k2 r% Y  48.Describe a special opportunity given to you. Why does this opportunity so special to you? Your explanation should include specific details and examples.
& @9 i3 R: S  p  49.What kind of qualities should a good leader possess?Please state your opinion and give specific details and examples in your explanation.good leader应有哪些qualities?
! f- I  N* A# }4 _& o9 z% O: _  50. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please explain your opinion. People should always tell the truth.同不同意People should always tell the truth ./ V& r/ Z2 S9 ~2 f" i4 ]
  -. W4 A3 s; b( F. S
  51.Describe an object which is very important to you and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific details in your explanation.' G! h; h: \. L7 w# r& |) _; F6 V
  52.Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of first observation. Some people believe it takes a long time to know a person well. Which approach to knowing people do you think is better and why?外语学习网
  b8 L& p0 V% J6 w; a, q, E2 v  53.What kind of job would you like to choose? What’s your reason for choosing this job? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.如果有机会你会选择job or career?
+ V+ O0 f; w2 R9 P$ n5 L1 o  54.If you unexpectedly receive a large amount of money, what will you do with it? Would you spend it for practical purposes or simply for fun? State your opinion and explain your reasons.如果有一大笔钱,你会做practise thing or happy thing?
0 I! N# |2 p5 F% A4 I6 J+ Y/ ?  55.What do you think the students should do in their vocations? Please include specific examples and details in your statement.学生放假应该做些什么?
& T+ g8 }8 `4 S1 x$ t( u" ?  56. Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood. Why do you think it was enjoyable? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.描述一件童年很happy的event,然后explain why it is memorable' h1 d6 B6 c, b
  57.When communicating with your friends and families, you can rely on letters, email or telephone calls. Which method of communicating do you think is better and why?6 f7 u: Y2 X  x9 ^0 v8 ^) E
  58.What is your best time in a year? Please state your reasons and include specific examples and details in your explanation.
- z9 x/ e' X# Q) W6 u  59.One should live a relaxed life instead of always hurrying. Do you agree or disagree which the above statement? Why or why nor? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.1 e; Y! K# k7 O
  60.Describe your favorite room. Your statement should include specific examples and details.

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