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[综合辅导] 托福备考:老外教托福口语-英语说得好听力是关键

发表于 2012-8-14 23:51:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! ]) y4 \  P/ ^' p; ]/ g  What is the most important English skill? What skill must you have to communicate well?- ?$ B" F* N* x. O" U
' m0 \; O$ ~: M- }+ J  Obviously, number 1 is Fluency. What is fluency? Fluency is the ability to speak (and understand) English quickly and easily... WITHOUT translation. Fluency means you can talk easily with native speakers-- they easily understand you, and you easily understand them. In fact, you speak and understand instantly。
4 n3 D# W% ?! d3 a  显而易见,关键是要流畅表达。那么什么是流畅表达呢?流畅表达是不需要考虑就能快速和轻松说(理解)英语的能力,表示你能够容易地与当地人进行交谈,交谈双方能轻松地相互理解。也就是说,你能够立即表达和理解。
% }9 X0 T/ ]3 w  Fluency is your most important English goal。
! X5 w7 |+ u% d" _7 M# ?4 L4 }3 A  流畅表达是学习英语最重要的目标。& u, f4 M: J) Z' u
  The research is clear-- there is only ONE way to get fluency. You do not get fluency by reading textbooks. You do not get fluency by going to English schools. You do not get fluency by studying grammar rules。
3 k3 X3 j! ^$ `- l5 G7 [( j. z  研究表明,只有唯一一个途径能实现流畅表达。你既不能通过阅读课本、也不可能通过上英语学校或者通过学习语法来达到。
( p$ @% B4 K3 T( Q; D  Listening Is The Key, \5 X5 M- R' H- |& W: c& ~! V
1 R6 T6 \, i4 l8 q% j  To get English fluency, you must have a lot of understandable repetitive listening. That is the ONLY way. To be a FANTASTIC English speaker, you must learn English with your ears, not with your eyes. In other words, you must listen. Your ears are the key to excellent speaking。4 @: Q; q  J$ L/ K2 o& v) t
  想要说一口流利的英语,你必须要进行大量能理解的重复性听力训练,这是达成目标的唯一方法。要成为了不起的英语表达者,你必须通过耳朵来学英语而不是眼睛。也就是说,你一定得听,你的耳朵才是实现卓越口语的关键。. T0 d3 t/ i# m% i  s
  What kind of listening is best? Well, it must be understandable and must be repetitive. Both of those words are important-- Understandable and Repetitive。# s( O" G/ A" P3 x  d' l
  怎样的听力训练才是最好的呢?那就是:听力材料必须是你能理解的,而且要反复听。这两点都很重要——理解和反复。4 n* M8 E4 n! t3 |
  If you don't understand, you learn nothing. You will not improve. That's why listening to English TV does not help you. You don't understand most of it. It is too difficult. It is too fast。& y% Q; a* c& K/ Y5 ~
  假如你对所听内容不理解,你将学不到任何东西,也就得不到提高。那就是为什么听英文电视对你没有帮助,它对你来说太难、太快了,你几乎不明白它在讲什么。0 t9 m. k/ N0 }+ o9 ?
  It's obvious right? If you do not understand, you will not improve. So, the best listening material is EASY. That's right, you should listen mostly to easy English. Most students listen to English that is much too difficult. They don't understand enough, and so they learn slowly. Listen to easier English, and your speaking will improve faster!
* Y$ ]3 B, @7 N+ g  这个观点显然是正确的吧?如果不理解,就无法提高。所以,最好的听力材料是容易懂的材料。没错,你应该将主要精力用于听简单的东西。大多数学生选择的听力材料太难了,他们不能充分理解,学起来就很慢。试着去听容易些的材料,那样你的口语会提高得更快。: ~1 g$ I# k: P' R7 C
  Understanding is Only Half The Formula。中 华 考 试 网
  n4 \( _7 d/ m9 |' {" u  理解只是方法的一半。0 c- ^$ j! I* W# C
  Understanding is not enough. You must also have a lot of repetition. If you hear a new word only once, you will soon forget it. If you hear it 5 times, you will still probably forget it!
3 j1 {( K+ P. F6 x/ b- \2 e) p% ]( R  光理解还不够,你必须要进行大量的重复。如果一个新单词你只听过一次,那么很快你就会把它忘记;如果你重复听五次,可能还是会忘记。
7 d, E  H' P$ d+ U# S' e$ b  You must hear new words and new grammar many times before you will understand them instantly。
" O8 L  {6 D4 G1 [0 p0 L* |+ l# D  在你能够自如的理解新单词和语法规则之前,你必须要反复听上很多次。
# y4 t8 {9 S. Z9 z! g  How many times is necessary? Most people must hear a new word 30 times to remember it forever. To know a word and instantly understand it, you probably need to hear it 50-100 times!+ a, u9 P$ u, Z6 V. T% w; o0 _* d& B
  必须听多少次呢?对于大多人来讲,要想彻底记住一个新词,必须重复30次;要想认识一个新词并立刻明白它的意思,你可能需要听上50至100次。: z' {8 `: d9 p+ }
  So, the two most important points are: listen to easier English and listen to each thing many times。+ r  g6 U( S1 Y3 h/ i

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