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[综合辅导] 2012年新托福考试口语指导学习十四

发表于 2012-8-14 23:51:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
66.你选择 online courses 还是 traditional courses  
0 @" i" ~9 Z4 HIn my opinion, I prefer traditional courses better. In the spring of  2003, when  
/ d5 j0 H* o# D. W' `% m! gSARS attacked our city, we students were not allowed to gather in a classroom  . |9 b( l! O1 T$ ]- w' n/ \8 Z
taking lessons, on-line course is our only choice. And I found it really boring and  
2 m. g2 V7 {; }tedious. My only teacher and partner is the cold computer without any emotions.  & \+ r2 m- m( l0 K0 O1 V2 _' d
If I do not understand the text pretty well, I have no one to ask for help. The  
/ y9 k; A* @3 C' fcomputer could answer some typical questions, which seldom satisfied me. But on  9 M- V3 m$ O/ F
the other hand, attending traditional courses means we have teachers to interact  
$ C0 M$ ~8 E. s* h- E( W# C4 dand classmates to discuss or cooperate with. You cannot imagine how much I missed  
& |  e. ^" c1 l) Imy teacher and classmates those days.  
. X* E. }3 Y0 R8 p# f! i% n9 F# Z67.Subject  which  will  lead  to  better  job  or  subject  which  you  are interested.  7 p: C! S7 {7 w! O- [/ F
I will definitely choose a major which will lead to a better job in the future. I bet the most common reason for us attending university is to find a good job with bright future and decent pay when we graduate, like finance and marketing for example. I love literature, but I chose journalism to be my major in the university. Journalism is much more practical than literature. You can see this from the fact that the number of author is much less than the number of journalist. I could not deny that satisfying our interests will make our life    more enjoyable, but it has to take a good job as a prerequisite because we need to life first of first. Compared to surviving, everything has to be placed in the second place.  8 m) Q7 O' L3 t
. z6 G7 a6 v( {9 G7 h2 E! M7 F点?  
7 g3 `1 z2 l7 c- J; LIn my opinion, the study in the university is pretty important. Take myself as an example. I used to be a student of journalism in the university. I learned how to interview, how to edit, how to write briefs, comments and reviews. And then I went to the China Economic Daily to work as an intern during my third year. I found what I had learnt in the university was really useful, though not practical but it is the basis to handle with the real journalism. On the second thought, the certification of university is a proof of your learning ability for many employers. It is an essential competitiveness when you seek for jobs.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:52:00 | 显示全部楼层


69.Describe a letter or poem or  ...that is important to you  : b: C9 |4 Y5 M  G) y" L# V2 {; y
Letter, teddy bear.  & Y# j) A, y8 o& K
70.森林,沙漠,平原...你喜欢住在哪种环境里?  4 m9 }) L! f( K# m
I prefer to live near the forest best among the three.
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