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[综合辅导] 托福口语:判断题型的考点解析

发表于 2012-8-14 23:51:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Q: Zoos made an insignificant contribution to conservation up until 30 years ago.  1 @& i- S. X- E( d
P: Zoos were originally created as places of entertainment, and their suggested involvement with conservation didn’t seriously arise until about 30 years ago.  ' k' m' {+ ]6 q, O
这道题目的考点换成了insignificant, 这次的对应词不像上一道题目那么好找,in这次对应是didn’t, 而significant对应的是seriously arise, 答案同样为TRUE.  3 `% k6 _/ m6 W6 p! Q2 s

5 t$ [8 S( U- [* O+ v, U: q还是这篇文章里的一道题目:  3 y" X- d2 [2 K/ N
Q: The number of successful zoo conservation programmes is unsatisfactory.  
5 ]" Q1 w! d$ ^2 P4 bP: Today approximately 16 species might be said to have been “saved” by captive breeding prgrammes, although a number of these can hardly be looked upon as resounding successes.  - J3 o& c! b& H' x- N" R# J1 r
现在大家一定已经清楚了考点词为unsatisfactory, 再回原文找一下对应,这次un对应hardly, 而satisfactory对应的是success.  
( W1 \' \4 E% a4 D: D+ a' @; b; t; a0 W来自www.Examw.com
& U/ k0 k) ?6 ^1 A! o; t综合三道题目来看,考点都为否定词,做题目的思路上基本一致,都在找对应,而答案又惊人地一致,都选了TRUE.请仔细体会。/ s1 W& M% M5 h/ P( j( S

: i! K- N$ F- D: E' x9 J; @下面给大家一道题目,练习一下:  % K9 y) i9 \# d: ]  |
Q: Biologists are unable to explain why the frogs are dying.  * @5 D( z( [  m: l
P: Biologists are at a loss to explain their demise.  
1 U) m, V* \3 {' n  y6 L! h: A% N能不能找到unable的对应词呢?如果你并不认识原文中的间接否定短语be at a loss to 的话,那么至少你知道loss这个词能够表明否定含义,否定词对应到了否定词,其他的就不用担心了。答案为TURE。原文中的短语be at a loss to 意思即为“不知道,不知所措。”请注意积累。

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