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[考试试题] 2011托业考试词汇练习模拟试题(5)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  31. The use of a calculator ----- only on sections A and D of the' e" [1 t# R  v. X3 g6 a  J/ r
  test.& F/ |8 _6 W( ]
  (A) is permitted' R; L) p( ^! `5 y3 x( A  H$ l
  (B) permitted! q, Y2 C) h4 b5 B- S' I
  (C) is permitting
! g8 i- B& v  _- N* b  (D) will permit% h/ a( r% L: r% j: Y. O3 Z) F
  32. We had a problem with ----- products twice, but in both cases,
. o) l/ G% A. F7 `  Hannibal Soft found a solution within 24 hours.1 o3 \0 G4 E: v& r; f
  (A) their
/ F% f: g3 j! _" S: y; m  (B) they
! H, v8 |2 L7 W  (C) theirs
; }) V0 J% i% o" o$ Y2 G+ h  (D) them
6 v6 q. Y' u% J6 Q& @& P/ Q  33. He has ----- the ability to work well under pressure but still/ B; Q4 r  m9 ^7 m3 H( P
  has not shown he can function in a team-oriented environment.
+ C" S; w( }8 C& V( N" Z) p  (A) demonstrated
+ T5 Z' J, |* E6 K' r  (B) approved( t. [, j2 g+ w9 V( o: z- ]
  (C) admitted
9 W$ i% u7 w1 x. e% y1 E7 V  (D) doubled$ U) S( F5 p* s; U
  34. A backpack full of schoolbooks is ----- heavy for the average" @% P% a& `+ k. z/ b
  elementary school child to carry safely.4 m$ x! D3 Q* {
  (A) too much
* k" A) ?4 r4 N3 x9 [9 k  (B) much
  T5 {  o) S5 N7 w* J: ?' ?9 T  (C) more too# r' `2 e# Z9 V
  (D) much too+ [9 x5 i5 t3 f+ x5 @6 A
  35. If he is promoted to the management position, I will put -----
& X# C* K% I4 b3 y" Q7 L- p+ d  for a transfer to another office.
( L$ l) n' u, }& M) \& q9 N  (A) in
1 Q1 Y/ d: k- e& s$ G2 l  (B) through# I. R$ W) u: ]4 x* m
  (C) off0 O3 \4 J0 l9 c1 j# D+ D3 {' h
  (D) up: N3 R4 s3 |  A" B: M4 k5 [: }' V
  36. The subtlety of that water color will be lost unless you put it
+ U: Q- [5 I/ E% H5 B+ b, m  in a ----- delicate frame.* B( {, m6 |1 M8 D9 b: x% r& E
  (A) corresponding* ?6 q; \6 X/ f3 b
  (B) corresponded
, }; k  c8 \% r: G. C7 {  (C) correspondingly
6 `9 B$ g. {. Y  (D) correspondent
; b0 a6 q  b/ s  h9 u3 ]  37. Before we install a new phone system we should be sure we cannot
* q' c" A2 V7 f; }! Z  make ----- use of the one we already have.
- @) y/ X( a  {/ n9 n9 @4 f! X  (A) efficient
2 q/ Y3 C( \* K( Q  (B) efficiently
' R- k& _$ Y# o/ m2 e- o  (C) efficiency* R" |& V* k2 N1 _
  (D) more efficiently4 f$ }7 k3 ?7 B( g6 Z
  38. Smart consumers not only ----- prices but examine service
: p( ^: X) |& N( E7 N  policies before buying a new automobile.
: ~7 a& E; w, s4 N) u  (A) compose
; O0 o3 r0 g5 j# ^+ L! N  (B) compile
6 u0 A) N4 A  e/ `2 I9 W* n. U$ G9 s' K  (C) comprise$ W' i* w$ F% Z6 o6 j2 B, b
  (D) compare, d! S5 Z% W' x1 B
  39. They were fined for holding a boxing match without the official
1 b! ]9 m0 G' q6 z2 ?  ----- of the state Boxing Commission.
: J3 |* w# o- q8 ~  (A) approving* o( U( L8 E2 X, }# N
  (B) approval
3 i/ G/ O" O; v8 S) {  (C) to approve" S7 }0 s- Y& D+ D' G
  (D) approved
1 e. O6 s/ U  s. T5 l/ j1 u  40. For the purposes of this study, the life cycle of the horse can
4 o( h- S4 W$ O( p  be ----- into three stages; infancy, adolescence, and maturity.* f7 O0 V* A' c5 z" x; H
  (A) divided9 C8 W1 Q8 K9 Q; J
  (B) decomposed( l4 m) u0 p& E& o5 Z0 Z! j% I
  (C) developed9 N: \; K/ `' d( V, n
  (D) deprived

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