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[考试试题] 托业 考试词汇练习模拟试题(3)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ L9 E7 l% u" J/ C0 c2 A11. Of the three options for foreign distribution, the licensing   h8 B7 @/ D3 O. U) f0 A$ J# `& q
proposal from that British company was considered -----.; V3 i: {: b8 r5 P
(A) most feasible
1 b) l; a. l! A8 t8 k7 }# @( \(B) more feasibly
, [- q+ p" S$ Z2 [1 Z; K- J(C) most feasibly
; m* z) h! ], L+ ?0 a  g(D) more feasible 5 K1 j* k& p% E! e" p8 a
12. After years of scepticism, many western physicians are beginning 2 D+ A( h$ d/ U. v* U
to acknowledge the health ----- of green tea.
$ R/ o8 C, z0 g& u2 I% m(A) would benefit6 T! h& w) F( O% X) j
(B) benefitting 4 n) a: i: f3 F% G/ n" P( T8 {
(C) is benefited . H% O2 n- F: ~, c6 Y" W( [
(D) benefits& A9 }7 l( s! R+ O: e  R

+ [4 Z. u2 _* @. ]0 f0 z13. While many recognize the need for strong environmental 9 ~- i: L9 `# ]) m. `6 _
legislation, ----- people are willing to reduce their own
1 l: x) E! X, ]4 z% E/ sconsumption and waste.( U$ {+ t) p# X% w% N; F
(A) less
, I2 C& k" x1 Y( \(B) much
; q5 c1 W1 E$ {8 p(C) few
1 _2 o+ s8 @3 p8 k. f* D# p. r(D) another% [9 I/ e0 m' M% e3 A) a# R

1 D4 @# E0 `- l+ O6 k( S14. An arbitrator must listen ----- to both parties in a dispute and
0 Q2 Y: \: C8 ?6 Y. D1 r* ^not allow personal prejudice or opinion to affect his or her ) h( o! e/ A9 O1 Y) X
decision.# R+ [) h2 ^& }  p6 L1 W8 J
(A) objection
- n0 E7 k8 }! y! p(B) objective
" Y' F& k  l+ O9 ?(C) objects
( y, d5 }6 b. c" D) \(D) objectively
: K3 K0 g$ B7 Q% W+ h+ @# f$ k( g! }7 S) Q$ X; R
15. In order to encourage participation, several ----- were awarded   T, B! G) A7 a6 f
to competitors who did not do well in their contests.! w, T. R0 h! \" \4 o) q
(A) victories
2 k$ r+ h* A; m0 B$ g3 j7 C(B) achievements 4 {: K) F( F  O
(C) prizes
9 N9 i7 ?# w! I(D) requests
' k  n4 y, `+ e" y& m& m0 i3 O% b5 A; Z# w! m
16. You can tell how much they value privacy by how far ----- people
" e6 Z! f1 C  Ksit in movie theaters.
  d, E" z) ?5 _+ g1 t( @6 P4 Y8 Z1 g(A) above3 @& ^9 H4 n6 `8 R- {
(B) off
8 q) k! G; l: {3 ^(C) apart
& K7 U3 g* r7 d2 r. P; c* B  H(D) behind
  N, Q, r4 I: X/ l1 k/ r5 U" q2 Q' B* j* F3 x
17. Because the fire damage was mainly cosmetic, rather than
* Q$ f8 f* r: F2 Ustructural, the company looks forward to being fully ----- again - [' j; j2 ?! [0 u  q
within a couple of weeks.3 |0 w5 c0 o3 P7 f$ U
(A) operative
( b' B8 j! Q% L! `* r(B) operates
3 [' H# L5 _  D0 L& t(C) operation
7 Y: z8 U* D- T+ X4 {5 e; X/ {(D) operational
/ F5 h/ e8 t, L" k9 a/ `+ S' ?  ~) R( ]; H: \. {
18. -----, local firms are re-locating because of the heavy tax 9 v2 X& r9 M# T- C# s
rates in this county.
" }+ z& u+ V& M- l1 g(A) Approximately
. W. J3 ~. Q$ G& g9 p. W- J(B) Mostly 2 l* U& i& F9 g0 ^% o5 p; [' B6 p- s% }
(C) Significantly ; R3 R2 K) m" Q6 [0 U. I
(D) Increasingly( m0 \9 P0 T" m# S2 Z, g

- X! Y5 x+ A+ R, W2 H! ]19. The boxers may have appeared angry in the ring, but in fact they 4 ~7 J% }: N. V$ }5 m
have a great deal of respect and admiration for -----.
7 Z" u9 Y# w. ]& D(A) ones
# E- a9 v+ F" s, o) g(B) the others 3 z  ^& n/ s6 `5 f( }% K" k. c# ]! T
(C) others 4 l% v( V7 \! v) q/ @) }
(D) each other5 u- k8 a$ U! v5 s- Q. O9 n. \

: t- x+ [% A2 ^4 z  K2 d4 K20. We will ----- be implementing a whole range of security measures
' |6 [7 V. Y4 S. f7 ~" @# j6 xto curtail petty theft in the office.
* z. V; }+ a" @(A) recently : u# j/ b5 ]* U( |0 V) m0 t$ ]
(B) soon
2 t( _& M2 h/ M% Y& o2 XC) just 0 O/ L1 [  m# i9 S) c
(D) already

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