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[考试试题] 商业托福考试词汇练习模拟试题 (一)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) r' d9 n8 J  T. F2 K/ q5 }二、托业词汇:' z0 b) f# D6 h# J+ c' V3 o2 t7 C
duplicate    punctuality   monitor    directory   overtime   " V! e* d4 t; A% \$ M9 S) Y
work force     appointment     strike     staff      partition; ?( E* f* `: a
1.If I'm supposed to be there by 2:00 P.M.,I'm going to need you to postpone all of my afternoon_______ until tomorrow.+ i7 L# {! E5 d, `$ i* v) G7 Y4 Z
2.I think that the_____at  this branch are the most enthusiastic and competent of all around the state.5 S& ^6 W0 A; w
3.Only her strict _____and  her attention to detail rivaled Susan's professional  courtesy.
3 }$ N/ `  `! f) Z9 U4.There is such a saturated _______here that it's easy to find people to fill all of the temporary positions.
7 t: H% \/ W6 d; n+ u9 B% |5.Several years ago, a nation-wide _____of UPS drivers crippled the company's ability to ship freight across the country.
# a  Z' k3 B2 U4 C( C  k& \5 y" w1 Y, F6 q2 N

: j2 h( s* s, _: C$ ?4 {* }. D' c答案:; P% D' K' [' s, O  t* r. j+ x6 |$ j' F

. D* |' c- n+ v/ m: q一、托业常识: 45    750 k, L) B0 H2 ?2 O- c# Y6 A* H
托业考试分为听力理解和阅读两个部分,听力包括:图片20题,一问一答30题,简短对话30题,简短发言20题,共计100题45分钟;阅读包括:补全句子40题,辨析错误20题,阅读理解40题,共计100题75分钟。题量较大,难度不是很大,考查考生对英语掌握的熟练程度。' f; v' k2 W2 s! V9 R% E0 X6 U

. J, t) _. G: T  J, O二、托业词汇
; R; R* N$ L4 J( j( r1.appointments 约会,约定
" ]! l, v# ?6 T( h8 Z+ OAn arrangement to do something or meet someone at a particular time and place. ! Y/ {" }3 N, S& H

: c# i0 e4 k1 I, C& L2.staff 全体雇员:为特定的企事业工作的人员
) x' K# |3 T& d0 m( @6 ZThe personnel who carry out a specific enterprise.6 v$ {2 X) C$ V) u
, P! a- X8 \' V- C
3.punctuality 准时;守时* |8 U! T1 n% i. }" h7 n% R) J
the quality or state ofobserving an appointed or regular time. 2 S  `/ _  w2 ?) r1 P

, _$ E  Y. z! c& Z) E2 P4.work force 劳动力:受雇于一个特定的事业或活动的工人0 C1 z) r5 Q+ \9 M
The workers employed in a specific project or activity.
$ @+ {9 {6 ^6 H; l5 q; V: K9 Z劳动大军,劳动人口:所有正在工作或可以用于工作人的,如在国家、公司、工厂或项目中 * ]5 o/ y, l! R" _: E2 k2 O
All the people working or available to work, as in a nation, a company, an industry, or on a project. , R, H! t' G7 e# X: E" Z
: b/ E- f# G1 g, Z0 ~* D& ~
5.strike 罢工:雇工为支持对雇主提出要求如提高工资改善待遇等举行的罢工% I+ \  v+ T/ M. T! `
A cessation of work by employees in support of demands made on their employer, as for higher pay or improved conditions.

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