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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合指导(5)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  earmark n an identifying feature or characteristic; an identifying mark on the ear of a domestic animal
- R, e& m8 o, j2 ~. D  earmark v to reserve or set aside for a particular purpose; to mark in an identifying or distinctive way
. l& G( \# V7 J& \/ {( J  earnings n money gained; salary; wages; revenue; profit; income& [2 {: g! w- G( a! c4 L3 c- G
  ebullient adj zestfully enthusiastic; boiling or seeming to boil; bubbling$ m% }$ o3 K% d7 l) E' i
  economize v to save; to cut back; to be thrifty; to be frugal
% V7 k1 m* f. Q" g' L/ Z* @7 H  economy n management of resources ; thrift; careful spending; the structure of economic life in a country, area, or period
) D4 J' @% a5 s% u  edible adj fit to be eaten3 s4 s. I4 G# l' |
  edible n something fit to be eaten; food
4 D9 G! Y/ P9 t& v, k- J  effect n result; outcome; influence; impact; gimmick; trick; natural phenomenon; A3 P4 o, R# L
  effect v to accomplish; to put into action; to execute; to do
! t$ o; V( {1 y% ^# B  effective adj productive; efficient; in operation; impressive; striking; h! Q* x# F$ o
  efficient adj effective; done without wasteeffluent adj flowing out or forth
& ~. v- _* @# i$ g( O  effluent n something that flows out or forth
3 y3 \7 K$ m9 v! D' y  effort n physical or mental exertion; labor; attempt; something accomplished through hard word; organized operation( p% g% F" L9 ]( M6 G
  effusive adj overflowing; unreserved; unrestrained; exuberant9 r3 v( g: V/ m
  eject v to throw out forcefully; expel; to compel to leave' g% l/ |' z9 a0 v
  elaborate adj detailed; complicated; carefully planned; worked out in great detail( h7 D7 S9 X$ z5 o9 Y6 B
  elaborate v to provide additional details; to plan carefully and with great detail; to produce; to develop( ^7 L- _- F, p3 a
  elaboration n painstaking labor; careful planning; adding of extra details; act of improving; production
% N* ~' T% |8 I9 p: M% n8 p1 ?  elect v to choose; to vote for; to prefer; to decide
! C, c6 {, j5 e" O. F  election n choosing; time when people vote for a political candidate# ?/ V/ i1 `  C& D
  electrician n person who installs or maintains wiring systems$ [& @5 n" @/ \' ~0 ]. o8 J4 n
  elementary adj basic; fundamental
; O, H- ^6 ^4 o9 ?# _9 @  elevation n height of something; altitude above sea or ground level; raising; lifting up; grandeur
8 `) y, {5 m. {, f  elevator n lift; mechanical apparatus for moving people or items from floor to floor within a building: r# S5 L! B$ {4 A6 y% V
  elicit v to extract from; to bring out; to draw out
7 j& f* Q9 d5 J# J0 [4 P. h2 v  eligible adj suitable; worthy of; qualified; entitled to; allowed& L3 C/ \" ?- T* H
  eliminate v to remove; to get rid of
# N9 r  ?+ m8 Z: O1 v3 A  elucidate v to explain; to clarify; to describe; to depict
5 ~$ K% F( m) O3 d; B% n  elude v to avoid; to escape; to shrink  Z$ j5 d6 Q* X+ F* R
  elusive adj tending to elude capture, perception, comprehension, or memory; difficult to define or describe! ^) s, {6 U+ ]9 Z
  embark v to go on board a ship; to put on board a ship; to begin; to become involved in an enterprise8 R- T" H2 Z3 t% V) D6 G3 h
  embrace n hug; act of wrapping one‘s arms around another person or thing9 G' T$ S4 T% N: N
  embrace v to accept; to use; to include; to surround; to belief; to attempt to sway the opinion of a judge or jury through bribery or threats; to hug; to hold tight- A$ j# U* S1 x* {
  emend v to improve by critical editing: w+ T' R. m- g; a( h
  emerge v to appear; to come out; to be revealed
+ U5 n& x5 Q. l8 Q  emergency adj in the event of sudden need
; f8 b( _1 R1 R' X  P  emergency n sudden need demanding immediate action* \5 O' c, N3 o& F; R% `
  emit v to give or send out ; to voice; express; to issue with authority, especially to putinto circulation
5 G/ b9 ?! h1 f6 z  empathy n entering into the feelings of another; sympathy; vicarious emotion; understanding
& L7 K8 N- P7 ]2 a$ V  emphasis n importance that is attached to something; accent or stress that is placed on a word or words) q* U; u, R; d/ m% w. d0 M
  emphasize v to stress; to show the importance of, e! K6 O7 `- x# C7 x. `
  emulate v to imitate; to try to equal or excel; to take after; to copy
, `$ Z( P0 e! F( z, m+ ^) s# g  enact v to make into law; to actout, as on a stage
9 y' Y% L5 S. C  enclose v to surround; to confine; to close in; to place an additional document or letter within another
1 \2 r5 D8 ~7 w' h" m% E* v1 O  enclosure n confinement; additional document or letter placed within another
& ^( q7 @1 T% j9 y  encounter v to meet by chance; to face; to meet withencourage v to support; to inspire; to give hope0 T8 [2 P; l  t0 P/ N+ x. y
  encroach v to advance beyond proper limits; to infringe
8 U) F9 `  T5 R; k  endorse v to write one‘s signature on the back ofas evidence of the legal transfer of its ownership, especially in return for the cash or credit indicated on its face; to place , as on a contract, to indicate approval of its contents or terms; to acknowledgeby signing a bill, draft, or other instrument; to give approval of or support to, especially by public statement; sanction

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44 | 显示全部楼层


  endorsement n signature on a money order such as a check2 a. m& X. @& z* k7 ^  ^
  endow v to provide with property, income, or a source of income; to equip or supply with a talent or quality
$ p. u8 V1 W( t. j0 X  endowment n funds or property donated to an institution, individual, or group as a source of income; a natural gift, ability, or quality
; M5 h2 C; R+ p/ e  endure v to put up with something or somebody unpleasant
% A7 f; i6 T# X) Y, c% F" R$ l  enervate v to weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of
4 E( }0 r- P  V0 y  engage v to keep busy; to occupy; to employ; to attract; to commit; to bind ; to enter in a fight
$ w" \3 I1 B- R) B3 h  engagement n commitment; obligation; period of employment; battle; fight; promise to marry2 m( Q+ o6 D  g; v
  enhance v to increase; to intensify; to improve; to raise the value of
' e4 T8 H- Y4 [  enlarge v to become bigger; to expand2 l, D! |% I) o( a
  enlargement n expansion; increase in size; magnification
  j" d' @% O- [( [9 f  enlighten v to instruct; to provide with intellectual or spiritual understanding
/ c2 ]1 V* x3 {' x# G  enlightenment n state of being enlightened; state of intellectual or spiritual awareness4 @: U2 a5 I  o2 f/ u+ Y- ]
  enlist v to draft into military service; to voluntarily join a cause
4 e7 |" k* ?% w8 G) t: v) E) K) ^  enrich v to make rich; to improve; to make better
) Z" x$ e- m& e; i, R( d  enrichment n enhancement; refinement; improvement3 _: ]# d  L& A. e, a1 _1 s
  enroll v to register; to sign up; to join up; to enter one‘s name on a list
1 u- n- u, V1 G# i! M  ensure v to make certain; to guarantee; to make secure
) O- l  z# o+ \$ ?0 M& x  enterprise n initiative; company; firm; undertaking; challenging project; business; endeavor; adventurous spirit; boldness
" J1 C+ O0 o8 S4 ?. @* h: G+ v  entertain v to interest; to amuse; to host; to hold or maintain in the mindentertainment n something that entertains; something interesting or amusing; fun; hospitality
' K; Q5 g& q2 c+ `1 e  enthuse v to express excitement; to motivate
( x+ L; k# }* K% c4 e5 ]9 Y  enthusiasm n excitement; great interest" `0 {/ c8 c- M! u
  enthusiastic adj excited; intensely interested; zealous; passionate; ardent; fervent" Y" x8 j$ M+ b2 v
  entire adj whole; including every part; complete; full
& p- d! S3 C- f  entirely adv totally; completely; absolutely
, T9 y3 G* i/ p3 `  entitle v to give a heading or name to ; to grant a right; to claim something% Z/ B6 G7 {  d' r
  entitled adj allowed; eligible; having the right to something$ q+ u/ l6 o0 K4 b: a
  entrust v to give to for safekeeping; to empower someone with a responsibility or duty* p- \8 a, ~! a9 c/ Z% w
  entry n opening; record; information or item in a book, dictionary, catalog, list, directory, etc
# }3 @0 t, E3 V5 V  environment n surroundings; conditions in which someone or something lives
* w5 Q( o& S+ w1 s  environmental adj pertaining to the environment) x; g1 Z- H) _0 F
  envision v to imagine to oneself; to picture; to visualize5 m0 U- T, A+ M4 g) Q" z9 Q
  episode n event; occurrence; one of a group of loosely connected stories( r+ i! ?! I6 J% k
  equality n sameness; uniformity7 K# f  `9 g1 I6 U. C, Q; z
  equip v to provide with the required supplies, tools and items
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