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[综合辅导] 托福范文:为何要改造家乡环境

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: E& d' [$ c; V- F( g" o4 p  If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
7 a7 K, u* l6 w* f. X: c3 U7 [# h6 `+ A  【范文】  j; M' O- r' T. ]6 X. O
  My hometown is a large city with a dense population. Because it is crowded with people and their vehicles, the environment is not as clean as I would like it to be. Too many cars and buses pollute the air and people also create a lot of garbage that is not always disposed of properly. If I could change just one thing about my hometown, it would be the environment. I would make it a cleaner and less polluted place to live.
# {% N* _$ g+ o6 g  I believe that such a change is important because a person's living environment can greatly affect both his physical and mental health. Bad air quality can contribute to many health problems such as asthma, and improperly discarded garbage can spread bacteria that are dangerous to health. In addition, the environment can greatly affect the way a person feels. When in clean, attractive surroundings we always feel more optimistic. For these reasons, I think the people of my hometown should work together to make it a cleaner place to live.
* y9 f8 C9 z& S  Insgroupsto accomplish this goal we have to not only enact laws to limit pollution, but also take personal responsibility for our own actions. Only when people realize the effect that the environment has on their well-being will they take such proposals seriously. Therefore, we must first inform people of the dangers of a poor environment. Then I believe we can all live happier, healthier lives.
! n, N) S  F/ O2 f* a: X  【译文】 改变我的家乡为何先选环境?2 z5 t$ F6 a: A# n
  我的家乡是个人口密集的大城市。因为挤满了人和车辆,所以它的环境没有我所希望的那么干净。过多的汽车及公共汽车污染了空气,人们制造的许多垃圾也不一定能够得到妥善处理。如果我只能改变家乡的一样东西,那么我想改变的就是它的环境。我想使它成为一个更干净、污染更少的居住场所。* J5 q/ K$ _, _
  我认为这样的改变是很重要的,因为居住环境可能会大大地影响人们的身体及心理健康。不良的空气质量可能会导致许多健康方面的问题,例如哮喘;而随意丢弃的垃圾也会传播有害健康的细菌。此外,环境对于人们的感受会有相当大的影响。在干净而宜人的环境里,我们一定会觉得更乐观。因此,我认为家乡的居民应该共同合作,让它成为更干净的居住场所。( m% T9 P3 D1 H
  j" f0 ]0 V% h/ z6 l: x4 |  【注释】
/ m8 P) J! w8 [  dense adj.密集的      be crowded with挤满了
5 ]* `. E+ t" v  not always不一定       dispose of处理
6 @" r; V  ~4 G% V  properly adv.适当地      contribute v.促成〈to〉
' ?0 e. c2 q: S8 w! T' o  asthma n.哮喘        discard v.抛弃
- M' }* G8 K6 @' @0 b2 o9 V  spread v.传播        bacteria n. (pl.)细菌
: C: n/ L# p; [0 s1 H8 P  optimistic adj.乐观的     enact v.制定(法律)
0 p0 Z7 a) X6 @& }2 g  well-being n.健康      take. . .seriously把…看得很认真

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