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[综合辅导] 托业考试常用词汇(下)(4)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  9 default rate 拖欠债务率
# O2 t# d& A! g0 x% g- ~  10 full professor 正教授
6 B- P3 j% x9 L  11 potent antibiotics 强效抗生素
" W( i: H6 Z/ E& t" g. k: k  12 make a rule of doing something 形成---习惯8 p$ o, I1 M  W9 @0 K: \: N
  13 chanber of commerce 商会
8 }$ I5 e  U& I1 H  14 leteter of credit (L/C) 信用证(支付方式的一种): U( Z6 p; D. J1 I
  15 stock dividend 股息0 N+ f3 o0 Y' w0 }
  16 devaluation of the currency 货币贬值
# Q, x0 L; }: H8 W  17 sprain one’s ankle 扭伤脚踝
7 V- `2 ]# h/ P3 I# O! u  18 holistic medicine 整体医学
( {, B$ z6 E$ A5 e2 j  19insurance premium 保险费用  O5 {* V% h: |: A4 I* v
  20 his Hair receding from his fore head 从前额掉头发
/ z1 x& `; d+ C6 W2 n  21 express train 快车 limited train 特快车" M$ k9 }, b% H/ I# c( c  i
  22 probation/trial period 试用期! u3 n0 W7 [0 O3 i9 V9 R- a/ a
  23 take a hard line with 强权策略7 X6 G) u$ Z' v9 X  c3 t% p$ ^& q
  24 tread mission 贸易代表团
) V; J- [+ [' g/ B1 ]  25 long term objective 长期目标, H) V" a0 C3 ~. v
  26 the audit department 审纪部4 v# M. W+ H, E4 k
  27 International Herald Tribune 国际先驱论坛
5 Y. n! k; I8 ^( `: o4 e) j  28 top copy 复印原件  ]  U; t' W$ k" F+ u
  29 take steps to do 着手落实
; C/ t- d. i) L+ e3 o  Many countries have taken steps to improve airport security。
4 ^; z; X! n) d* Z2 ~  30 pertaining to 适合,合宜,关于4 R3 _$ \/ Y# E5 M5 q- a' |" B
  31 a panorama of 齐全,品种繁多& a; i3 o( Q2 q
  32 24 hours a day = 7 days a week 24小时营业,无休息
3 V% {2 r, S2 ?) Z/ Y  ^  33 dog days 三伏
: t! o$ {% h3 P' h; v, Y. D  34 column writer 栏目作者# R$ j1 e7 l5 H. p4 V. r
  35 staff appraisal 员工评估& C0 p' I( c' ^0 \# @% @  ?
  36 at one’s fingertips 在手头,目前
$ ]& A8 F  P. ]4 C) N6 `  37 lodge and accommodation 膳宿
: u0 q, ]# G1 O: p* k& N, t6 R  38 fringe benefit 福利,补贴
5 l4 ~& C4 K, `+ V( V  39 go into liquidation 倒闭* O' }9 I" R: V! M. C- f1 y
  40 lag behind 落后5 l# r7 n4 A: J& Z0 x% h
  41 phase something out 逐步废止- h8 p) z% ~2 P  n! ?$ m
  42 write—offs 破旧的无从修理( a! }2 K4 c7 W9 G0 ?( y" c: B3 x
  43 abide strictly by 严格恪守
7 ^) e. u8 S' ?5 v  44 clearance sale 清仓大处理
1 ^/ o' m0 S; a; L: C4 q1 {9 n& B; ~4 T  45 have/take title to 有---特权
" Z: T5 f1 d) K( Q  46 staff attendant 员工出勤情况
" F  P$ B' a  `  d* O3 g  47 down payment 定金,分期付款的首次款3 k: I! R# C& ?- y% M% h: V! J# p
  48 know-how 专项技能,窍门; L/ z0 [- n- \; W+ F% C' n
  49 cross-reference 互相参照
4 o' @+ V! d9 y  50 labor-intensive industry 劳动密集型行业

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