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发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  abandon v. to cease trying to continue; desist from; desert; to surrender one's claim to, right to, or interest in; give up entirely
  i6 E" X0 X5 a# {; R9 d2 l/ ?  abate v. to reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen; to deduct from an amount; subtract
% G6 l, U) ^  h1 z- t1 ]  abbreviation n. shortened form of a word or word combination8 O3 v. G5 g+ Y! P0 O
  abduct v. to carry off by force; kidnap
  z, S' w6 u& K  abide v. to comply; to obey; to submit; to conform; to tolerate. @# l; v8 O! h" q, U' S. N+ {
  abnormal adj. not typical, usual, or regular; not normal; deviant
! G9 Z' _( B& S7 ?; G' u5 l4 ]  aboard adv. on board a ship, train, aircraft, or other passenger vehicle; in or into a group, organization, or business. \1 u, n, e% R
  aboard prep.on board of; on; in
% G  S8 `- M3 p/ n/ b* Z  abolish v. to cancel; to revoke
- W: G9 f7 s0 j7 Q$ M# Z& I  abominable adj. unequivocally detestable; loathsome; thoroughly unpleasant or disagreeable$ m/ E; v# i/ S- ?& j
  abound v. to be plentiful; to be filled with; to overflow with
9 P$ }& Y) K7 q$ o  abreast adv. side by side; in alignment; on top of; up-to-date; well-informed$ S% S; }6 o- Z* f: U1 T2 x
  abroad adv. in another country; outside; widely5 c/ N: v& T- g* e8 Q1 x
  absence n. failure to appear; state of being away; state of being not present; opposite of presence- [4 r, x+ D  t6 N3 F2 o: }& h! V- U% l- @
  absent adj. preoccupied; lost in thought
0 X* Z; f) w) f# C0 d$ @, w' u  absolve v. to pronounce clear of guilt or blame; to relieve of a requirement or obligation' E9 o9 I; P6 K& F
  absorb v. to suck up; take up; take in
% G& {: Y, g7 P" @/ z3 I  abstemious adj. eating and drinking in moderation; sparingly used or consumed; restricted to bare necessities
5 h) z) Z& u6 U, |  abstinent adj. self-restraining; not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink
7 t3 F6 l- T/ U  abundant adj. plentiful; copious; profuse; full abounding with5 E- E. `$ [. g6 J5 Y
  abuse n. misuse; maltreatment; corrupt practice; foul language
/ I; S: F& S0 A' y9 m4 `# f  abuse v. to misuse; to injure; to harm; to mistreat; to insult; to malign; to curse; to revile7 v) Y: [: U( p( h# j+ b" s
  accelerate v. to cause to move or happen faster; to hasten; to increase the speed of something; to speed something up( b; m8 ], H9 @9 \' M* N) g' \! J
  accelerator n. gas pedal of a motor vehicle; expansion card or other hardware item that speeds up computer operations such as the processing of graphics or floating-point calculations (Computers)
2 }' g5 u! e# N/ }  Q# T/ Y) y2 p  access n. approach; entry; permission to enter a computer system or network and/or retrieve data
' G$ K$ k( |: S9 Y& S  access v. to gain entrance to; to get at
: [' T2 S9 f. N9 u  accessible adj. easily approached or entered; easily obtained; easy to talk to or get along with7 e5 ~8 p; t0 R0 L* c$ O
  accommodate v. to adapt oneself; to host guests; to provide lodging  y+ z" e* S: e  H
  accommodation n. housing; residence; lodging; arrangement; adjustment
' u! K8 x# Y" u+ Y$ l8 H" v  accompany v. to go along with; to go together with; to join; to attach
" G7 G9 b" q! n  accomplish v. to complete; to achieve; to attain; to perform& Y! q. ?+ }8 I
  accomplishment n. fulfillment; realization; attainment; achievement9 G1 U6 T' i2 h& o
  accord n. agreement; settlement; harmony- F* i6 c5 o" e
  accord v. to match; to fit; to complement  Q6 H$ a6 R0 h* l
  accordance n. conformity; agreement; coordination; suitability
# i: U% e# N$ n+ P. B) P0 ^$ m8 y  account n. business arrangement which allows use of something; formal business agreement in which a client is provided access to a computer system; report

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:44 | 显示全部楼层


  account v. to explain; to give a report; to cause; to regard, d) B7 K4 `  X5 W8 \  Y
  accountant n. a person who keeps financial records; a person who conducts financial audits; I, M* s7 ]# n5 _5 o3 V( k
  accounting n. a system of recording and analyzing financial transactions; auditing; a detailed financial statement$ D% v6 V- a4 v) Q* N+ n
  accredit v. to certify; to recognize; to assign; to license
* N3 t) a8 I' H& e$ z' b  accrue v. to accumulate; to compile; to increase; to grow' e. R$ g* U2 S+ R
  accumulate v. to gather or pile up; amass5 p( }( N% o% K4 O
  accuracy n. preciseness; exactness
# ~5 U1 _  C5 c6 I% Y  acknowledge v. to admit the existence, reality, or truth of; to recognize as being valid or having force or power; to express thanks or gratitude for; to report the receipt of- v0 r% |3 X2 S2 R% Y% [
  acknowledgement n. the act of admitting or owning to something; recognition of another's existence, validity, authority, or right; an answer or response in return for something done; an expression of thanks or a token of appreciation7 p' ]. Y- c+ `2 t7 {+ A
  acquaint v. to make familiar; to present someone; to introduce someone0 l% I, {) w7 V$ e) r$ }- V  l
  acquaintance n. person that you have met but do not know well; knowledge of something; familiarity8 U& R& |5 [4 _* |4 H) U
  acquainted adj. familiar; close; intimate; informed; aware
' r8 ^" Y* C/ `2 I- k0 b  acquire v. to buy; to obtain; to purchase; to attain
/ d/ u# ?( b; s- Y, G5 e7 m  acquisition n. purchase; something that has been purchased or obtained' q6 u! x# X1 r$ e/ u- x
  acronym n. a word which is formed from the first letters of several words; i.e  adamant adj. unyielding; firm; hard; unbending
, W) s) u5 {" N/ ?- r  adamant n. something unyielding; something hard; stone similar to diamond
5 s8 l& B: Q  o& B( R+ I- n, W0 N, P  adapt v. to conform; to change; to make suitable; to match; to fit
# H! T  X7 r8 _8 c, z  adaptable adj. capable of adapting or of being adapted
1 i# e9 \- ~; }8 g* q+ ~  addict n. one who is addicted, as to narcotics or a compulsive activity; a devoted adherent; a fan
% n$ Y6 \- u3 H  A$ t$ p  addict v. to cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on a habit-forming substance; to occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively7 [% J, f& S* m, @% r
  addition n. act of joining one thing to another; basic mathematical operation; augmentation; supplement; something added; devotion to a certain habit; dependency4 e: N2 |* ?7 j' F
  additive n. supplement
5 i' C+ h' d) m. X* ?  address v. to direct to; to speak to; to direct to a specific destination; to mark with an address (as in a letter or package); to refer to( e, p; j( y5 M9 c$ p" Z- W% ?
  adept adj. proficient; skilled; expert7 c8 T: c$ {1 K' @+ u, w7 P
  adept n. person who is an expert; person who is skilled! c- F: L  e5 Z4 s6 X2 ^2 z  _  @
  adequate adj. sufficient; suitable; appropriate; proper
- ~4 c8 Y/ }" Y" k; `7 C  adhere v. to stick to; to cling to; to be devoted to (an idea, group, organization etc.)! r6 n0 C4 T' v
  adjacent adj. close to; next to; nearest in space or position
% H2 M9 s- T' H( f/ Q  adjoin v. to be next to; be contiguous to; to attach  L- w  i5 X( K0 c4 o
  adjourn v. to postpone; to delay; to end a meeting; to move to another place
! f2 q2 X2 W( }2 \% Q  adjudicate v. to hear and settle (a case) by judicial procedure; to study and settle (a dispute or conflict)
  f" a6 M- l9 s( W0 m1 |  adjust v. to modify; to adapt; to tune; to fit; to install; to arrange; to settle
( u5 y0 ?2 d5 k, i+ y* F  adjustment n. adaptation; settlement of an insurance claim+ ^6 [+ E  E2 ]$ H& \6 v/ A
  administer v. to manage; to supervise; to implement; to execute; to supply; to dispense, j+ H  @/ I- n) ~/ F, F+ Q( `
  administration n. management (of an office, project, etc.); execution of managerial duties; people in charge of directing or managing; supervisors; leadership! C# |3 l0 b6 {/ ^! A0 i
  administrative adj. managerial; executive  admirable adj. worthy of adoration; impressive; wonderful; marvelous
* R, i5 |1 M% ?  admiration n. enchantment; affection; adoration
+ j( t: u: T$ m5 t* Z% n  admission n. entrance; permission to enter; confession
  ~; W7 b5 U7 u  admonish v. to warn; to scold; to reprove* g# E1 c' Y5 b
  ado n. commotion; flurry; excitement
, _& b  d5 F/ R( b: V# n% T  adopt v. to form a relationship with another person (as in to take a child as one's own); to embrace (an idea, method, belief etc.)
9 d9 a9 u" b1 m/ _( V  adorn v. to decorate; to beautify
1 k0 S7 y+ N& D, p' J3 i  adroit adj. alert; clever; ingenious; skillful; adept1 Q) O7 m7 l: D/ a  b3 b
  advance adj. beforehand
+ N: ^! f6 ?, p, m7 r4 L5 E! c" L  advance n. forward movement; progress; modernization; promotion; amount or payment of money given before it is due
+ {) {2 v) ~  V7 U, x8 r  advance v. to progress; to move forward; to promote; to propose; to suggest; to make a payment before it is due, i: ]& {" ]4 _- H7 b1 e( }5 h
  advancement n. forward movement; progress; promotion) s( n- N6 E- U$ Q1 C! h( K7 x$ @( D
  advantage n. benefit; profit; utility; avail
3 K5 G) U, B, w3 a2 z  adventuresome adj. willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises
) Q4 [% k* ?7 \# u% y  adverse adj. acting or serving to oppose; antagonistic; contrary to one's interests or welfare; harmful or unfavorable+ U2 @: I: R% j0 j4 ?+ H
  adversely adv. unfavorably; in a manner that works against; for the worse; antagonistically) {+ h- s3 u# ?% @0 y) \
  adversity n. misfortune; hardship; distress; suffering& C* r/ p. H% [+ \+ }
  advocate n. one that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender; one that pleads in another's behalf
) @* m" O, E5 _# x, q# C$ A5 [  advocate v. to speak, plead, or argue in favor of, x8 A' s* ]3 G9 ~7 \7 Q
  affable adj. easy and pleasant to speak to; gentle and gracious
7 A5 S- g. r1 h1 M! z3 {  affect v. to influence; to move someone; to act as if; to pretend; to have a certain disposition towards something; to have an affinity for something/somebody
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:45 | 显示全部楼层


  affiliate n. partner company; distributor
) f, @6 Z- h1 Z' ^& ?1 P7 Z  affiliate v. to join with; to connect to; to become attached to" ^) z: {7 J4 V
  affiliation n. connection; attachment
4 }& m- L' s. ?$ u+ K8 K: b  affinity n. attraction; closeness; liking; likeness! ^$ v. }2 q. e
  affluent adj. generously supplied with money, property, or possessions; prosperous or rich; plentiful; abundant, Z& _; U( \1 X& p" ~7 U8 V
  afford v. to be able to pay for; to be able to do without difficulty; to supply; to provide; to give to oneself or to another$ n/ _' H0 O: d# z9 E0 V. N
  agency n. office; bureau; institution; franchise; method
7 m$ K- ^6 m! m  agenda n. schedule; outline of things to be done
3 n, C0 V( C$ B' E( M8 h; C  agent n. person who is authorized to perform a certain action; representative; factor; cause
* ^; F7 A- E" D  aggregate adj. collective; total; taking all units as a whole
) @1 H# @! A. F% B& w0 l5 n" f) E  aggregate n. combination; conjunction; group; mixture3 Q8 }' {' W8 A/ @) j( L4 f6 }: [. U3 A
  aggregate v. to accumulate; to gather; to collect; to assemble
. x7 k3 H7 |5 N2 \2 |  aggression n. the act of initiating hostilities or invasion; hostile or destructive behavior or actions
7 |" Q$ g( B& U" s  airways n. route through traveled by vehicles above ground level
( `9 [" j* K! t' m9 X. ?  aisle n. passage; walkway (between rows of seats)/ \; a. J8 D+ p$ M3 H
  alert adj. ready; attentive; quick; agile* _' u& m% z. M6 p
  alert n. warning; alarm; attitude of readiness
0 r5 h( m, A7 Y8 h2 v! ]  alert v. to warn; to put on standby; to alarm
* Z5 y. @- b7 b* ?2 l; [+ ?  alienate v. to cause to become unfriendly or hostile; estrange; to cause to become withdrawn or unresponsive; isolate or dissociate emotionally
. ?! |% O) Q( w( R7 {% g" e) u8 _  allay v. to relieve; to calm; to alleviate pain; to alleviate fear- b5 K+ b7 R# F' l  B0 {
  allergicadj. of, characterized by, or caused by an allergy; having an allergy) F6 y) A2 N; u+ `+ h% O3 a
  allergy n. an abnormally high sensitivity to certain substances, such as pollens, foods, or microorganisms1 N0 E4 }- y! H' w5 [% i
  alleviate v. to allay; to soothe; to relieve; to moderate; to soften; to lessen; to diminish
- j: t' b( o5 @# ~* u6 _9 q4 f  alliance n. pact; treaty; connection; relationship; ]1 G/ ]6 p$ W
  allot v. to give out; to distribute; to ration; to set aside for a special purpose8 f( d; f. e0 M5 t; k0 _+ M8 j
  allotment n. the act of allotting; something allotted
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:46 | 显示全部楼层


  allowance n. grant; pocket money; stipend; discount; acknowledgement; deduction; concession
/ Y; f! \% O& y2 y6 V4 I0 i  allude v. to make an indirect reference
) n; }3 j, R) C7 a  already adv. previously; before a certain time
7 R( V) J" }/ V2 {0 f/ l1 V! R  alter v. to change; to modify; to be changed; to be modified
/ A9 M7 X& \* Y% P  alternate adj. rotating; one after the other; interchanging! F* `1 F: ]; V3 _% g; s7 C
  alternate v. to interchange; to take turns; to rotate; to substitute
# n. U; m1 v8 A  alternative n. choice; option
3 U( d/ c5 v9 w. N* k  ?0 Q) m  altitude n. height; distance above sea level- p. l7 |2 z0 p" Z; m3 S
  altruistic adj. unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness9 G) _6 A6 A5 S
  ambiguity n. vagueness; lack of clarity
/ R4 S5 p! x8 |! V3 r, m# I5 Z9 W  ambiguous adj. open to dispute; having many possible interpretations; obscure; vague
# \, L: ^* z/ J% _7 ?4 B  ambition n. aspiration; hope; goal; dream1 G* v3 _: Q# z5 Z+ m4 S' Z
  ambitious adj. aspiring; desirous of success; requiring great effort$ e& E3 J4 g6 ]$ ^# h+ ]& P5 L
  ambivalence n. state of having both positive and negative feelings towards a subject. r2 g7 P" b7 ?& W( T6 ~
  amend v. to change; to alter; to improve; to improve oneself; l. m9 i, |' W7 ^
  amortization n. gradual payment of debt; the reduction of the value of an asset2 _& q4 d- g- f  q! }4 p4 O# T- ]. R
  amount n. quantity; sum3 J0 W) h; c# v+ [! x
  amount v. to come to a sum; to become; to total, C; m9 c8 z2 \# J( m
  ample adj. much; plenty; large; spacious" v- X1 X) U' N3 t8 M  _" ?
  analysis n. process of breaking down a subject and studying it; examination
, m+ ^8 C4 h; I; v  analyze v. to examine; to make an analysis; to break down into parts and study (as in a subject); u7 e, o% u. ^' p" Y! W
  anchor n. newsreader; main broadcaster on a TV or radio program; heavy object placed in the water in order to hold boats in place; source of security or stability, b2 C  N  a% T3 }# e0 f
  anchor v. to attach firmly; to fasten tightly+ l' @* r- |" t7 z& g" P- h
  angle n. point of view; perspective; space between two or more lines which are joined at a common point7 L1 @9 Z6 B- |4 b8 j
  angle v. to bend; to turn sharply in a different direction; to present from a prejudiced point of view
+ s( d$ }& n# b8 J, R4 E8 T4 X  anniversary n. yearly date commemorating a special event; birthday
' j! r! y7 o6 j  announcement n. declaration; notice; statement; the act of informing the public
9 p+ C- z( X! s  annoy v. to bother; to trouble; to irritate; to disturb; to distress; to upset; to harass
+ }2 q# \. u' z6 B; ]  annoying adj. bothersome; troublesome; worrisome; harassing0 F8 {( m  S! D6 h
  annual adj. occurring once a year; yearly2 L  ?% {7 k. F; r" {( \
  anticipate v. to expect; to predict; to assume
2 E! r$ O. Y* c: N" A; x  anticipation n. expectation; hope; intuition5 S) O4 `, O3 L: W4 V' J- f
  anyhow adv. in some way; in any event; in any case
& W: A# w1 R' i7 _* |+ k5 ^  anyway adv. at any rate; in any event; in any way; anyhow# o2 I( X! ~; U$ W! ^6 x$ w9 C
  apartment n. flat; living area consisting of several rooms such as a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, a hall, etc.2 l; _( Q3 i+ H% c
  apologize v. to express regret; to say sorry. {" L; a. u; d, ^
  apology n. expression of regret or sorrow; excuse; defense; justification: [( W) o4 [- K) n$ ]0 P0 R
  appall v. to fill with consternation or dismay; N7 d+ ~7 V" Q/ u6 q  [# P8 Z9 t
  apparatus n. device; system; machine; gadget; appliance3 w! H/ j: X# q) h$ N! D2 @
  apparel n. clothing; garments; clothes; garb
. d% l/ K; A; R0 G- H/ N/ b  apparel v. to dress; to adorn wear
4 \, Z: r4 s! d$ l% i: {  apparent adj. evident; obvious
/ k- K8 M% x6 A- T* W" O; r8 j  appeal n. request; plea; petition for a new trial or judgment
' @0 f1 u! W- C; Q9 ~  appeal v. to plead; to request; to petition for a new trial or judgment+ b* T/ `: V% k; a. I  h7 j6 h" f
  appealing adj. begging; attractive; interesting
- [# W" R+ h2 `# _  appear v. to come into view; to show up; to seem
$ i9 A8 _; V1 c) V$ {  appearance n. act of coming into view; impression; the way a person looks; image; semblance& v9 B9 d9 }4 I$ _$ q+ H
  appease v. to bring peace, quiet, or calm to; soothe; to satisfy or relieve; to pacify or attempt to pacify (an enemy) by granting concessions, often at the expense of principle
( J  _' B+ x1 M  append v. to add as a supplement or appendix; to fix to; attach
' ^: _8 i" [- e4 O  appliance n. tool; gadget; device; apparatus
/ l6 P* J; X2 T( S( g" c  applicant n. person who requests (for a position, job, etc.); candidate; nominee% ]: [0 M  P* @
  application n. computer program; act of officially requesting for a position, job, etc.; written request; formal letter; implementation. _4 \# j6 Q, Q) ~* U
  apply v. to make a request; to implement; to enforce; to realize; to put into practice; to embrace; to refer
$ K, p. }* n  J+ n  appoint v. to nominate; to designate5 d# ~( G: ?6 O( k7 y+ _' K" g! w' h2 _" E
  appointment n. official date, meeting; interview; nomination
4 r8 Y1 @- D% }  appreciate v. to esteem; to regard highly; to raise the value; to become more valuable( F+ b7 ^$ {9 ]* o# n
  approach n. access; method; system; procedure  {; S6 t9 @3 ^7 R% X$ n
  approach v. to appeal to; to turn to; to come near to; to tackle (a problem or situation); to solve (a problem or question)
4 }& J3 g* b4 i9 w4 Y- [7 R. \5 M  approbation n. an expression of warm approval; praise; official approval3 g) v$ A1 x7 r5 ~
  appropriate adj. suitable; fitting
% s" X! x/ s$ E/ ?  appropriate v. to set aside; to allot, to adapt; to embrace; to accept
+ h* q# X2 v' C( {  approval n. confirmation; endorsement; positive opinion
) i0 a3 _8 w5 h! ?+ A  approve v. to agree; to concur; to confirm; to endorse% S$ z  k- y5 \5 p$ ~
  approximately adv. nearly; about; around; circa* n2 V8 Q! V) c7 u! H
  apt adj. suitable; appropriate; able to learn quickly; intelligent; sophisticated; savvy; clever; capable- m# [& o: `; c  e
  aptitude n. ability; skill; talent
! Q; P5 _" B, `: q& p0 ?  arable adj. fit for cultivation, as by plowing& |1 F* F# B% C! P3 W
  arbitrary adj. optional; uncertain; changeable; open; unrestricted
; I+ \3 F+ \2 e- ]8 R4 j  argue v. to dispute; to claim; to give reasons
5 N0 V7 w# d- g/ j  Y  argument n. dispute; claim; rationale; cause
! y7 n% U  @9 D3 p$ A& g  arise v. to get up, as from a sitting or prone position; rise; to awaken and get up; to move upward; ascend; to come into being; originate; to result, issue, or proceed
0 G9 f* g, H3 r: \3 i  arrange v. to organize; to settle; to structure; to establish; to set up; to order; to systematize
4 t1 d' {3 N1 r, u; p! B" N  arrangement n. organization; order; selection; range; assortment
! Z: p. J/ z1 x4 \: r3 \  array n. display; layout; clothing; arrangement of data elements (in computing); menu
: n& y$ l( c- t; j) Z5 b% W  arrest n. detention; imprisonment
& [# E: |- i% d) b9 _% ]& _  arrest v. to detain; to slow down; to capture; to imprison
, K% H/ h7 J+ k5 d3 I  arrival n. reaching a destination; appearance; incoming; opposite of departure; comeback, A: y& M) @3 Y8 I! p
  article n. item; object; piece of text; paragraph of a contract2 f0 \( u; A9 a8 C
  articulate adj. speaking fluently; lucid; eloquent; expressed using clear and distinct words; able to speak6 U; L5 }, z. u& ]* ?8 ^+ \
  articulate v. to express in a fluent and clear manner
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:47 | 显示全部楼层


  artificial adj. not genuine; simulated; unreal
3 R- d8 ^# B) T6 |( D  m$ z  artisan n. creator; craftsman; skilled workman
# U# n! J! }  N" A( I4 H/ J0 [  ASAPabbr. quickly; immediately; swiftly; speedily; fast2 z1 e: h0 C9 I/ V9 v
  ascend v. to go or move upward; rise; to rise from a lower level or station; advance; to go back in time or upward in genealogical succession
% c3 `* X4 [) q+ ]6 m  ascertain v. to clarify; to verify; to confirm; to make sure; to strengthen; to reinforce; to underline; to emphasis
: V  }$ B& ]( F0 F$ M, y  ascribe v. to attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin; to assign as a quality or characteristic
1 j( @6 B. d. ~) z  aspect n. point of view; facet; appearance; outlook; direction; issue; point
$ _3 @, Q0 o3 s# [* {0 `6 Y6 N% J  assemble v. to gather together; to put together; to collect; to converge; to get together; to arrange; to meet
+ ?7 l  `8 g3 o2 Q8 W7 n, q! i  assembly n. meeting; conference; set; group of people; congregation
/ K5 q: j6 L. n+ A" I8 V7 d0 G( t3 K  assent n. agreement; concurrence; acquiescence; consent
! m& S3 a2 @3 J( S' E  assent v. to agree, as to a proposal; concur) Y8 J; z* d$ n
  assess v. to estimate; to appraise; to gauge; to evaluate; to measure; to establish the level of something0 f4 b3 p" Q1 A7 R& U2 d( f8 y  [
  assessment n. estimation; appraisal; measurement
2 g6 g1 |$ ?0 W  }! X  asset n. something of value (property, equipment, goods, etc.); item of quality; something beneficial
$ N' ?  I; Q4 h& V  Q+ B  assign v. to allot; to apportion; to give somebody a task or responsibility; to delegate; to appoint  O( M2 I  H3 u/ K4 A9 z0 v0 s
  assignment n. task; mission; duty; responsibility; role; obligation, E$ ]4 ]  l! c) h
  assimilate v. to incorporate; to take in; to absorb
, E& M% a4 T/ x7 b  assist v. to aid; to help; to support; to guide; to direct
! B: x0 E& \: n. o$ b; R0 I$ W  assistance n. aid; help, support; direction; upkeep
, r, i2 d8 w( `  assistant adj. serving as an aide; helpful; supportive; auxiliary
, t1 v4 _+ z# v1 N! \# F  n  assistant n. person who gives support to a superior; aide; helper
! t. a1 N- F& N: Y+ c  B! k  associate n. partner; fellow worker; co-worker; friend
- @) L+ L" ^( ~: i3 a  associate v. to share company; to connect; to unite; to be a partner; to relate to; to link to; to make a connection between two things; to combine
/ i- l- s, T# u/ M5 `, R, i  association n. organization; society; union; coalition; foundation, connection of ideas; relation between facts
3 s7 Y  p% _0 a) N& K8 U  assort v. to classify; to group; to categorize; to systematize; to structure; to put in order$ k: U* ^: v& g1 f$ f
  assortment n. variety; collection; selection; range; mixture( H' X8 c: N4 f- b0 T, d! H  M" v; D
  assume v. to suppose; to guess; to think; to surmise; to take on a position or duty; to adopt an idea; to accept an idea% H7 c0 `) N( ^) T" R
  assure v. to give confidence; to promise; to pledge; to ascertain; to encourage) T. Q# s2 S$ |6 R' G
  asylum n. an institution for the care of people, especially those with physical or mental impairments, who require organized supervision or assistance; a place offering protection and safety; a shelter; the protection afforded by a sanctuary
4 v" f7 x0 }: O2 R* G  attach v. to fasten; to link to; to add; to ascribe to; to connect to" m5 n6 L+ O3 C- H6 p
  attachment n. emotional link; emotional bond; connection; confiscation; court-ordered seizure of property or money; annexation; attached file; file that is sent along with an email message. h* [. R- G+ n
  attain v. to reach; to achieve; to fulfill; to realize (a goal, purpose, etc.)
  a" Y7 D, U% M5 t1 D  attainment n. achievement; fulfillment; ability( T- D$ F9 U8 M8 ^
  attempt n. try; assay; test; trial2 e% X' S; }7 R+ y3 B
  attempt v. to try to; to assay
; N5 L3 ?# R# e; ~  J- @  attend v. to be present in a place; to care for; to serve; to accompany
( z* ^6 b4 Z$ [+ P  attendance n. being physically present; act of accompanying or serving( L" g8 \  t( Q$ B
  attendant adj. present; opposite of absent; accompanying
4 E; l5 U+ l( i% g  attendant n. servant; steward; stewardess; person who serves others; person who accompanies others# h) t5 H( h! u. E
  attendee n. person who takes part in a particular event such as a conference or seminar; participant
0 A& d  `5 z/ X0 P+ d& W  attention n. concentration; consideration; focus; care; acknowledgement; recognition  }7 q" U5 ^/ s+ r& P
  attentive adj. concentrated; focused; observant; polite; caring4 T% \4 X. E* s7 R  g3 ?
  attentiveness n. awareness; concentration; ability to concentrate on an issue  m4 R. [: _! N( f) [; C& G
  attest v. to affirm to be correct, true, or genuine; to certify in an official capacity; to supply or be evidence of
. ]! n3 Y. Z8 S8 Z  attire n. dress; clothing; apparel6 [9 h4 O, J* d4 H! l0 z$ E* s
  attire v. to dress; to put on clothes
! o5 l# @) F, V9 Q3 @4 k  attitude n. position; opinion; viewpoint; stance; way of thinking; outlook; perspective
: k; M3 g: V* ]: N2 ~! N* A  attorney n. lawyer; barrister; advocate; a professional who represents clients in a court or advises them on legal matters
+ q" w- g" |% B) c1 }, w  attribute n. quality; factor; characteristic; feature; adjective (grammar)2 r3 K9 D3 ?8 C! _! }: z6 z, g
  attribute v. to ascribe to; to link to; to associate with; to relate to9 X( j5 X: x1 l- w: L5 E/ i  |
  auction n. public sale where goods are sold to the highest bidder (eBay is a very popular auction site)/ {) |5 M& X, G) J3 N( p3 X
  auction v. to sell something through a bidding system
$ n4 Q. l' Q( d, P" X' u  audience n. group of people who gathered to see or hear a performance, a seminar, a talk, etc.; viewers; official meeting; interview
5 V( c% [# I+ J1 `4 z- {; C  audio adj. pertaining to hearing and listening; sound
7 G6 _2 d! [9 s# `/ d  audit n. examination of financial accounts; internal investigation
) o: v7 B! S* q  g  audit v. to examine accounts and other financial records; to investigate; to look into accounts; to verify accounts
* w2 T7 j2 }- H0 \- s' z  auditorium n. large room used for lectures; talks, performances and other events
7 R" m* Y! u, L1 d$ K- r: j  augment v. to increase; to enlarge; to enhance; to multiply
6 y) B) ^: V9 ~7 M3 A* u3 y  authority n. official institution; agency; power; control; jurisdiction
5 x& d: a: `$ L; v  authorize v. to permit; to approve; to empower
7 C4 Z  y2 P1 Y- V" C# j4 I4 R! n  autograph n. a person's handwritten signature( K  M, `# y+ k1 T2 B
  autograph v. to write one's name by hand; to sign one's name
) R3 R+ W0 e+ t  l) z% s  automobile n. car; vehicle; ride6 x! U+ v/ F+ |! F  j, p
  avail n. advantage; profit; help; benefit
4 o  R  d% Y* D  avail v. to be useful; to help; to facilitate, L( v# R% ^# v5 ]- y$ u
  availability n. accessibility; attainability; obtainability
# L0 Q4 s$ R& J  @; N' @  available adj. ready for use; attainable; present; valid
7 R2 @; C. _/ L6 B* O  average adj. immediate; regular; common; usual; plain; simple; standard
9 q  t# O6 I8 H  average n. mean, median$ f. w9 G5 Z4 w+ K6 l" ~
  average v. to have a mean of a certain amount
! {$ P+ E0 z, Y  averse adj. having a feeling of opposition, distaste, or aversion; strongly disinclined
: ~" M  q1 ?1 u8 r+ j  avoid v. to escape; to keep away from; to prevent; to keep from happening; to evade
  W! v# z2 \$ G2 `$ _1 i  Y  award n. prize; grant; arbitration1 C1 ^* w$ o+ Y. O. ~
  award v. to give; to grant; to judge; to rule2 b" q4 J% ?- R+ s0 p7 n% b- P
  awareness n. consciousness
0 o! W# R& n! a$ z, U. m7 a( w  awesome adj. impressive; inspiring; great; frightening
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