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[综合辅导] 托业综合辅导:托福易错语法试题精编1

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.It displease my parents when Richard and I stay out late every night.My parents don ’t approve_____.A,of me and Richard staying out late every night.B,of Richard and me staying out late every night.C,of Richard ’s and my staying out late every night.D,when Richard and me stay out late every night.$ q+ X) [$ ]6 Q( A
  2.“As for their going along with us,“she said,“________ ”.A,my husband and myself certainly have no objection.B,certainly my husband and I have no objection.C,either I or my husband certainly have no objection.D,either my husband or I certainly have no objection.  U4 \( Y3 [* v$ Q) z  R2 I
  3.“any thing wrong?”“there was no objection on the part of ________ present”.A,this.
/ T$ Z6 H  m( a8 T- `  B,those.
/ Y9 c& ^( M( I  o4 E; A  C,these.- U' x3 F, i8 c: |+ ~
  D,who.7 x2 [  g4 y* ]! f# k
  4.Although oriental ideas of woman ’s subordination to man prevailed in those days,she_______ meet with men on an equal basis.A,did not dared.B,dared not! w' s# s# N- H
  C,dared not to.D,did dare not to.% `" i; e6 [. c% E# d
  5.The stars (awaken)a certain reverence in man because,(though)always (present),they are beyond (your)reach.9 Q' M8 w7 o9 b9 @1 V
  6.I had hoped(to have learned )French before my trip (to Paris),but I (did not have)any (extra money)for a course.$ ~" V( F6 |! b3 T
  7.“what is the difference?”“this furniture is different from______ ”.A,that book.B,your.$ N* f/ z% V. l
  C,that one.
/ y2 m4 M' x1 G; Z4 I* J0 o  D,that.8 p! ?5 E0 b9 h$ G! F$ \$ S* ?
  8.“we walked twenty miles today.”“I never guessed you could have walked _____ ”.A,as./ l8 Z. n) m- f0 C
  B,this.8 h+ D7 m1 z* i0 \
+ d- K7 g$ ^* d7 M  |  d.such.4 q" U: }# e. B7 G
  9.“what did Jack do last year?”.“I heard ____ taught German.”.a,he.
- ]  C6 P, u1 |+ l# I8 R  B,his.
" m: l1 s' |0 M: R, n$ ?- r/ z  c.he is.
3 @, z( z1 ]* f/ Y  d.him.
, b% {- Y. Q7 V; \4 t4 x1 X  10.“did you see any foreigner present at the party?”.“he was the only foreigner ____ I saw at the party.”.a,whom.: {/ C( `5 q2 ?6 B* @  h) F! `# d! t! R
  B,that .9 k+ W9 ?% I$ O+ C4 J; z" e
  C,who.( _; z' {9 _& B) D2 M+ p

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