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[综合辅导] 托业综合辅导:现代启示录二

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  ①a________(vt. to point a weapon or another object towards an intended goal)
" @& Y- Q! \+ m8 C5 j+ }) Z  ②d________(vt. to make a speech etc to a lot of people)
" W- f' o7 ]6 p+ m  ③r________(vt. to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past)+ {6 T7 t& m& r) E
  ④c________(n. a disaster)
8 Q1 L2 F' O' u  ⑤s________(n. someone who is watching an event or game; audience)
7 N3 M# T9 l$ w  2. 将划线部分英文翻译成中文:
7 h+ [4 x5 ~! Q( G7 C5 A( w7 F  1. narrowly adv.8 r" a* i( S$ k* x! v3 A
  1)by only a small amount 勉强,刚好:) D3 s: f0 n/ X" b) @
  He was narrowly defeated in the election.他以微弱劣势在选举中落败。
' _( L# n- H' m- W! Y  v6 Y; M  One bullet struck his car, narrowly missing him.一颗子弹穿过他的汽车,差点打中他。; O6 p- c, P5 ^  @3 W
  A man narrowly escaped death when a fire broke out in his home on Sunday morning.星期天早上,一个男人家里着火后侥幸逃生。% P* n$ R4 g: {1 ]) s5 X
  2)in a limited way: 限制过窄地,狭窄地" _# \1 o0 X5 q; [8 f
  The law is being interpreted too narrowly.5 M; W2 H' y0 T1 K3 u, E# Q
  These big general issues should be broken down into more narrowly focused questions* k! t; k) f+ _0 u% X9 E: w% N$ [
  1)[C] a written or spoken statement that strongly criticizes or defends a particular idea, opinion, or person (书面或口头的)争论,辩论,争辩
# Z8 O; u- ^# R" ]. p2 q* {7 Z8 y  2)[U] (亦作polemics)the practice or skill of making written or spoken statements that strongly criticize or defend a particular idea, opinion, or person
& G' w7 c7 V# f9 T7 Y7 O  3. before-and-after adj. 表示出外形上的尖锐对照;前后形成明显对照的7 y, u* n1 N  r* \
  4. interlude n.  ^% K- l- `: Y( M" b
  1)a period of time between two events or situations, during which something different happens: 两件事情或两种情况之前的一段时期(尤指有意外情况发生的)( |6 Z4 v* Y& e$ e) c
  2)a short period of time between the parts of a play, concert etc戏剧或音乐演出各幕之间的短暂间隔[= intermission]

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