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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合辅导 (9)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ideal n. standard of perfection; pattern; model; person or thing that embodies a standard of perfection- g& Q/ f1 @5 U6 ]  y, _( j# {  M
idealize v. to represent as the embodiment of perfection; to view someone or something as ideal
  _3 P, c6 j! fidentification n. verification of a person or thing; recognition; the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering
, \7 u, X  `$ ]) videntify v. to recognize; to show to be the same; to sympathize; to relate; to associate oneself with a particular cause or idea, j/ g/ z5 T% s) v2 O: l- y
idle adj. lazy; vain; futile; unoccupied; unemployed; groundless; without foundation; worthless; unimportant
1 H& Z  j& k6 z6 }: A( Kidle v. to lounge; to do nothing; to laze around; to waste time; to operate at minimum speed (of an engine or machine)1 ?9 m  r/ P( x; ]) Z
ignorance n. lack of knowledge; illiteracy; lack of education; state of being uninformed* f, H% e' H8 m4 N& B
ignore v. to disregard; to overlook; to refuse to recognize; to reject
: D4 e! k. x" @% n: S4 D# hillegible adj. not legible or decipherable2 t& p3 h* v6 x1 p, Q# p4 D
illegitimate adj. against the law; illegal; incorrectly deduced; illogical
* \2 B0 ~- h* a4 I" q( Z/ P9 cillicit adj. not sanctioned by custom or law; unlawful5 E3 Z1 N( a" Q1 _' P
illuminate v. to provide or brighten with light; to make understandable; clarify; to enlighten intellectually or spiritually; enable to understand
8 J: Y: s8 J' G% S8 C! Uillustrate v. to exemplify; to clarify; to explain; to depict; to elucidate
( L$ {& D0 M8 `8 i; u- ~9 }# @: cillustration n. picture in a book or other work; explanation; clarification; explanation4 l. u9 ?( a3 ^9 U3 [
imaginary adj. not real; fanciful
2 c  V. A. W  i$ }" Pimagination n. ability of the mind to create mental images which do not exist in reality; creation of such mental images. {; X& U6 e' p. S
imagine v. to envision; to create a mental image which does not literally exist; to fantasize; to visualize; to think; to suppose; to assume; to guess
( d) t* R9 e1 b' Z" B2 k  Wimitate v. to use or follow as a model; to copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or speech of; mimic; to copy exactly; reproduce; to appear like; resemble
4 [/ i6 D) {) m% l$ H0 w, C  Himmediate adj. instantaneous; prompt; accomplished quickly; direct; having no intermediary; close% q8 l/ g! H/ ]4 @4 |
immediately adv. right away; shortly; at once; without delay
3 I5 h: c1 s8 E- |) s% Simmerse v. to cover completely in a liquid; submerge; to engage wholly or deeply; absorb, \; l# C9 V1 g# C' ~! k
impair v. to cause to diminish, as in strength, value, or quality
3 M4 P/ q" p" f, T  Jimpatient adj. unable to wait; intolerant; restless/ s9 J' c# i/ b0 d8 W  v
impede v. to delay; to obstruct; to hinder; to prevent; to thwart
' W/ ^" C$ ^- d7 pimpediment n. something that impedes; a hindrance or obstruction; an organic defect preventing clear articulation. G3 }3 H5 p2 r9 I( B- v' I4 q
imperative adj. necessary; obligatory; commanding
# w) u7 S7 J- y+ t6 y$ g' ^( himperative n. necessity; obligation; command; order
$ v9 N5 {, J* q' ?implement n. tool; instrument; piece of equipment0 v( Y: Q( ~  ^5 k# E# D( S
implement v. to perform; to put into effect; to carry out; to execute; to realize; to equip with tools- S: z. r1 v# w  T* ^1 q7 c
implementation n. realization; carrying out; performing; putting into effect; execution; act of equipping with tools
5 U+ d2 _' _/ m2 A2 ]& }# I3 Fimplication n. consequence; outcome; result; act of implying; something implied; indirect suggestion; connotation; hint; state of being involved in an action or event
" V0 g" v3 E- o2 v; Simplicit adj. implied or understood though not directly expressed; contained in the nature of something though not readily apparent; having no doubts or reservations; unquestioning
( @2 ]( {$ j/ G- \* _- \imply v. to suggest indirectly; to hint; to infer; to mean; to import' F* r. J4 U) j) ^' ]3 l5 u6 a1 N3 c
import n. brining in of goods from another country; opposite of export; meaning; significance" \0 e5 L8 x7 U
import v. to bring from another place; to bring goods from a foreign country; to signify; to imply; to be important; to be significant
- ?' x$ h4 V" M# g( k4 _important adj. significant; consequential; influential; essential; crucial; critical; prominent* e6 ?/ u7 |$ b8 D/ T6 {3 ]* M5 U
impose v. to require; to compel; to force upon; to enforce; to institute% u6 P& B- F4 U$ \
impossible adj. unbearable; cannot be done; cannot be endured8 B- \: w7 C, Q: k. o2 Z8 C$ ^
impress v. to affect strongly; to emphasize; to stamp; to make a mark using pressure
5 W0 ^$ A/ o0 r. q. S' I7 z: {0 r" qimpression n. strong feeling or idea left by an experience; effect; vague memory; stamp; imprint; stamping; impressing
/ j) [. U0 F6 q% R% M$ wimpressive adj. grand; magnificent; striking
: B: J. N7 p1 L* w' E
- t- {8 t. t5 [: t+ Q& B, {improve v. to make better; to increase in quality; to enhance; to become better; to evolve; to develop; to fix up; to repair; to increase the value of; to take advantage of; to make good use of; to recuperate

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