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[综合辅导] 托业考试综合辅导 (10)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
jeopardize v. to endanger; to place in danger; to imperil; to put at risk
- O7 u8 q7 ?7 x9 p' G6 H% g" ejeopardy n. danger; peril; hazard; risk; endangerment; imperilment
0 b5 @5 Q  \0 X& C1 }# q  u$ W8 zjunction n. intersection; crossing; connection; point of convergence; meeting point; place where two things meet and cross (roads, rivers, etc.). ]: L& R( f  |4 c( m$ k
justify v. to vindicate; to defend; to support; to excuse  Y) X5 C6 B( p  w/ K
kit n. set; equipment; furnishings; outfit; clothing; wash basin
* {* l- H8 K' I# g& N8 Plandlord n. one that owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units: r% g% Q0 j% T9 F) }  G
landscape n. view; scenery; photograph of scenery; painting or drawing of scenery; horizontal page orientation
$ E$ e6 ]8 I( Z8 }6 \5 Glandscaper n. person who designs gardens or large areas
9 _/ \* O  k6 u' B$ f  Olasting adj. continuing; enduring; remaining for a long time; durable
$ c" `3 `6 z  ^: \8 c) n! Llaunch n. act of launching; act of sending out; act of starting or initiating; commencement; inauguration' b& ?$ o& u$ q& ^# o+ N5 ?
launch v. to start; to run; to activate; to inaugurate; to throw; to break into9 }5 d! l) V; f$ f0 ?$ Q& R% V
lawsuit n. case in a court of law brought by one party against another; legal claim
0 m6 A3 W7 b8 g% A# z& vlay off v. to postpone; to dismiss from a job; to fire
4 e/ A! p$ e' ilayer n. thickness of some material that covers a surface; covering; bed; stratum9 N! B( J8 K. h$ _7 S; s5 j" V
layman n. inexperienced person; person who is not a member of the clergy; member of the laity; person who does not belong to a particular profession6 [& L; m* R. m# r, G0 {2 m8 s
layout n. arrangement; plan; sketch; drawing; something which has been arranged2 k/ C  o# M3 g% H+ R/ T& @5 `+ N
leaflet n. sheet of paper on which information has been printed; flyer
% y, X+ y  [  s/ _0 g% b# `leakage n. something which escapes or passes through a hole or opening (i.e. liquid, gas, etc.); act of leaking; leak5 `) z3 {# z' j- a9 [+ `7 |
lease n. contract which gives another the right to use or inhabit a property for a period of time in exchange for rent; period of time during which a lease is valid; property which is contracted to another+ V4 r6 k) V. @9 b1 @
lease v. to rent out property for a specific period of time; to let; to possess or occupy under the terms of a lease
, \* ^( S. D, v: X( yleather n. tanned and preserved animal skin from which the hair or fur has been removed; item made of tanned and preserved animal skin
) H' @/ \# j$ H& \/ k& flegacy n. inheritance; bequest; something handed down from one's ancestors
! k: \% w9 o) |1 z" t& G* I  U8 k7 blegible adj. possible to read or decipher; plainly discernible; apparent9 p% ~( q3 U+ d3 s( X
legislation n. the act or process of legislating; lawmaking; a proposed or enacted law or group of laws0 }& ?: v; P. i: ~- x$ Y: s" p" l6 p
legitimate adj. lawful; acceptable; justified; reasonable; logical; correct; sound; authorized
: i5 J' c$ G- c. E2 ^legitimate v. to make valid; to make lawful; to justify; to make permissible! |/ D6 o1 f/ `* Q0 U
leisure n. time free from work other demands and duties; free time; rest; recreation9 T$ j2 Y* \: C! u& N
letterhead n. line printed at the top of a piece of stationary (usually containing a name, address, etc.); stationary printed with a heading2 x4 w3 C1 \# ~. u' H8 C
leverage n. influence; ability to affect or alter people or circumstance; use of borrowed money to increase the return on an investment9 o% h: \3 a' V( v  T# t
leverage v. to use one's influence to affect people or circumstances; to increase return on an investment by using borrowed money5 Y9 h/ O) M9 B. z( |# d: f
levy n. act or process of collecting or conscripting (money, property, etc.) by a government or other authority; something which is collected through a levy
% v8 y: ]8 q5 e0 f. x- S! w; Q% zlevy v. to impose a tax or fine; to conscript troops' d# M4 S7 |3 ]! {
liability n. financial obligation; debt; responsibility; obligation; disadvantage; handicap; likelihood
+ L& A/ D9 [) R0 h  Uliable adj. under legal obligation; responsible; likely; prone; susceptible; subject to* l3 k: ^$ {' m' z
liberal adj. in favor of reform; supporting a progressive philosophy; tolerant; open-minded; generous; abundant; x: [& L9 a! k
liberal n. person who favors political and social reform; person who supports a progressive political philosophy7 w7 [( Y! J1 z- n: |
license n. permit; official permission; authorization; document which shows proof of authorization; certificate
3 d/ }: ^/ n8 slicense v. to issue a license; to grant a permit; to authorize; to permit; to allow1 C5 c5 J% W! j+ ~( v
lifestyle n. way of life& J8 T  U! E) |: E. Z, n' @4 t
likelihood n. probability; chance; feasibility; possibility2 G5 \, B  O( o) r: g% ^1 ~
limited adj. confined within a boundary; restricted; narrow; mediocre
; Z' K& Z( a( `; C1 k) a. k6 {  c. e3 j  ~
linger v. to be slow in leaving, especially out of reluctance; tarry; to persist; to be tardy in acting; procrastinate

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