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[综合辅导] 托业(TOEIC) 流利口语基本词(7)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
81. design   The building seats 2000 people, but is poor in design. 这个建筑有二千个座位,但设计很差。+ N. ^( b, E6 C! v6 i+ H
  He has designs on that young girl. (口语)他想打那个年轻女郎的注意。
# \# h. [3 z- F1 u5 E/ n4 \8 M  82. desire
4 e2 C9 x$ G0 K' x6 I0 }/ d8 M; A6 w9 [  He has no desire for wealth. 他对于财富无欲望。' o& O( V! W+ i0 d
  I hope you will get all your heart‘s desires. 我希望你能得到你想要的。- u9 X/ |9 K: }- C: n3 S, U$ [
  83. destruction
8 S5 ?/ \" ~; j" ~0 U  Gambling was his destruction. 赌博是他毁灭的根源。  O& l" f+ |% y' _- g
  84. detail
3 v9 U9 C" [7 z0 F  Please give me all the details. 请让我知道所有的细节。
- F2 H; U9 d. ?7 F$ z& P  85. development
' O- H6 ?- f9 D) s. n  Which is more important, moral development or physical development? 道德培养和体格培养哪一样较重要?( H, ~7 [' r; _5 A* E+ u7 F
  We must await further developments. 我们必须等待进一步的发展。" I4 m3 n/ S' @& u1 `" Y" K
  86. digestion, a' v5 \8 k7 K- b
  He can only eat the food that is easy of digestion. 他只能吃易于消化的食物。; h) o8 d8 o7 C0 \/ M' |  i
  87. direction
2 x2 o4 p  U# V8 S1 s  Tom went off in one direction and Harry in another direction. 汤姆朝着一个方向去,哈里朝另一个方向去。
6 ]% `% t  g( d5 y( \( a  She feels the need of direction. 她感到需要有人指导她。
  z4 @( @% h7 m! f9 a  88. discovery
+ u% P7 p, t, ?) v, d  He made wonderful scientific discoveries. 他完成了惊人的科学发现。1 ^, y3 O# g; r8 {' p0 {2 v; [
  89. discussion2 b$ u9 L( R6 _  O3 Y! ^
  The question is still under discussion. 这个问题仍在讨论中。
( d! f  `5 w+ _4 }" d  90. disease
9 _' p# C4 c, V* |  The business of doctors is to prevent and cure disease. 医生的职责是预防和治疗疾病。

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