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[阅读辅导] 2011托业考试阅读模拟文(五)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  massive weapons cache seized in afghanistan; m) l( m5 Y3 C  k2 t1 z& O3 K
  thousands of rockets, mortars and anti-aircraft ammunition have been seized in central afghanistan in the largest cache of militant weapons discovered in months, a government spokesman said sunday./ v5 X' g2 y3 o2 b
  the arms were to be used to subvert crucial legislative elections on sept. 18, defense ministry spokesman gen. mohammed saher azimi said.
, Z$ m  B/ @* d0 E7 `1 z  the raid in ghazni province's khogyani district saturday netted some 2,000 surface-to-surface rockets, 3,000 mortar rounds, 500 artillery shells and 100 boxes of anti-aircraft bullets, he said.
8 E# R6 D: Y+ E  "the enemy planned to use them to sabotage the elections," azimi said. "this was a very important operation to prevent the killing of civilians."
& h( X* v3 ~  s3 G  I  he declined to give any other details about the find, including whether the taliban were suspected to have stockpiled the cache or whether anyone had been arrested.
% r& P7 }: V5 c  G" b( h+ j  afghan officials have warned that the taliban and al-qaeda have launched a joint campaign to disrupt the september elections — the next key step toward democracy after a quarter century of war. since march, a major upsurge in fighting has left more than 800 people dead, more than half of them suspected insurgents, according to u.s. and afghan officials.

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