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[阅读辅导] 托业阅读常考词汇收集6

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  exceed——To be greater than; surpass比…更好;超过=surpass0 H& C- D" L% ^0 N  V; J% j9 p
  excel——To show superiority; surpass others胜过=be superior$ z! v& x* C7 f' R( s! ?9 N
  exceptional——Well above average; extraordinary杰出的=extraordinary" Z4 _& ]5 ^. s8 G5 g
  exceptionally——Deviating widely from a norm, as of physical or mental ability特殊的=abnormally,8 C) z( k. H- ^1 R
  Being an exception; uncommon例外的=extremely
0 X5 b$ T8 V! J* y$ V  evident——Easily seen or understood; obvious显然的=apparent Readily understood; clear or obvious显然的# Z' l( I( {7 Q3 k) ?
  evolve——To undergo gradual change; develop发展=develop
7 r# K/ A+ `( b" F  erode——To wear (something) away by or as if by abrasion腐蚀,侵蚀=wear away& u# F! l( a. O/ a
  equivalent——Equal, as in value, force, or meaning相等的=interchangeable That can be interchanged可以相互交换的
. C' F; b2 R. ?2 |* y" N  entity——Something that exists as a particular and discrete unit实体=object Something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing物体
2 x* d1 F2 m% P) l; |; \  _$ Z7 C  enormous——Very great in size, extent, number, or degree巨大的=tremendous, huge
( \) i1 Q* ~6 }& @2 f3 @) {8 i, O  emit——To give or send out matter or energy发射=give off发出,放出(蒸汽、气味等)
/ o- g2 }' ~0 G  employ——To put to use or service投入使用=use7 `! x) U# g" J# P$ ~( v* ]& w
  enactment——To act (something) out, as on a stage扮演=performance, pass- L' z+ M/ A3 H0 }3 j  {
  emerge——To comesintosexistence发生使出现=appear, spring up" c9 O% e4 Q6 B& ]
  embed——To cause to be an integral part of a surrounding whole包埋=encase To enclose in or as if in a case把…装箱
: ^0 h+ l7 m7 ^: U4 x. o6 l0 S) Q7 D  elaborate——To become elaborate变得复杂=complicate To make or become complex or perplexing使复杂或令人困惑( h) M; S( E; X" N" K; j+ J
  elaborately——Planned or executed with painstaking attention to numerous parts or details精心制作的=done in great detail
# l4 F$ f: A4 X% W6 y# a( q  fuse——To mix (constituent elements) together by or as if by melting; blend.熔合=combine; M- f) f6 V9 r4 Y& X
  furnish——To supply; give供应;提供=provide
5 \; u" s# z$ M* r3 Y! n  fragment——A small part broken off or detached.碎片=piece A portion or part that has been separated from a whole
; d: W& r+ `8 |) `% s  forbid——To command against the doing or use of (something); prohibit严禁=ban1 m7 g: t( t4 b$ I! w0 R* g
  forage——To wander in search of food or provisions搜索粮食=feed To give food to; supply with nourishment给予食物
( @& Z2 p* k* g# p2 k0 s7 A5 m5 C  float——To move from place to place, especially at random漂移=drift along
# \1 n, H7 q) d( R  fertile——Rich in material needed to sustain plant growth肥沃的=rich Abounding, especially in natural resources肥沃的;丰富的
; T- V+ U: n9 }9 C" }+ p  faction——Asgroupsof persons forming a cohesive, usually contentious minority within a larger group小集团=side One of two or more opposing individuals, groups, teams, or sets of opinions派& C; z1 V. b2 A% w9 d
  graze——To feed on (herbage) in a field or on pastureland放牧=feed/ Y$ q. _: J& \6 _2 V5 p
  gorgeous——Dazzlingly beautiful or magnificent耀眼的;美丽的;眩目艳丽的=magnificent, beautiful
* x* p+ P5 ?5 j( `  global——Of, relating to, or involving the entire earth; worldwide全球的=worldwide$ y3 {# Z# M4 v8 v; O
  give way to ——让路,让步=be replaced by ,=turnsintos
0 U) s$ v# G  p: l. k6 i6 e7 v2 S, q  genetic——Affecting or affected by genes影响基因的或被基因影响的=heredity The genetic transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring遣传; {" u2 L: I4 v2 B$ l1 C
  gap——An opening in a solid structure or surface; a cleft or breach豁口=opening A breach or an aperture缺口

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