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[阅读辅导] 托业阅读辅导:星球大战第二部第二章(6)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Snow was falling heavily as Han Solo raced his Tauntaun through the wilderness.# T5 O6 C7 t# b; }
  Night was near and the winds were howling fiercely, piercing his heavy clothes. He knew that he would be as useless as an icicle to Luke unless he found the young warrior soon.
9 k2 k0 V! v: u2 n  The Tauntaun was already feeling the effects of the temperature drop. Not even its layers of insulating fat or the matted gray fur could protect it from the elements after nightfall. Already the beast was wheezing, its breathing becoming increasingly labored.& M6 V- ~3 ^0 a9 u: P. ^. E
  Han prayed that the snow-lizard wouldn’t drop, at least not until he had located Luke.7 f# B* t- U% W# P7 F, r
  He drove his mount harder, forcing it on across the icy plains.: `1 F9 F7 r6 t9 v6 P
  Another figure was moving across the snow, its metal body hovering above the frozen ground.% p) e. y/ h1 |" A1 @  I4 W
  The Imperial Probe Droid paused briefly in mid-flight, its sensors twitching.
/ A% S* [7 w: M  w; F  Then, satisfied with its findings, the robot gently lowered itself, coming to rest on the ground. Like spider legs, several probes separated from the metal hull, dislodging some of the snow that had settled there./ _- s( U) P1 J$ Z" W5 G
  Something began to take shape around the robot, a pulsating glow that gradually covered the machine as if with a transparent dome. Quickly this force field solidified, repelling the blowing snow that brushed over the droid’s hull.
: ~: c* c5 Y6 c. y. Q5 b  After a moment the glow faded, and the blowing snow soon formed a perfect dome of white, completely concealing the droid and its protective force field.
9 N* c; D  e$ G# _6 L3 r1 M* R  The Tauntaun was racing at maximum speed, certainly too fast considering the distance it had traveled and the unbearable frigid air. No longer wheezing, it had begun moaning pitifully, and its legs were becoming more and more unsteady. Han felt sorry about the Tauntaun’s pain, but at present the creature’s life was only secondary to that of his friend Luke.
$ H# m$ X: g5 Q; u& }9 a  It was becoming difficult for Han to see through the thickening snowfall.: t5 j: C& j% Z* i. g: `
  Desperate, he searched for some interruption in the eternal plains, some distant spot that might actually be Luke. But there was nothing to see other than the darkening expanses of snow and ice.  m5 T& q9 o) q7 Q9 }) y; x
  Yet there was a sound.

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