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[阅读辅导] 托业阅读辅导:星球大战第二部第四章(3)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Captain Needa, commander of the Avenger’s crew gazed out a main port, looking at the planet when a controller came up to him. "Sir, Rebel ship coming into our sector." "Good," Needa replied with a gleam in his eyes. "Our first catch of the day." "Their first target will be the power generators," General Rieekan told the princess.$ Q6 b2 r! s6 d# b, t
  "First transport Three Zone approaching shield," one of the Rebel controllers said, tracking a bright image that could only be an Imperial Star Destroyer.# o! v" s' a& j1 F* l+ k, p: ]
  "Prepare to open shield," a radarman ordered.6 \  B$ r% s1 X* ?
  "Stand by, Ion Control," another controller said.
* C* A  g5 ^, k  A giant metal globe on Hoth’s icy surface rotated into position and angled its great turret gun upward.2 e3 f( L- q4 s; y# g$ {4 Z
  "Fire!" came the order from General Rieekan.
! L. \$ Z. R" E1 u; f/ d! |' l  Suddenly two red beams of destructive energy were released into the cold skies.
* e& f+ k  O4 _+ q* u  @. I2 b3 ~  The beams almost immediately overtook the first of the racing Rebel transport craft, and sped on a direct course toward the huge Star Destroyer.6 o! F& a4 k8 m' _, Q& |
  The twin red bolts struck the enormous ship and blasted its conning tower.
) y: B% t. s7 k  Explosions set off by the blast began to rock the great flying fortress, spinning it out of control. The Star Destroyer plunged into deep space as the Rebel transport and its two fighter escorts streaked off to safety.
, U" t( a& N* \  ?! `- G  Luke Skywalker, preparing to depart, pulled on his heavy-weather gear and watched the pilots, gunners, and R2 units hurrying to complete their tasks. He started toward the row of snowspeeders that awaited him. On his way, the young commander paused at the tail section of the Millennium Falcon, where Han Solo and Chewbacca were working frenetically on the right lifter.1 Q5 X; e; q2 y$ R/ t  ~
  "Chewie," Luke called, "take care of yourself. And watch over this guy, will ya?" The Wookie barked a farewell, gave Luke a big hug, then turned back to his work on the lifters.
1 Q$ m" f; E4 N" F: S, R# a+ }  The two friends, Luke and Han, stood looking at each other, perhaps for the last time.+ B6 Z! G4 p. m: I
  "I hope you make your peace with Jabba," Luke said at last.# ]2 k3 |3 i( O' g# Z
  "Give ’em hell, kid," the Corellian responded lightly.# y) i+ m- u+ O) B
  The young commander began to walk away as memories of exploits shared with Han rushed to his mind. He stopped and looked back the Falcon, and saw his friend still staring after him. As they gazed at each other for a brief moment, Chewbacca looked up and knew that each was wishing the other the best, wherever their individual fates might take them.

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