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[阅读辅导] 托业阅读辅导:中英文注释(11)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  staggering—— Causing great astonishment, amazement, or dismay; overwhelming令人大为吃惊、惊讶或沮丧的;使束手无策的=overwhelming5 B$ Y5 P$ T% |1 O' |$ _
  spur—— To incite or stimulate刺激,鞭策=stimulate8 A5 b# o' u- {* ~/ `  {. E% p
  speculate about—— To assume to be true without conclusive evidence推测=hypothesize To assert as a hypothesis假设
' a7 P6 V/ k% {- }  spinal——Of, relating to, or situated near the spine or spinal cord; vertebral脊柱的=backbone9 }. |- C4 h/ \+ z4 r8 K
  spark—— To set in motion; activate发动;触发=bring about引起;致使;造成;达成
& Z+ _) h6 O  G8 ~) f, I" O" u  spawn—— To give rise to; engender造成;使产生=create) j8 n5 r+ d7 M7 n
  solemn—— Deeply earnest, serious, and sober庄严的,极认真的,严肃的=serious- t* Y, Z, P4 W  {) N" f* T! i
  slope——declivity A downward slope, as of a hill斜坡
7 r( L7 D8 ]/ {3 i) q& W! o& |  smother—— To suffocate (another)使窒息=eliminate To get rid of; remove消灭;消除! @) D8 Q( ?# S8 x" g8 _
  snap—— To pull apart or break with a snapping sound折断=break
7 @; @& B5 r1 @  signify—— To denote; mean表示…的意思=denote
! L! |9 Y# @# n5 W  simultaneously——同时存在[发生]地=concurrently同时发生的,并存的;合作的0 x9 ~6 \8 }. G1 U
  skepticism—— A doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind; dubiety怀疑态度=doubt  J. g# d& c( o  Y
  shield—— To protect or defend with or as if with a shield; guard保护、防卫=protect( N. t# l* @% {% \2 L
  secrete—— To conceal in a hiding place; cache躲藏=produce+ z9 n, U# U  ^0 K2 q
  scarce—— Hard to find; absent or rare难得的;缺少的或罕见的=rare5 Z# H9 ~) r# C! E, n9 v6 x9 T
  scores—— A composition written for a musical comedy配乐=musical compositions音乐作品. _9 B% s- Z0 Z& @  q8 V
  scent—— A perfume香水=perfume
; g6 m: C% R. l7 I5 ^2 `* l; o  scale—— To climb up or over; ascend攀登=climb
, G+ E: \+ `% q3 W( ~* r) V  sanitation—— Formulation and application of measures designed to protect public health.
0 N( U/ x( {. e; T  卫生措施=health
* p& i' K: w" ~  tremendous—— Extremely large in amount, extent, or degree; enormous巨大的=huge, greatly
3 Z7 {4 U" F' a( @  trend—— A general tendency or inclination趋向=tendency1 e( k; U; v" @  ^0 M6 \9 `
  trap—— A contrivance for catching and holding animals, as a concealed pit or a clamp like device that springs shut suddenly陷阱=entomb To place in or as if in a tomb or grave埋葬( [" J- s% x) d' s
  trace—— A visible mark, such as a footprint, made or left by the passage of a person, an animal, or a thing痕迹=imprint, residue The remainder of something after removal of parts or a part残留物
* X: Q* k% P- r2 I- {, ~  textile—— A cloth, especially one manufactured by weaving or knitting; a fabric纺织品=cloth, fabric+ C! m( K2 I# J% J# T9 M
  terrestrial—— Of, relating to, or composed of land陆地的=land
+ p0 \6 `& Q, j7 t  @  terrain—— An area of land; ground地区;地带=land
! H: g* p  d2 y" c) e7 @  tedium—— The quality or condition of being tedious; tediousness or boredom单调乏味=tiresome
4 K) G  Q4 K. V# R  temporarily—— Lasting, used, serving, or enjoyed for a limited time在有限的时间内持续地、被使用、发挥作用=makeshift A temporary or expedient substitute for something else.( ^. J* g3 A5 h) I! k# X4 ~. R
  权宜之计,暂时或临时替代其它事物的东西# x  y7 B+ Z, l9 b
  usher—— To precede and introduce; inaugurate宣告,展示介绍;开始,开创=begin

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