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[阅读辅导] 商业托福阅读近意词(5)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ S  y8 d* Z% x) e  spontaneous = unplanned
7 z* \- k* y% c1 G* N  h  sacred = holy& N1 P7 j' p1 \
  subject to = vulnerable to
, O/ w* w  V2 f! }% w" |  susceptible to = prone to
5 D+ |% v! r; [9 F, ^" N  succession——series
- q! ^: L& M( a+ u3 _' ?  sparse,文中着反义词 rich: |9 \6 I1 ?* f5 ^1 }0 q5 k4 e* r" l& G
  scrap=fragment0 ?0 a$ ?0 D0 N/ X  |7 K$ i1 {* p
  set in motion = start (使 开始运转, 如 set the plan in motion)
% c: Y* N( g7 _" D  Severe = harsh
5 ^1 e% y2 h9 H+ B: [) U: R  SHIFT0 W+ e/ S" v- a7 `1 f  t
  share = proportion (proportion 比例, 均衡, 面积, 部分vt.使成比例, 使均衡, 分摊)
$ z7 s8 f7 b" J! \- p2 r  silhouette = outline (silhouette n.侧面影象, 轮廓)1 e2 I" }  F2 j, `+ g
  Simultaneous (同时发生的)= at the same time
! a. Y: F7 a; |  Site) b) p" U% ~' U% ?7 q% V. I
  Solicit = request (solicit v.恳求 ,请求)
2 y  W1 @0 b; A# [* k  Specified (详细说明) = stated
+ `; M, [' n3 c3 [- k& Q; b2 x5 J  a matter of speculation (思索,推测,投机)= supposition (speculation的同义词)
+ Q- i) E: Y' q4 Z. F0 t3 D* P  stunning = dramatically(不?定) 都在句中? (stunning: very surprising, very impressive ,另人印象深刻的; dramatically: 有戏剧表现力的,引人注目的)
( Z" \% M  U" h4 i$ X  sturdy = strong
0 \) D8 q, o8 Z$ T7 s0 _8 i  subsequent (后来的,随后的) = later
( L0 `2 T9 A9 n6 t  supplant = replace
' B+ J1 f) X, U2 o  Susceptible to (容易…。的): prone to
* X% X' r" q, J/ p1 a9 `+ A  settle down
" N' e; p: `+ C# f7 M. d) d& n  stem from —— grow out of3 B* F) e% z0 B5 Q8 [3 D
  set in motion的同义词,选项有start等
" d1 h- ^, h5 u% G- _. A3 j8 w  Webster地解释比较好:
" q- I- s% R- v! v& I9 G  to give impulse to
- _3 J4 W+ _* h3 x! v  shift
. s  _! \0 V& }1 N5 s8 G9 {  specified : stated: d) \+ s9 Y# {2 X8 I( n3 W5 I
  silhouette =outline
6 K1 Q5 n% l! t+ t/ f! q  solicit==request% i( a: {  i9 Z5 T* t5 y
  severe——harsh' @7 f  o$ \7 f9 r# O
  sacred——holy: a) Y0 D+ }! ^0 N
  strict2 K0 t! A2 z) V1 N: C: M. G
  staple——important' k8 o6 o' P! O1 x
6 y& q0 Z3 ^% }! W5 A! g  soaked——absorbed! Y. g3 M6 L$ J- e* y
  split——divided, Z5 E% i. ~/ v+ C+ g! g
  scorching——exceeding hot
9 ]4 U5 U& s& [2 w- ^  site——location
) {1 U2 t! d7 l- W  c# @6 E9 o  stay
! ^0 @9 f) D2 \+ U! f* z$ _  singularly——particularly; w, e  V6 [; ~/ @5 l- S
  stint 紧缩节省* M9 ~" r; ~' d' H4 w- {1 P
  slightest 最轻微的
9 p+ N4 `' e5 A, p  sparingly 节俭地$ l! k0 J) r! f# p. {
2 y/ }! C3 o( e3 R  staggering 惊人的,巨大的
8 q# {0 H: f" e) y: y0 r  stunned——hindered. E) i- H5 p! @* b. v( w8 U
  stunt v.阻碍……发育, 妨碍……生长, 作惊人表演, 使绝招 n.发育迟缓, 矮小的人(或物), 惊人表演, 绝技
$ y. |" G6 t0 P! v, Y) o* F  sumptuous——luxurious
/ o6 o% j( Z7 H4 r$ E# ~) l  seek# t# b/ L  K9 U+ z; }
( r& u% n* y2 e$ q9 u7 k  shrink < > spread(反义)
* g' t" e, ?1 R0 K6 N& g, ]  significant—— meaningful (obvious is not right)5 X/ |1 r! R# P6 k( H; v6 L
- `/ }: K2 P) ~  spot——identify
+ {& \! ~9 E9 M' I8 ~5 L  snap——break7 V' E+ F% }) V5 e5 y
  shied away from——avoid* X# W* F+ ^4 r6 s: g$ N- B
3 `' f4 s( V! V0 c" V: S& _  tracts (of land) = area
; G5 G8 a8 @+ V/ Q$ }1 M  ?=take advantage of6 x2 F  ^; A0 j
  Tangible = material  Z. E6 B  |0 D
  teasers (爱戏弄人的人/ 难题 a puzzling problem)
0 \; J# m$ ]! L" R& e' U* D  tip 舌尖
, V  q7 H7 s* {: P  Transfer = move
* d0 k3 \0 f" G  tricky (狡猾的,棘手的,difficult)6 E) E3 d" D; v/ @* ^1 T
/ h6 @  Z9 t& ~4 F  teemed with——were full of

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