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[阅读辅导] 商业托福阅读近意词(1)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  dded=extra( 答案还有continuing)
2 M! N  ~0 l7 @6 @. Z  E  anchor=hold in a place
' C' I3 O) z5 K& E. ]. V; A  abstract = concrete 文中找反意
7 q3 J8 |+ E" E( T2 v2 r0 f( u* ^  Advance = improvement, l% a9 Z; D- h3 l' A" p6 a
  accomplished = achieved
, J) Q. n/ R8 Y+ w" B- {0 f  Admit (permit to enter) =let in. E' v+ T7 ~1 ~% J& ?; H
  Adjusted = modificated (adjusted adj.调整过的 )) G! d7 O- `, O5 |; a! q3 M* `
  Annually = yearly
  n. \7 v  g, A6 f  avenue (大路,手段方法) = means: @# p: `7 |4 `* r
  advent——introduce(不确定)5 A' \. b1 x+ Q
  a matter of speculation——supposition(speculation的同义词)
" b+ h# x% X( X. y  adjusted——modificated
7 B+ X, N0 Y5 V* y0 w4 ~3 m  advance——improvement
3 a' u6 o: C6 L9 }) {. p  accumulate—— collect/press down,
1 p! m7 H% W9 I7 F  (它在原文的句子是the diamonds accumulate in the 什么地方,是因为它的什么什么的特点)
- C" I4 w2 d) `) j" }) w  appeal——attraction! |( Z7 E( P7 ~& `( s  f9 M
  attachment to ——preference for, ~0 P9 y1 W. |; B0 d7 V/ ~% ?8 A' h
  array=range n.排列, 编队, 军队, 衣服, 大批 vt.部署, 穿着, 排列
2 Q9 O3 n. q; G" L8 t  attendant—— accompanying( Q4 C" ]  D/ _8 Z
  ascribed to——assumed to be true of
3 O" Q" G3 ?% p* P: g( y; b1 I  afford——provide/purchase/originate/require
/ Q5 p0 c! c; z& U0 l  available——obtainable
! ?: X" i' \& \0 \, O  apparent——obvious( X, G& a( [$ H. W
  alert9 n9 f, P) w, b+ {
  beckon= invite3 r! S, {0 l: G7 h( j
  beckoning (引诱人的, 令人心动的)=inviting2 s; L# L0 ?5 K7 s: |: c
  Breed = reproduce (breed v.(使)繁殖, 教养, 抚养n.品种, 种类 )+ ]" F( O4 q" R) z
  beckoning=inviting! Z9 W4 X0 f- ~+ [$ U$ V
  breed——reproduce5 u5 U& m9 g# M. y2 o0 s
  budding. r  V% X4 _. j8 }9 `# v
  brilliant——bright+ S4 _: M2 Z- Y1 K1 ~9 ?
; m. \) Z, V/ e' x6 g* k  boost ——raise5 v1 N& K4 B+ f1 J$ v
0 n+ m( l) M- O' ~6 c  beneficial——advantageous' n; ?3 s4 _( i/ a9 U0 @. ]$ _& b
  classic7 X, q; C7 A& d$ ^
  constant = stable4 Z& z  a' s' j) i. t3 ?3 l
  counter of = in the opposition of
) {3 J8 f- A# H8 F  continual = constant* d# C  a% |0 ^0 Y; _6 L6 L
  consistently= regularly
( O0 [1 i  ^- G  counter of = in the opposite of
5 q, U8 K$ R4 P* {* b* o  Critical = significant
4 v4 |* R5 W1 k, y: C  Critical = significant
& c6 `7 R! x1 i6 R- J1 C' a  critical ——important
' n8 Q9 X+ c% g  critical ——essential
. w* ~% \: w# ?" e! s# S  chisel==carve. ^7 [' ^5 W. L$ V- u
  counter of——in the opposite of
% j) J6 l3 f5 p' i) e' m5 o, H+ T  constantly ——regularly(i guess)
7 G: s* |- Y( H4 K) ?! S" V/ a2 w  classic——typical2 Z9 W- ]4 R" l+ ~. ?. z/ V" ^" Q8 K
  close——careful (其他选项为 final/instant/restricted) n. 结束2 s6 l9 R  [( _
! h5 R8 z2 Y* c' V3 w: a  commemorate——celebrate  j: x- A$ C( P$ S) ^% K. o
  correspondence 一致 harmonies8 C# \" ^# B  E. y: D! d
  confine——limit7 i/ k; \$ Z' d0 s5 z3 c, W$ h
7 o6 i+ V8 Y* `4 I: w  constituent——component
- N- `% H$ e# h  counterpart ——version/ t' j9 N. w9 ^" U
  consequently——therefore / thus5 T8 _* n/ N& t4 m9 k6 l) e7 u
. s* x4 G$ o9 Q( p2 u2 s+ w  “demise”——decline,& m9 l6 f# G9 Q0 [
  A/ u9 L# Q: V3 l3 N  g  delineate这个我可能错了,但根据上下文,及其象 trace% A7 \; w5 A7 {8 a' P
  detrimental = harmful9 y4 M# ~4 m* _9 ?
  durable=lasting: [  a. `9 m8 a4 t
  Determining (测定) = calculating(句中选)
; i9 y: z+ q0 O3 b/ J  Detractor = critic (detractor n.诽谤者, 恶意批评者)7 z9 s' v6 Q. \8 B4 D. P
  diffusion (笔试:diffuse = travel)
" |- T' J. H: g, p8 N9 K  distinguish = notice from the difference' l9 R  d, l7 S' @7 q& @" M" }
  Distribute = spread
3 ~8 D6 Y6 Y+ R  devoted to——dependent on/concentrated on/related to4 e: g. U( w! y# T) W
  发明和entrepreneurial risks were devoted to the…… which has no certain profit.# h) ^) L3 S. `
  distribute = spread
+ n2 o& p- M7 d  disturb-upset4 L. W$ z$ ^3 W6 n9 |6 [  W5 t
  debate——argue# r0 w) D) B1 S$ P
  decretive) L2 m! h! X" I: ~: M4 }
  detrimental——harmful% b9 E& \/ V) O
8 Y7 d) @  @) v. u( P  daring —— bold) `4 v4 l. |: J  W* K- I
  diffuse——travel$ I( ~, ]+ R4 q9 {" v
  dispute——argument, D, _8 ?- u/ D# T! v* P9 p" R" L
  dangle——hung hang
( o* a: r& K1 z  l  diversity——varied9 m" b6 I1 W9 d4 ]7 M
  determining——calculating(句中选)3 U0 Q  _2 l) v0 X- Y
  ? = extreme( L, D9 q9 f+ m; u2 z( c& Y% j
  evoke=stimulate9 H) w, _( K' d' X* ~0 e  p5 G
/ x2 A# [7 X% l+ B, v8 y/ c9 D  exceeded = surpassed
$ F. w5 d3 F4 {4 T% i6 o; j$ }  employ=use
+ K* ~! x! [8 }4 e: M0 \, R6 w  exceedingly —— extremely
9 y3 P- Y6 ~* {! u5 J9 q6 d: u  endangered ( 将要绝种的) = abundant(反义词,句中选)
0 f; ?) F" j" R- z! C7 u) Z  Enrich = enhance 选项里有 enhance/conceal/enlarge
6 E0 `  W  _% }/ g5 L1 W3 s' S  entail = involve entail: vt.使必需, 使蒙受, 使承担, 遗传给
% ]! f, |; h8 o2 H  Erratic (不稳定的,古怪的) = irregular
0 W6 ^4 P- U2 g# ?6 X' n" c& Y  Even= already6 W$ W  R9 J0 p: B5 \3 Z/ X: @. F
  Evenly = equally (evenly adv.均匀地, 平坦地 )
& j" k) n$ ~; `3 D# z% e( z  exhibit (n. v. 展示,陈列)= feature (展出、公开 = emphasize, display, publicize, ) (句中选)0 W: U' B3 {9 [6 K
  Expanse (笔试:expand = increase)+ G8 @3 U& d$ l9 W  W1 a- [
  express = communicate
( |$ @+ H2 f2 d. x1 {9 a) f; P7 C9 ~  Extraneous ( 无关紧要的,外来的,inessential, from outside)! P) G; k, Y3 c
  expressed——communicated2 d! R) b1 W8 Y+ F+ S! L; ]- |
  some concerns about forest are expressed till early 1900. expressed- A.communicated, B.increased. exhibit——feature(句中选)
) m9 K  x: @6 p. p  endangeredabundant(反义词,句中选)
6 V7 p* _) J$ P; S1 z3 x  entail——involve& S/ C- K# U5 S$ r3 Z1 [
1 M7 J8 t8 ?# T' S& g  explored,1 Z! |) W! R9 \* N/ a  d$ t
! p/ z3 g! B5 b  establishment——formation
4 F- w7 H" f9 t1 i. P( X  enclosure——surrounding
4 m3 G  z/ u( U# h; ^* I! Q7 R  ease( p" m! Y8 I+ z/ {) y6 R
  era——period1 q  D6 W- |0 [) K' q- X
5 o, `0 J& h; `% n4 G6 Q  enhance ——improve or enlarge  Z& D; Q( }0 F6 L+ {, u

* M  t* H, n% [9 R* l8 r5 [  elaborate adj.精心制作的, 详细阐述的, 精细 vt.精心制作, 详细阐述 v.详细描述

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:23 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  embedded——encased
* s+ n% m; a; \, ]" W% o: r9 `  essentially adv.本质上, 本来
, q2 |4 J( N# g, H8 \7 r' ]4 I  even——already 恰好,正当
4 z4 }& C) Z/ O7 m: g% p) }5 [  词汇不难,其中有even——already题。在But, even by the end of时间……,……8 s8 I" _) g1 ~7 u( @: _1 H3 o4 }2 m
  expendable —— unprofitable
! v  e( C& v$ q2 o  expose to——subject to2 k1 j) k$ x  ^- f$ T5 m/ p
  exert——cause. }: f7 T' V/ d" J6 Z
2 W1 }: c* h5 ?/ y# g! j  expanse == (笔试:expand = increase)7 k  C) g* v  t1 Z$ K
  这一题 expanse 是考“n.区域”的意思
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