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[阅读辅导] 星球大战 第三章(6)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Threepio watched, interested, as Luke worked. "There’s a lot of strange carbon scoring here of a seen a lot of action out of the ordinary." "Indeed, sir," Threepio admitted, forgetting to drop the honorific. This time Luke was too absorbed elsewhere to correct him. "Sometimes I’m amazed we’re in as good shape as we are." He added as an afterthought, while still shying away from the thrust of Luke’s question, "What with the rebellion and all." Despite his caution, it seemed to Threepio that he must have given something away, for an almost jawa-like blaze appeared in Luke’s eyes. "You know about the rebellion against the Empire?" he demanded. % k3 f* ?( S0 b4 A$ ~) X
  "In a way," Threepio confessed reluctantly. "The rebellion was responsible for our coming into your service. We are refugees, you se." He did not add from where.
* L2 e* T% M* u1 v3 A  Not that Luke appeared to care. "Refugees!" Then I did see a space battle!" He rambled on rapidly, excited. "Tell me where you’ve been—in how many encounters. How is the rebellion going? Does the Empire take it seriously? Have you seen many ships destroyed?" "A bit slower, please, sir," Threepio pleaded. "You misinterpret our status.
6 z+ x9 a, k0 A% q  We were innocent bystanders. Our involvement with the rebellion was of the most marginal nature.
1 f4 [, U, G0 }/ H1 ?' M) ~9 `  "As to battles, we were in several, I think. It is difficult to tell when one is not directly in contact with the actual battle machinery." He shrugged neatly. "Beyond that, there is not much to say. Remember, sir, I am little more than a cosmeticized interpreter and not very good at telling stories or relating histories, and even less proficient at embellishing them. I am a very literal machine." Luke turned away, disappointed, and returned to his cleaning of Artoo Detoo. ; \$ k' u; J: v* F% [; B
  Additional scraping turned up something puzzling enough to demand his full attention. 2 U+ F6 w. C: ?0 N; U: }
  A small metal fragment was tightly lodged between two bar conduits that would normally form a linkage. Setting down the delicate pick, Luke switched to a larger instrument.
& z& K7 z% t7 @# T! R  "Well, my little friend," he murmured, "you’ve got something jammed in here real good." As he pushed and pried Luke directed half his attention to Threepio.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:23 | 显示全部楼层

星球大战 第三章(6)

  "Obi-wan Kenobi," the voice implored huskily, "help me! You’re my only remaining hope." A burst of static dissolved the face momentarily. Then it coalesced again, and once more the voice repeated, "Obi-wan Kenobi, you’re my only remaining hope." With a raspy hum the hologram continued. Luke sat perfectly still for a long moment, considering what he was seeing, then he blinked and directed his words to the Artoo unit. 6 L$ m# e$ Q# ~% y! f$ A0 ^, v
  "What’s this all about, Artoo Detoo?" the stubby ’droid shifted slightly, the cubish portrait shifting with him, and beeped what sounded vaguely like a sheepish reply.
) A/ u6 [" @7 _% m* J" G- f  Threepio appeared as mystified as Luke. "What is that?" he inquired sharply, gesturing at the speaking portrait and then at Luke. "You were asked a question.
/ M7 B2 o  k9 A7 G1 c( K  What and who is that, and how are you originating it—and why?" The Artoo unit generated a beep of surprise, for all the world as if just noticing the hologram. This was followed by a whistling stream of information.
& {, ?9 u* N$ ^; o" D; d/ S5 }  Threepio digested the data, tried to frown, couldn’t, and strove to convey his own confusion via the tone of his voice. "He insist it’s nothing, sir. Merely a malfunction—old data. A tape that should have been erased but was missed. He insists we pay it no mind." That was like telling Luke to ignore a cache of Durindfires he might stumble over in the desert. "Who is she?" he demanded, staring enraptured at the hologram.
& x* c1 R: e( l4 T  "She’s beautiful." "I really don’t know who she is," Threepio confessed honestly. "I think she might have been a passenger on our last voyage. From what I recall, she was a personage of some importance. This might have something to do with the fact that our Captain was attaché to—" Luke cut him off, savoring the way sensuous lips formed and reformed the sentence fragment. "Is there any more to this recording? It sounds like it’s incomplete." Getting to his feet, Luke reached out for the Artoo unit. / Y6 r/ d4 G' W7 {* X
The robot moved backward and produced whistles of such frantic concern that Luke hesitated and held off reaching for the internal controls.
& y  A! y! i/ M5 |% g6 Z  Threepio was shocked. "Behave yourself, Artoo," he finally chastised his companion. "You’re going to get us into trouble." He had vision of the both of them being packed up as uncooperative and shipped back to the jawas, which was enough to make him imitate a shudder.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:24 | 显示全部楼层

星球大战 第三章(6)

  "It’s all right—he’s our master now." Threepio indicated Luke. "You can trust him." I feel that he has our best interests in mind." Detoo appeared to hesitate, uncertain. Then he whistled and beeped a long complexity at his friend. & o! G3 D* ^4 F) f) V" L
  "Well?" Luke prompted impatiently. $ i. f6 T% f. C$ T# J" O
  Threepio paused before replying. "He says that he is the property of one Obi- wan Kenobi, a resident of this world. Of this very region, in fact. The sentence fragment we are hearing is part of a private message intended for this person." Threepio shook his head slowly. "Quite frankly, sir, I don’t know what he’s talking about. Our last master was Captain Colton. I never heard Artoo mention a prior master. I’ve certainly never heard of an Obi-wan Kenobi. But with all we’ve been through," he concluded apologetically, "I’m afraid his logic circuits have gotten a bit scrambled. He’s become decidedly eccentric at times." And while Luke considered this turn of events, Threepio took the opportunity to throw Artoo a furious look of warning.
9 U. t6 m5 r0 u4 ]+ v2 i  "Obi-wan Kenobi," Luke recited thoughtfully. His expression suddenly brightened. "Say…I wonder if he could be referring to old Ben Kenobi." "Begging your pardon," Threepio gulped, astonished beyond measure, "but you actually know of such a person?" "Not exactly," he admitted in a more subdued voice. "I don’t know anyone named Obi-wan—but old Ben lives somewhere out on the fringe of the Western Dune Sea. He’s kind of a local character—a hermit. Uncle Owen and a few of the other farmers say he’s a sorcerer. 5 [8 l. B+ a: {. d
  "He comes around once in a while to trade things. I hardly ever talk to him, though. My uncle usually runs him off." He paused and glanced across at the small robot again. "But I never heard that old Ben owned a ’droid of any kind. At least, none that I ever heard tell of." Luke’s gaze was drawn irresistibly back to the hologram. "I wonder who she is.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:25 | 显示全部楼层

星球大战 第三章(6)

  Despite a superficial sharpness, the image flickered and jiggled unsteadily, as if the recording had been made and installed with haste. Luke stared at the foreign colors being projected into the prosaic atmosphere of the garage and started to form a question. But it was never finished. The lips on the figure moved, and the girl spoke—or rather, seemed to speak. Luke knew the aural accompaniment was generated somewhere within Artoo Detoo’s squat torso. 7 I5 y2 L- o% C: D; @8 h0 @
  "Obi-wan Kenobi," the voice implored huskily, "help me! You’re my only remaining hope." A burst of static dissolved the face momentarily. Then it coalesced again, and once more the voice repeated, "Obi-wan Kenobi, you’re my only remaining hope." With a raspy hum the hologram continued. Luke sat perfectly still for a long moment, considering what he was seeing, then he blinked and directed his words to the Artoo unit.
: m; L, i! R$ ~- ]  "What’s this all about, Artoo Detoo?" the stubby ’droid shifted slightly, the cubish portrait shifting with him, and beeped what sounded vaguely like a sheepish reply. ) Y- x2 `( C  q
  Threepio appeared as mystified as Luke. "What is that?" he inquired sharply, gesturing at the speaking portrait and then at Luke. "You were asked a question.
, a1 W! f0 E; u  M  What and who is that, and how are you originating it—and why?" The Artoo unit generated a beep of surprise, for all the world as if just noticing the hologram. This was followed by a whistling stream of information.
6 [2 Y  K. M, G/ U  R- l  Threepio digested the data, tried to frown, couldn’t, and strove to convey his own confusion via the tone of his voice. "He insist it’s nothing, sir. Merely a malfunction—old data. A tape that should have been erased but was missed. He insists we pay it no mind." That was like telling Luke to ignore a cache of Durindfires he might stumble over in the desert. "Who is she?" he demanded, staring enraptured at the hologram. ; T5 w/ V- ?+ O$ ^, W
  "She’s beautiful." "I really don’t know who she is," Threepio confessed honestly. "I think she might have been a passenger on our last voyage. From what I recall, she was a personage of some importance. This might have something to do with the fact that our Captain was attaché to—" Luke cut him off, savoring the way sensuous lips formed and reformed the sentence fragment. "Is there any more to this recording? It sounds like it’s incomplete." Getting to his feet, Luke reached out for the Artoo unit.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:26 | 显示全部楼层

星球大战 第三章(6)

The robot moved backward and produced whistles of such frantic concern that Luke hesitated and held off reaching for the internal controls. ' L9 U( S+ E7 j0 B  `
  Threepio was shocked. "Behave yourself, Artoo," he finally chastised his companion. "You’re going to get us into trouble." He had vision of the both of them being packed up as uncooperative and shipped back to the jawas, which was enough to make him imitate a shudder. 1 x/ B% l; }5 F$ ]' q
  "It’s all right—he’s our master now." Threepio indicated Luke. "You can trust him." I feel that he has our best interests in mind." Detoo appeared to hesitate, uncertain. Then he whistled and beeped a long complexity at his friend. ; R% I+ n+ \" k( j- Q
  "Well?" Luke prompted impatiently.
+ O2 A: j# N; F5 U; A. B* n: }  Threepio paused before replying. "He says that he is the property of one Obi- wan Kenobi, a resident of this world. Of this very region, in fact. The sentence fragment we are hearing is part of a private message intended for this person." Threepio shook his head slowly. "Quite frankly, sir, I don’t know what he’s talking about. Our last master was Captain Colton. I never heard Artoo mention a prior master. I’ve certainly never heard of an Obi-wan Kenobi. But with all we’ve been through," he concluded apologetically, "I’m afraid his logic circuits have gotten a bit scrambled. He’s become decidedly eccentric at times." And while Luke considered this turn of events, Threepio took the opportunity to throw Artoo a furious look of warning.
5 t$ i  P; ?7 k$ R! B) p  "Obi-wan Kenobi," Luke recited thoughtfully. His expression suddenly brightened. "Say…I wonder if he could be referring to old Ben Kenobi." "Begging your pardon," Threepio gulped, astonished beyond measure, "but you actually know of such a person?" "Not exactly," he admitted in a more subdued voice. "I don’t know anyone named Obi-wan—but old Ben lives somewhere out on the fringe of the Western Dune Sea. He’s kind of a local character—a hermit. Uncle Owen and a few of the other farmers say he’s a sorcerer.
8 z! |& ~$ C2 r  "He comes around once in a while to trade things. I hardly ever talk to him, though. My uncle usually runs him off." He paused and glanced across at the small robot again. "But I never heard that old Ben owned a ’droid of any kind. At least, none that I ever heard tell of." Luke’s gaze was drawn irresistibly back to the hologram. "I wonder who she is.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:27 | 显示全部楼层

星球大战 第三章(6)

  "You’d better consider playing that whole recording for him," he growled, with suggestive nod toward a workbench laden with dismembered machine parts.
7 J* p1 ?% [5 x  "Otherwise he’s liable to take up that cleaning pick again and go digging for it. He might not be too careful what he cuts through if he believes you’re deliberately withholding something from him." A plaintive beep came from Artoo.
( i, S" p6 M( v  "No," Threepio responded, "I don’t think he likes you at all." A second beep failed to alter the stern tone in the taller robot’s voice. "No, I don’t like you, either."
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