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[阅读辅导] 星球大战 第六章(5)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Luke found himself squinting as they entered the cantina. It was darker inside than he would have liked. Perhaps the regular habitués of this place were unaccustomed to the light of day, or didn’t wish to be seen clearly. It didn’t occur to Luke that the dim interior in combination with the brilliantly lit entrance permitted everyone inside to see each newcomer before he could see them.5 Y5 _0 F) E- H4 k4 P3 G+ n
  Moving inward, Luke was astonished at the variety of beings making use of the bar. There were one-eyed creatures and thousand-eyed, creature with scales, creatures with fur, and some with skin that seemed to ripple and change consistency according to their feelings of the moment.
# J/ c% N, K& e, @/ A" x) s# V  Hovering near the bar itself was a towering insectoid that Luke glimpsed only as a threatening shadow. It contrasted with two of the tallest women Luke had ever seen. They were among the most normal looking of the outrageous assemblage of humans that mixed freely among alien counterparts. Tentacles, claws, and hands were wrapped around drinking utensils of various sizes and shapes. Conversation was a steady babble of human and alien tongues.5 G; p, X% ?. j0 R! s. F
  Leaning close, Kenobi gestured toward the far end of the bar. A small knot of rough-looking humans lounged there, drinking laughing, and trading stories of dubious origin. 来www.Examw.com
& y6 f3 T7 F3 E  "Corellians—pirates, most likely." "I thought we were looking for an independent freighter captain with his own ship for hire," Luke whispered back.
9 C* C' b& {5 ~( D$ k/ l, y' e$ ]  "So we are, young Luke, so we are," agreed Kenobi. "And there’s bound to be one or two adequate for our needs among that group. It’s just that in Corellian terminology the distinction between who owns what cargo tends to get a little muddled from time to time. Wait here." Luke nodded and watched as Kenobi worked his way through the crowd. The Correllians’ suspicion at his approach vanished as soon as he engaged them in conversation.

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