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[阅读辅导] 星球大战 第六章(8)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Luke felt of the bruise where the big creature had stuck him. "I…" he started to say, but old Ben cut him off. As if nothing had happened, he indicated the great hairy mass which was shouldering its way through the crowd toward them.
' \6 ?" W1 q9 d/ t" n& U  "This is Chewbacca," he explained when the anthropoid had joined them at the bar. "He’s first mate on a ship that might suit our needs. He’ll take us to her captain-owner now." "This way," the Wookie grunted—at least, it sounded something like that to Luke.
2 ^/ G2 s5 I1 ^  J* Q) r* v  In any case, the huge creature’s follow-me gesture was unmistakable. They started to wend their way deeper into the bar, the Wookie parting the crowd like a gravel storm cutting canyonettes.! c5 ?5 H. T' H# Q) @% y1 o1 i( U
  Out in front of the cantina, Threepio paced nervously next to the landspeeder.
1 R7 o6 M$ u  R  Apparently unconcerned, Artoo Detoo was engaged in animated electronic conversation with a bright red R-2 unit be longing to another of the cantina’s patrons.8 i0 k9 w. r3 ]& b  s% A
  "What could be taking them so long? They went to hire one ship—not a fleet." Abruptly Threepio paused, beckoning silently for Artoo to be quiet. Two Imperial troopers had appeared on the scene. They were met by an unkempt human who had emerged almost simultaneously from the depths of the cantina.9 C( D7 c* S0 X( _) g. Q/ u& O8 j( x' b
  "I do not like the looks of this," the tall ’droid murmured. en.Examw.CoM
* Q" T% S6 w8 s# S# r' T6 [  Luke had appropriated someone else’s drink from a waiter’s tray as they made their way to the rear of the cantina. He gulped at it with the giddy air of one who feels himself under diving protection. That safe he was not, but in the company of Kenobi and the giant Wookie he began to feel confident that no one in the bar would assault him with so much as a dirty look.0 A6 i5 m4 W: i0 `( B
  In a rear booth they encountered a sharp-featured young man perhaps five years older than Luke, perhaps a dozen—it was difficult to tell. He displayed the openness of the utterly confident—or the insanely reckless. At their approach the man sent the humanoid wench who had been wriggling on his lap on her way with a whispered something which left a wide, if inhuman, grin on her face.; l7 _6 Z1 ?6 {$ J$ v8 r
  The Wookie Chewbacca rumbled something at the man, and he nodded in response, glancing up at the newcomers pleasantly.

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