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[阅读辅导] 星球大战 第七章(8)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  "I know who you are," she spat, "Governor Tarkin. I should have expected to find you holding Vader’s leash. I thought I recognized your unique stench when I was first brought on board." "Charming to the last," Tarkin declared in a fashion which suggested he was anything but charmed. "You don’t know how hard I found it to sign the order for your termination." His expression changed to one of mock sorrow. "Of course, had you cooperated in our investigation, things might be otherwise. Lord Vader has informed me that your resistance to our traditional methods of inquiry—" "Torture, you mean," she countered a trifle shakily.
8 {" r/ H9 W( @; `( V  2 d$ W+ ?8 z; s- b1 u5 Q
  "Let us not bandy semantics," Tarkin smiled. & _& J& D) H1 H7 S& K
5 x  d0 x' d3 z; R7 \. R) p  "I’m surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility for issuing the order on yourself." Tarkin sighed reluctantly. "I am a dedicated man, and the pleasures I reserved for myself are few. One of them is that before your execution I should like you to be my guest at a small ceremony. It will certify this battle station’s operational status while at the same time ushering in a new era of Imperial technical supremacy. This station is the final link in the new-forged Imperial chain which will bind the million systems of the galactic Empire together once and for all. Your petty Alliance will no longer be of any concern to us. After today’s demonstration no one will dare to opposite Imperial decree, not even the Senate." Organa looked at him with contempt. "Force will not keep the Empire together. + k7 O: {# G7 P; v% R/ q

% p4 e: y  R; t! g. g# Q. k" {  Force has never kept anything together for very long. The more you tighten your grip, the more systems will slip through your fingers. You’re a foolish man, Governor. Foolish men often choke to death on their own delusions." Tarkin smiled a death’s-head smile, his face a parchment skull’s. "It will be interesting to see what manner of passing Lord Vader has in mind for you. I am certain it will be worthy of your—and of him.
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  "But before you leave us, we must demonstrate the power of this station once and for all, in a conclusive fashion. In a way, you have determined the choice of subject for this demonstration. Since you have proven reluctant to supply us with the location of the rebel stronghold, I have deemed it appropriate to select as an alternate subject your home planet of Alderaan." "No! You can’t! Alderaan is a peaceful world, with no standing armies.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:23 | 显示全部楼层

星球大战 第七章(8)

  You can’t…" Tarkin’s eyes gleamed. "You would prefer another target? A military target, perhaps? We’re agreeable grow tired of such games. For the last time, where is the main rebel base?" A voice announced over a hidden speaker that they had approached within antigrav range of Alderaan—approximately six planetary diameters. That was enough to accomplish what all of Vader’s infernal devices had failed to.
) p; p2 b: {1 n% z3 N4 \  
7 S' B  l4 Z+ A: g  "Dantooine," she whispered, staring at the deck, all pretense at defiance gone now. "They’re on Dantooine." Tarkin let out a slow sigh of satisfaction, then turned to the black figure nearby. * f3 Z) S5 \0 o3 a
6 {" t/ L( D0 f2 x"There, you see, Lord Vader? She can be reasonable. One needs only frame the question properly to elicit the desired response." He directed his attention to the other officers. "After concluding our little test here we shall make haste to move on to Dantooine. You may proceed with the operation, gentlemen." It took several seconds for Tarkin’s words, so casually uttered, to penetrate.
( p; a7 J$ L& e$ H' D  L. S  5 j5 f& `- L3 K3 }/ H( k) v6 z! d
  "What!" Organa finally gasped. http://www.Examw.com
' {  F: n- c: C: v  
- I4 Q6 t: L. A% k  "Dantooine," Tarkin explained, examining his fingers, "is too far from the centers of Imperial population to serve as the subject of an effective demonstration.
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, J0 n" O. K  T$ s4 `1 |  You will understand that for reports of our power to spread rapidly through the Empire we require an obstreperous world more centrally located. Have no fear, though. We will deal with your rebel friends on Dantooine as soon as possible." "But you said…" Organa started to protest.
, F  o: x( X. q: y) i9 Z  
9 j9 {- z, B& q# l  "The only words which have meaning are the last ones spoken," Tarkin declared cuttingly. "We will proceed with destruction of Alderaan as planned. Then you will enjoy watching with us as we obliterate the Dantooine center of this stupid and futile rebellion." He gestured to the two soldiers flanking her. "escort her to the principal observation level and," he smiled, "make certain she is provided with an unobstructed view."</p>
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