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[阅读辅导] 星球大战 第十一章(7)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  The central briefing room was located deep within the bowels of the temple. ! |# y$ b" L0 r; [0 M7 d9 ~
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  The long, low-ceiling auditorium was dominated by a raised dais and huge electronic display screen at its far end. Pilots, navigators, and a sprinkling of Artoo units filled the seats. Impatient, and feeling very out of place, Han Solo and Chewbacca stood as far away from the stage, with its assemblage of officers and Senators, as possible.
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  Solo scanned the crowd, searching for Luke. Despite some common sense entreaties, the crazy kid had gone and joined the regular pilots. He didn’t see Luke, but he recognized the Princess as she talked somberly with some bemedaled oldster. 1 v# R* o" }6 l6 z
% H( V/ {' q0 d) y  When a tall, dignified gentleman with too many deaths on his soul moved to stand by the far side of the screen, Solo turned his attention to him, as did everyone else in the room. As soon as an expectant silence had gripped the crowd, General Jan Dodonna adjusted the tiny mike on his chest and indicated the small group seated close to him. ' u- I, V! k6 e$ o' ~$ p
3 g$ e3 o0 s* T2 x" D4 V  "You all know these people," he intoned with quiet power. "They are the Senators and Generals whose worlds have given us support, whether open or covert. / |0 \! a  t4 V4 \* v' D& R
6 z1 K/ W/ y( y- e9 |/ V  They have come to be with us in what may well prove to be the decisive moment." He let his gaze touch many in the crowd, and none who were so favored remained unmoved.
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4 _# d( K5 J$ i8 C) c  "The Imperial battle station you know all have heard of is approaching from the far side of Yavin and its sun. That gives us a little extra time, but it must be stopped—once and for all—before it can reach this moon, before it can bring its weaponry to bear on us as it did on Alderaan." A murmur ran through the crowd at the mention of that world, so callously obliterated. . D( @2 X" d$ ~6 H
" v: j) w5 ]6 [  R8 R5 {2 W  "The station," Dodonna went on, "is heavily shielded and mounts more firepower than half the Imperial fleet. But its defenses were designed to fend off large-scale, capital ship assaults. A small, one- or two-man fighter should be able to slip through its defensive screens." A slim, supple man who resembled an older version of Han Solo rose.

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