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[阅读辅导] 星球大战 第十一章(10)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  "Sir," Biggs put in before his friend could reply, "Luke’s the best bush pilot in the outer-rim territories." The older man patted Luke reassuringly on the back as they studied his waiting ship. "Something to be proud of. I’ve got over a thousand hours in an Incom skyhopper myself." He paused a moment before going on. * P0 a) z1 D/ F' E7 N
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  "I met your father once when I was just a boy, Luke. He was a great pilot. & ~! R/ {  b) a% l( c
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  You’ll do all right out there. If you’ve got half your father’s skill, you’ll do a damn sight better than all right." "Thank you, sir. I’ll try." "There’s no much difference control-wise between an X-wing T-65," Blue Leader went on, "and a skyhopper." His smile turned ferocious. "Except the payload’s of somewhat different nature." He left them and hurried toward his own ship. Luke had a hundred questions to ask him, and no time for even one. % U' F4 I! f; t* H
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  "I’ve got to get aboard my own boat, Luke. Listen, you’ll tell me your stories when we come back. All right?" "All right. I told you I’d make it here someday, Biggs." "You did." His friend was moving toward a cluster of waiting fighter, adjusting his flight suit. "It’s going to be like old time, Luke. We’re a couple of shooting stars that can’t be stopped!" Luke laughed. They used to reassure themselves with that cry when they piloted starships of sandhills and dead logs behind the flaking, pitted buildings of Anchorhead…years and years ago. + X+ U8 S) q" }$ a2 F. @& s) T
- a! h* X) ~1 D  Once more Luke turned toward his ship, admiring its deadly lines. Despite Blue Leader’s assurances, he had to admit that it didn’t look much like an Incom skyhopper. Artoo Detoo was being snuggled into the R-2 socket behind the fighter cockpit. A forlorn metal figure stood below, watching the operation and shuffling nervously about. 9 o0 H& k% i$ z" q# C. ^. `& b
3 U' b! s% B' V8 V. L* m6 n  "Hold on tight," See Threepio was cautioning the smaller robot. "You’ve got to come back. If you don’t come back, who am I going to have to yell at?" For Threepio, that query amounted to an overwhelming outburst of emotion.
. h1 p% k& q1 r' t# ^  }5 E  
8 C% O  i2 V- P3 Y# x  Artoo beeped confidently down at his friend, however, as Luke mounted the cockpit entry. Farther down the hangar he saw Blue Leader already set in his acceleration chair and signaling to his ground crew. Another roar was added to the monstrous din filling the hangar area as ship after ship activated its engines. In that enclosed rectangle of temple the steady thunder was overpowering.

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