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[阅读辅导] 星球大战 第十二章(9)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  "I’m just getting started," his friend announced as he twisted his ship violently to avoid the fire from below. He hove into view over Luke’s shoulder and executed a victory roll. "Just point me at the target." Back alongside Yavin’s indifferent bulk, Dodonna finished an intense discussion with several of his principal advisors, then moved to the long-range transmitter. 9 N. l, m4 I: H5 u- K3 j% S
  7 ]. F) {/ _- O, v" X
  "Blue Leader, this is Base One. Double-check your own attack prior to commencement. Have your wingmen hold back and cover for you. Keep half of your group out of range to make the next run." "Copy, Base On," the response came. "Blue Ten, Blue Twelve, join with me." Two ships leveled off to flank the squadron commander. Blue Leader checked them out. Satisfied that they were positioned properly for attack run, he set the group to follow in case they should fail. " X" O# U7 D" ?3 r2 k! ~5 n
  m  q$ ]( x( P! a+ A8 Y, Q, C  "Blue Five, this is Blue Leader. Luke, take Blue Two and Three with you. . E" m, S: A" x/ j% H1 `
8 H! R9 c# j* Y# k, h  Hold up here out of their fire and wait for my signal to start your own run." "Copy, Blue Leader," Luke acknowledged, trying to slow his heart slightly.
/ K# s, T" w" S& c" R  
1 f8 A* S) M0 `  "May the force be with you. Biggs, Wedge, let’s close it up." Together, the three fighters assumed a tight formation high above the firefight still raging between other rebel craft of Green and Yellow squadrons and the imperial gunners below.
' g! H' \' ^( F! v  , |) E8 ~3 I) r$ O' O9 l* g
  The horizon flip-flopped ahead of Blue Leader as he commenced his approach to the station surface. "Blue Ten, Blue Twelve, stay back until we spot those fighters, then cover me." All three X-wings reached the surface, leveled off, then arced into the trench.
/ Y! V. R3 r, q! _0 f+ t  : u  I% C0 z) Y* B* K$ J
  His wingmen dropped farther and farther behind until Blue Leader was seemingly alone in the vast gray chasm.
' i) [5 Z+ P- d" y& F! a5 q  2 u4 g) U) N* N! L: u
  No defensive fire greeted him as he raced toward the distant target. He found himself looking around nervously, checking and rechecking the same instruments.
7 |( b5 R- P! O4 q4 P  
9 ?$ u# \' g5 U( W4 q/ g9 v* `  "This doesn’t look right," he found himself muttering. ( R, O8 K: x4 f# P
9 _, B' {# d5 C3 S3 B7 E  Blue Ten sounded equally concerned. "You should be able to pick up the target by now." "I know. The disruption down here is unbelievable. I think my instruments are off. Is this the right trench?" Suddenly, intense streaks of light began to shoot close by as the trench defenses opened up. Near misses shook the attackers. At the far end of the trench a huge tower dominated the metal ridge, vomiting enormous amounts of energy at the nearing ships
: Q, [% \0 s+ }6 E( u, b  
' U. I: ~6 L+ Z5 {" V- T  "It’s not going to be easy with that tower up there," Blue Leader declared grimly.

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