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[阅读辅导] 托业考试备考辅导资料精选阅读文章29

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  In desperation Luke tried twisting his aching body, just enough to reach the discarded lightsaber. But the freezing cold coursing through his body slowed him down and weakened him. Luke was beginning to resign himself to his fate as he heard the snarling Wampa Ice Creature approaching. His last feelings of hope were nearly gone when he sensed the presence., ~4 O+ y8 @4 a( T8 _
  But it was not the presence of the white giant that dominated this gorge.
/ u, _8 @, v. l/ W/ {  K) j" [  Rather, it was that soothing spiritual presence which occasionally visited Luke in moments of stress or danger. The presence that had first come to him only after old Ben, once again in his Jedi role of Obi-wan Kenobi, vanished into a crumple of his own dark robes after being cut down by Darth Vader’s lightsaber. The presence that was sometimes like a familiar voice, an almost silent whisper that spoke directly to Luke’s mind.4 V% A4 L9 B& T5 i2 P$ G4 h
  "Luke." The whisper was there again, hauntingly. "Think of the lightsaber in your hand." The words made Luke’s already aching head throb. Then he felt a sudden resurgence of strength, a feeling of confidence that urged him to continue fighting despite his apparently hopeless situation. His eyes fixed upon the lightsaber. His hand reached out painfully, the freezing in his limbs already taking its toll. He squeezed his eyes shut in concentration. But the weapon was still beyond his reach.
1 w9 G/ t, A; g0 H# \; _( F  He knew that the lightsaber would require more than just struggling to reach.# A+ e+ b( e; X% q7 J
  "Gotta relax," Luke told himself, "relax…" his disembodied guardian. "Let the Force flow, Luke." The Force! Luke saw the inverted gorillalike image of the Wampa Ice Creature looming, its raised arms ending in enormous gleaming claws. He could see the apish face for the first time now, and shivered at the sight of the beast’s ramlike horns, the quivering lower jaw with its protruding fangs.
$ Q2 {/ i; u) V% {4 x# `+ Q6 M! l  But then the warrior divorced the creature from his thoughts. He stopped struggling for his weapon, his body relaxed and went limp, allowing his spirit to be receptive to his teacher’s suggestion. Already he could feel coursing through him that energy field generated by all living beings, that bound the very universe together.
, W! K& j( x2 [  As Kenobi had taught him, the Force was within Luke to use as he saw fit.
- D7 {" i; ^; T6 x  V  h  The Wampa Ice Creature spread its black, hooked claws and lumbered toward the hanging youth. Suddenly the lightsaber, as if by magic, sprang to Luke’s hand.
7 q# H4 c2 v% o; Y9 q8 c  Instantly, he depressed a colored button on the weapon, releasing a blade-like beam that quickly severed his icy bonds.

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