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[阅读辅导] 备考商业托福阅读素材整理50

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  There was only a brief, brilliant flare of light, then nothing. The shattered remains of the two TIE fighters drifted away into the darkness and the tremendous asteroid—undeflected in its course—continued on its way.
/ s7 T5 r+ P  J4 b, m6 `6 `  Han felt an inner glow as bright as the spectacle that had just lighted up the view.
/ H* w8 m9 F0 b1 H" }8 [+ s! ^  He smiled to himself in quiet triumph.0 c) J2 O% ]+ P, y# K, Z. D* K3 ~$ ~
  Then he noticed an image on the main scope of his control console and nudged his hairy copilot. "There." Han pointed to the image. "Chewie, get a reading on that. Looks pretty good." "What is it?" Leia asked.) V7 Z6 }8 D6 i0 T- A: P1 K0 F% s
  The Falcon's pilot ignored her question. "That should do nicely," he said.
# ^9 \6 T4 ^- F: Z" a7 N0 O; `  As they flew near the asteroid's surface, Han looked down at the craggy terrain, his eye caught by a shadowy area that looked like a crater of mammoth proportions.3 E& u$ S6 l3 K1 x/ l, U
  He lowered the Falcon to surface level and flew it directly into the crater, its bowllike walls suddenly rising up around his ship.
0 ~) h) k  L: B) E8 N  And still two TIE fighters chased after him, firing their laser cannons and attempting to mimic his every maneuver.
* _+ l1 Z. h/ u* Z- m7 o  Han Solo knew he had to be trickier and more daring if he was to lose the deadly pursuit ships. Spotting a narrow chasm through his windscreen, he banked the Millennium Falcon to one side. The ship soared sideways through the high-walled rocky trench.
; K  q2 X) }) O- E2 {# E  S; G/ j  Unexpectedly the two TIE fighters followed. One of them even sparked as it grazed the walls with its metal hull.
# t% I+ {+ B& q* r4 ^  Twisting, banking, and turning his ship, Han pressed through the narrow gorge.
- Z, W# O2 j: G' Y# l/ S+ P  From behind the black sky flared as the two TIE fighters crashed against one another, then exploded against the rocky ground.

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