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[阅读辅导] 2012年商业托福考试(TOEIC)阅读高频词汇(6)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  proponent—— One who argues in support of something; an advocate倡导者=supporter. x. @6 ~7 j2 q
  property—— A characteristic trait or peculiarity, especially one serving to define or describe its possessor特性=characteristic,6 Z7 k- q; N7 u  J0 b. t7 r
  A piece of real estate地产;不动产=estate1 Q1 \# E- L9 F/ i, ]4 D5 x" ~
  proper—— Characterized by appropriateness or suitability; fitting恰当的=suitable, correctly中 华 考 试 网
: k8 I+ S: B% g$ Z, c( K  promising—— Likely to develop in a desirable manner有前途的;有希望的=likely Apt to achieve success or yield a desired outcome; promising有希望的' X0 S) C% w% d" s
  prominent—— Widely known; eminent著名的=distinguished Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent卓越的1 @' C9 k2 t0 ?9 L/ K9 ^
  proliferation—— To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring增生,增殖=multiply To breed or propagate繁殖或增殖
1 U6 q. ~, p' F- E  n3 Y  prevail—— To be in force, use, or effect; be current正在用的,有影响的;现行的=dominate
6 A9 r3 R: n" o  prevailing—— Most frequent or common; predominant普遍的;有优势的=most frequent
2 u6 O4 E; \+ M* a+ E3 m8 G  primal—— Of first importance; primary最重要的;主要的=key, principal First, highest, or foremost in importance, rank, worth, or degree; chief重要的,首要的
- g* S$ J; L' _) m( z5 H* F1 f  primarily—— Of first importance; primary最重要的;主要的=mainly For the most part; chiefly.大部分地;主要地
1 i: {6 A! }. ?) W  prehistoric—— Of, relating to, or belonging to the era before recorded history史前的=ancient' K8 y0 C" W3 `$ p0 G# d: H
  preservative—— Something used to preserve, especially a chemical added to foods to inhibit spoilage防腐剂=maintain To keep in an existing state; preserve or retain保持1 |& L' g' m$ P" P6 [
  preside over——管理,主管=manage
9 J; y( z( l0 a% j0 g% H  prestige—— A person's high standing among others; honor or esteem威望;尊重或敬佩=honor
2 n/ `) {9 Z8 v' k. V# w/ ]6 D; l# L  predecessor—— One who precedes another in time, especially in holding an office or a position.前任;An ancestor; a forebear祖先;祖宗=forerunner One that precedes, as in time; a predecessor前任;An ancestor; a forebear祖先;祖宗" n2 Q/ V" \7 L/ ]
  predominantly—— Most common or conspicuous; main or prevalent最主要的;最普通的=primarily
' h+ P9 \8 B6 }: x% m- B: }/ B: o) o  precede—— To come, exist, or occur before in time.先于…=prior to ,before
( N' M7 a5 }" Z% Z- s9 e9 ~  portion—— A section or quantity within a larger thing; a part of a whole部分=part
6 z7 h8 Q9 {8 Z! i8 m  possess—— To have as property; own持有;拥有To have as a quality, characteristic, or other attribute具有品质、特点=have
5 P1 @6 G0 r% T0 E! d  potential——shavingspossibility, capability, or power有可能性的=possible
% J4 O% ^, F! n4 ~8 z  pertinent——shavingslogical, precise relevance to the matter at hand有关系的=relevant7 ]4 \. o$ k* w4 F
  pit—— A natural or artificial hole or cavity in the ground坑=hole
& n" S! ^4 f5 \$ z& }3 @  perception—— The capacity for such insight洞察能力=insightful Showing orshavingsinsight; perceptive有洞察力的;有悟性的, A' ~+ ^) D" r# \( M
  penetrate—— To enter or force a way into; pierce.穿过,刺入=go through
! G" y* }8 m3 F+ |- \& W% m  patron—— A customer, especially a regular customer顾客=customer
1 i$ E: j3 d& H, i+ r! E  particle—— A very small piece or part; a tiny portion or speck一小份儿或一小点儿=speck A small spot, mark, or discoloration小斑点,小污点或小瑕疵+ V4 Z* V/ R# A( \* ^0 S2 r0 r1 h

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