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[阅读辅导] 托业阅读考试及备考方法揭密

发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  改革后的新TOEFL考试难度系数是乎是加大了,但其实在阅读这一块,你会发现时间更充足了。阅读理解部分是新托福(TOEFL)考试重要部分,有3篇学术文章,每篇700字左右,每篇有12-14个问题,做题时间在60分钟左右,分数为30分。第一篇文章限时阅读为20分钟,第二第三篇为40分钟内读完做完即可,而且在规定时间内可以随时回来检查,做题过程中不会的题目可以先跳过,回头有时间再做。TOEFL阅读文章长度大约老TOEFL的二倍,但题目只比老TOEFL增加2-4个小题,但每篇文章的平均时间为20分钟,而旧TOEFL为10分钟,但题目是10个小题左右,按这个比例来看,时间充足了。7 N0 v1 j6 S- Q3 `3 ^4 C. A
  新TOEFL阅读分为下列题型:' O2 p6 `8 D. `1 ~4 I
9 p, |( d. K# Q' _' o! J  The word X in the passage is closet in meaning to
; a9 }4 V1 i2 W$ d6 s# g5 I/ E' `  第二种题型:代词指代题同老TOEFL,只不过去掉了行数,用加诘姆绞饺猛欠⑾炙?  ?1 M  u4 K+ U( o9 B
  The word X in the passage refers to
4 t9 m- ]3 K+ y  第三种题型:细节题依然考查我们对于文章细节的把握能力
$ D1 r8 x9 }+ E6 L3 V5 n% j: [$ O  factual information and negative factual information question., _) ~3 N+ S3 Q1 e* g: X
  第四种题型:推理题文章中明确给出所要推理的内容,如给你结果让你推原因等. m0 @7 P- d) ^1 H
  which of the following can be inferred about X?0 l+ u. F4 }$ |- v& C
  The author of the passage implies that X……
5 H" w  r1 N) A% a4 A- y- e5 P  第五种题型:插入句子题:这种题是新TOEFL新增题型,给出一句话让我们来判断这句话应加入一个段落四个方块的哪个部分,用鼠标双击所选的黑色方块即可。这种题目本身不难做,因为需要加入的句子有明确的提示,如This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages.要求将这句话插入一段话中。我们只需要找到关健词question就可以直接去找哪句话可能是作者提出的问题,将这句话加在那句话之后即可。
& c) l4 i7 M2 w3 H) G  Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record.■how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?■Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate or transitional between land mammals and cetaceans.■very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans.■In 1979,a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what to be the oldest fossil whale.
; C% ]9 j3 i" ^# w. W( m; ~1 p2 j  你会发现只有how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?这句话是一个问题,所以应放在这句的后面。正确答案就是:Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record.■how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages. Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate or transitional between land mammals and cetaceans.■very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans.■In 1979,a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what to be the oldest fossil whale." i3 t/ k2 Q: K# T. v5 c
6 m5 y7 E/ r8 b' s  Q/ p  which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence?incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways leave out essential information.5 X! {' s7 P* j4 p
  原文本身通过加黑一个句子进行highlight,让你对这句话进行简化。下面四个选项哪个是简化以后的句子。解这种题的主要方法是:仔细阅读highlighted的句子,找出谈论的主体词,把握两个原则:1)逻辑关系不变原则2)文章谈论主体词不变原则。8 L2 ?0 e2 A3 z" p3 B- t  o
+ C' n2 M; Y% ^  特点:The author discusses X in paragraph 2 in order to
" O  ]7 E. ~) J: ^' V  why does the author mention X?
3 Y6 I' e' ]: r8 a9 }0 J9 ?+ A  the author uses X as an example of
4 w; {5 w; g- t! V) ^) Q3 L, W  这种题型与老TOEFL的举例题有些类似。9 v& I  W' q5 @' `  I5 s
  第八种题型:总结题六个answer choices选三个最能表达文章最重要的思想-大标题已经拟好,要求确认主要的支持性的观点。因为这类问题比较复杂,所以分值高些。部分答对可能得分。
/ p, H" v, D" K# ~3 f: E  第九种题型:图表题这种考题你将会看到一个图表,你的工作就是下在面被选答案中找出正确的选项,然后用鼠标拖到表格中相应的位置。难度高些,分值大些。部分答对可能得分。, ~/ a4 n$ ]) J0 z6 A$ Y1 Y- i
7 q* V' j6 ]! q& x6 h  The early bird catches the worm.
- A. I, c0 y# {8 @9 l- d  1.做好词汇准备:
9 N0 V( ]  D; [. l  N+ n  一次大量多重复,消极词汇认就好;2 o) }4 Y7 {+ Y. y. e- X
9 J& T+ z0 K, V2 ~6 h' A  2.做好语法准备:
% a) m) b. h5 T7 X( A4 p! F  长难句子读不懂,词汇语法两个阻,( Z9 e; {4 |! @, Y; O5 v; e6 t
  词汇只能天天背,语法却可集中看( Y# l: {0 o! e( s8 L2 c
  3.做好提高综合阅读能力的准备:: i  Y% D" Z5 V4 z" e. g8 V  N2 H
  阅读能力想提高,精读泛读不能少,; @, v. g; D2 {5 i- N
1 N4 L7 u9 U" v2 R

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 00:26:23 | 显示全部楼层


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