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[词汇辅导] 托业词汇:TOEIC之商用词汇50

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ ], g# c* t; G6 g  1: If you practice keyboarding every day, (then) you will become more proficient at data entry.  Z! n' U1 }* ?& \2 r
  2: If you do not write more clearly, (then) your ideas will need further clarification.
) o& B! H( k0 Y& |2 O) W! G  3: When you remit payment, (then) the collection agency will stop sending you the overdue notices.
# e$ T; g/ g* m8 Y4 Q) V1 i1 `  s  proficient: 精通的,熟练的。
0 [, Z) t. m; {$ ]  clarification:澄清。
, U- b5 j1 ]& Z/ e  remit:汇款, Q  A0 H. r6 q" p* T/ \* h6 v
2 A7 M& c& L" f: @  1: The large post obscured part of their view of the stage, so Jim missed seeing some of the action.7 x7 Y! j5 ^7 g# D( j
  obscured: _______________  K0 w) W: O! L
  A1:  Jim could not see all of the stage because the post was in the way; it hid part of the stage. In this example, obscure means "to cover" or "to hide."6 f1 e4 [: u6 c; E# f' F+ X
  2: Victoria felt that the information was insufficient and, therefore, postponed the decision until more data was available.. W; ]0 p8 |5 a) C
  insufficient: _______________  f- t8 ?7 f5 T$ u7 V- {/ u
  A2:  Victoria waited to get more information; she did not have enough to make her decision. Insufficient means "not sufficient" or "not enough."
, `3 T$ f( G. ?3 T5 E9 H2 C% x  3: She was fined because the equipment was not being operated in compliance with safety regulations.
8 K& v1 p, b( z9 J7 E  compliance: _______________- _( V7 b: v8 Y8 L
  A1:  A fine is usually paid as a result of a violation. To be in compliance, then, means to be in conformity or agreement with—in this case, in accordance with the regulations.0 r* x; D0 w) B7 |1 ^/ b& J
  4: Since the compensation for his new job is higher, Ray now earns enough money to make payments on a new car.7 a2 V' j$ b7 E! ^1 R! d
  compensation: _______________$ W! N+ I# X1 |, d9 h' P
  A2:  A job with higher compensation is one that pays more; compensation is payment.

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