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[词汇辅导] 托业阅读词汇辅导中英文注释(11)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  unrestricted—— adj.无限制的,自由的=unlimited
7 X5 P3 n9 }/ T9 M( o* S7 @  unsubstantiated——未经证实的,未经证明的=unverified未经证实的,未经核对的
+ q# K  |3 I' `$ ^  unravel—— To separate and clarify the elements of (something mysterious or baffling); solve分散并澄清=discover  h( T6 F! J6 Y1 K
8 M5 r  `9 c5 m- g  undergo—— To pass through; experience经过;经历=experience
/ g/ J3 }/ i7 q1 R/ g  unadorned—— Without adornment or embellishment; simple or plain未加装饰的;简单的,朴素的=plain
: s  [; U9 B, f) T! p4 m$ T  venerable—— Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position值得敬重的,令人崇敬的=worship Ardent devotion; adoration.热烈的崇拜;崇敬* g0 M/ |4 `1 O+ A
  variable—— Likely to change or vary; subject to variation; changeable易变的=unstable/ q8 u. C6 t; n  w! H
  vivid—— Evoking lifelike images within the mind; heard, seen, or felt as if real生动的=graphic Described in vivid detail生动细致地描写的6 W. k  p' U/ Z  E, K" p0 [
  witness—— To take note of; observe作记录;观察=observe+ j: x5 [2 m( L" ?
  yield—— To give forth by or as if by a natural process, especially by cultivation生产=provide, produce0 K& J: [: y0 G, S( N
  Supplements. E5 |8 R7 x8 m# Q) q
  adjunct-addition辅助-附加: e2 M; c0 N+ ^/ h
: @0 O7 X  N2 c3 J( r4 X  collectively-together共同的-一起& V" @; d: f" W  O6 w. o- e9 A+ n! l
6 D# [- i: r6 [. w) [1 b$ K) u  concomitant with-in conjunction with与…相一致-与…相一致0 K$ y6 l4 E! k7 N9 Q* p
  condone-mercy宽恕-宽恕) Z0 Y! w5 E% w7 B6 v
  conflict-opposition冲突-相反5 E8 a6 z5 u( ?9 `7 s# |/ n2 Q' A7 v
  considerable-great(数量、程度)巨大的-巨大的6 B4 E5 x) T7 O+ a& T, {
# a) u3 U' G; u( p  considerable-substantial大量的-大量的,坚实的; _$ ]7 M$ J% s, A9 {, \) l
  consort-associate合伙人,伴侣-合伙人,伙伴0 U) R1 s" C3 T! N9 r
  ]+ t4 \5 f, w% k  contemporary-existing当代的-现存的
& L3 H9 x; d! ~& L  L; b  customary-usual习俗的-一般的
/ t+ m- n0 G" r9 p& i% v4 h  dampen-moisten使潮湿-使潮湿
; b0 T' c+ l- @' I% T5 a  daring-bold大胆的-大胆的
5 L# U7 ^" _9 b& y1 W4 c) @& w  demand-order要求-命令0 T0 W. f% g3 R( L  ~

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