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[词汇辅导] 商业托福英语备考资料之词汇篇07

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 D# l% l2 t8 C3 Q7 h* i1 I  上期复习* U5 h( ]& _' g2 u8 R4 S# u  E
  Please verify that all items on the bill were actually purchased.
5 {- C* N2 c0 g( q3 H% T$ C  核对,核实
$ X3 C! J: T% h* B" ^, \  Section2: A" j$ o, {# O
  The diverse shapes, sizes, and colors gave the candle buyers many choices.
# S  P) s$ W! I* @9 `8 R7 {  请选择true or false:
+ j9 o& z0 M: v9 ^7 g& ]- h  1.T/ F
* L, Y1 H7 W6 H0 E  There are many different styles of candles.4 X! s2 n$ E. L1 j7 {
  2.T/ F: f# E: q* [& N
  The candles are large.' O9 G1 ]& |( ^' k, [

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