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[词汇辅导] 商业托福词汇专题练习试题11

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  TOEIC verbal test- p. [$ K5 p. l, u, Z
  Vocabulary Activity: Adverb Adjective TestTest
; u# {7 Z6 V# \" d; G8 ^  home toeic preparation toeic quiz toeic forum. r7 |+ o/ D9 G8 n/ B
  adv. as a result; therefore4 @  m. b% i2 e  }  g
: D# \; X/ H! t% Q4 t+ u  (b)certainly, r: n# X: t6 n1 k4 B: V. G- z3 z' R( ?
  (c)severely  (d)consequently1 ^) b& M- g) e& T% z4 F/ X
  toeic study guide toeic certification
8 t8 B( |& T: A( Z; ~  adv. evidently; obviously; allegedly; seemingly7 \. `- D; z* m% Y1 c! i" v, f% A
; }, [6 r; Q$ l7 e  x  (b)usually
! U1 R+ x( u/ D/ g$ _6 R7 h1 C  (c)perhaps
( q9 h/ J; J' T  (d)seamlessly  T) l- |- R+ a2 Z
  adv. hardly; scarcely
3 L" w5 @$ n6 l  (a)barely
! I) |5 m7 i, u' F7 \3 V  (b)cordially
8 ^6 y1 P! _6 {0 s2 c" v  (c)entirely
  v# l0 i) g+ ?- k8 J* {, ?  m( }  (d)truly
8 b/ Y4 x) j# X4 h$ N, p' a! Y  adv. intentionally; purposefully; methodically
$ T* l* A, J& e' H6 g3 N  (a)nearby2 l/ J5 S" O& [
  (b)cheap9 [+ k4 d7 O" h
  (c)solely& L9 A( [9 Q4 N) B
1 N' t6 [9 S+ @7 f% O  adv. to a higher level; more than; higher than
# c2 L0 A4 z8 H+ U% S. T  (a)regardless
: R3 q  D* X+ O% M1 j0 y1 p  (b)rather
- {- w$ o' c4 D! B0 `) Y  (c)direct
( f" f3 D( G, A. U& J! g" G  (d)upwards
3 }6 f  ~, E* I  adv. exactly; accurately; definitely; certainly; surely
; M: F8 m1 A; r" Y$ m) I$ F  (a)late
! {2 n8 `: ]/ H+ f& \! d  (b)ill" z: }+ W: Q9 o9 a  H7 d! V
2 u9 f# W4 B/ F2 f3 `0 W  (d)fine
/ U0 Q( [8 _8 J9 i  adj. pertaining to the commercial center of a city
% _' T& J+ r: d, h  (a)unnecessary$ T% B: `4 r" E* K
! G2 I7 ~+ r2 u$ s) h+ v7 S% V  (c)actual, U- y0 U2 p, `# u
% i' @$ v# H  H( o( X" D' A  adv. simply; in an unembellished manner; clearly) E. K: f- J% q9 {7 G. _; t
  (a)contrary7 z4 K' Z: D) L9 Z* {
) i  n& |# n5 s/ R: I* k4 a) E( ^  (c)plain
, n+ h$ G. q& Y. g, D4 O4 ?& `% y- w  (d)close2 a9 ^$ J0 h1 B; y9 q8 v$ K6 B0 a
  adv. after all others; finally; at the end; most recently
( g' d, O9 Q9 p" \1 Y0 z  (a)ostensibly
: d5 U8 q% O& `6 A  (b)minutely& f, p" X- O& j* J# m' l' y, N
9 y7 J' l2 n8 l; L$ X) s, P  (d)last
' U  `. s6 R( ^. m  W5 \9 L! r5 o  adv. sturdily; steadily; firmly; assertively; in a determined manner" ?! w. s9 }: z. t4 O7 j
  (a)likely" B9 ]$ M: h0 p
  (b)last  (c)firm  z* R0 d( F% c

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