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[听力辅导] TOEFl听力大段文章分类词汇--精简版

发表于 2012-8-15 00:40:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 I9 c: Z/ |2 b. i5 O  Astronomy(共7篇)
- V4 ]$ |( i1 _# b# U1 y  97.5.42//26.outer space 27.space suit 28.explode 29.gravity
+ n( ^6 ?; X# T  30.air pressure/Astronauts must wear space suits if they want to
; f/ o& z' r( A. ^7 K7 b. H0 D& ?  survive in outer space.Without space suits,a body would explode
2 I5 f3 M2 n/ T/ ^  because there is no gravity or air pressure in outer space.
; m' W. _7 X% L& E0 A- V  31.space shuttle 32.torso 33.insulation2 l2 ]& t* q- N: K2 A
  34.radiatio 35.bladder 36.helmet 37.inflatable
$ M7 y1 Y) t5 I7 E* t  38.sophisticated/If you are in the space shuttle,you have to wear a space suit.The torso part of it is made of seven durable layers……
6 k& J* l6 Z4 L; E; V" p$ T, h+ K  /One of the layers is what we call a bladder of oxygen.It is used to press the body insgroupsto prevent if from explosion.
$ W1 g0 x- B& e+ q7 m3 Z* i- \  /The insulation layer can protect astronauts from temperature8 g5 U4 c+ ?# J
  extremes and radiation./The helmet is also a sophisticated part of the space suit.
9 D& G8 H/ i7 Y# X0 u/ n, ^! P  39.ventilation 40.innermost' \- g8 H2 P. u8 L7 ~
  97.12.47//41.astronomer 42.observatory 43.peer 44.telescope 45.analyze 46.theoretical problem 47.observe 48.photograph 49.coat 50.photographic plate 51.light-sensitive material 52.image 53.remote 54.feeble 55.exposure 98.8北47//56.NASA=National Aeronautics and Space Administration+ s. ^8 _5 o6 H- R, [5 \' S! B
  57.treadmill 58.scuba diver 59.simulate 60.the moon 61.Mars 62.lunar 63.keep balance 64.Martian 65.traction 66.stride 67.stability 68.settlesintos69.air tank 70.elbow 99.5.47//71.origin 72.solar system 73.be consistent with 74.iron 75.capture 76.earth's gravitational force 77.composition 78.core 79.earthe's crust 80.be referred to as 81.chunk 82.be composed of' l: T' g0 A& t: b, g- k+ t
  99.8.31//83.annual astronomy society meeting 84.establish 85.existence 86.orbit 87.locate 88.billion 89.dim 90.candle8 P, \1 A: `9 r# u  D! [: W' h% i' \/ x6 Z5 |
  91.indirect method 92.subtle distortion 93.rock back and forth 94.spots of light(pinpoint of light) 95.break down# E5 ]' @9 r9 o1 |% Q+ K0 |0 Z+ K
  96.chemical composition 97.telltale signs of life 98.ozone molecules
+ Q6 @; c% o$ I: @; i  99.10.31//99.far-fetched 100.new theory 101.comet 102.satellite 103.detect 104.collide(collision) 105.atmosphere 106.cosmic dust 107.bum up 108.break up(disintegrate) 109.fill up 110.traditional view 111.volcano 112.originate 113.volcanic fume (steam)
- r& {& X+ ~* N2 R& ~1 ]  2000.1.43//114.put forward a new theory(argument) 115.observation3 a* h) \5 \* L$ `
  116.heavenly body 117.eclipse 118.disk 119.shadow 120.spherical 121.perfect circle 122.ellipse 123.North Star(Polaris) 124.circumference 125.stretch out 126.position 127.stadiom/ o* a- _8 G; U' G. V, y# x
  杜伟《TOEFL听力常考段落词汇分类》天文学astronomy, astronomer, astronomical object,illusive object, cosmos, space, solar system,Brown Dwarf, gaseous bodies, planet, massive, ignite, star, heaven, celestial, faint, universe, comet, meteor, obserbatory, telescope, image, remote, feeble, origin, gravitational force, molten, Mars
9 k7 ?' e4 m* t* k9 E  k  我想问一下大家的意见,你们更喜欢那种呢?因为我录入速度很慢,再加上自己也有很多功课要做,所以,我打算以后只贴精简版,大家认为呢,如果大家要求,我会贴完全版的!!(呵呵,我是懒人,但是为了对得起GTER的xdjm我也不敢太偷懒)今天先帖天文,估计明天就可以把其他的都贴出来了,,但如果大家认为这个东东没什么用的话,我就不做了,毕竟,看久了电脑对皮肤不好啊,呵呵。请大家共同出谋划策吧。

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