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[听力辅导] 商业托福听力考试精选辅导资料05

发表于 2012-8-15 00:40:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  关于场景和地点# i/ W7 c' w* j+ e5 |+ M9 D
  1,in the postoffice% Z! B9 I# b9 I
  send sth to someplace send sth by someway package mailstamp envelop ailmailexpressmail regestered mail weigh(秤重)overweight first class second class2,in the restaurant
& y8 ?8 p" }# M  waiter/waitress servesgroupsnapkin(餐巾)soup dish dessert(甜点)salad pie0 s& ]* P0 d; Y# v& V1 }5 ^! P
  3,in the hospital# |- l5 _5 U/ ^% a( c2 U0 f
  clinic(门诊)infirmary(学校医务室)medical excuse(病假)emergency room operator room6 T% M6 Y( `) O
  emergency number nusing staff(护理人员)ambulance(救护车); q- r+ E0 W7 f* Z, l2 h4 T
  4,in the airport
5 S* I: B2 z7 s  flight flght number next flight first class ticket passanger board/boarding delay
8 n  \+ D) x' |( ~+ U! g  take off(起飞)wing(机翼)baggage claim area(取行李处)% p; y0 X( G/ O! y. l7 W! Q
  5,in the museum/ r$ V* a4 o( F' H  ?  \
  exhibit/exhibition admission student card art gallary(艺术画廊)6 z( T% {  _( m
  6,in the bank
8 @/ K# {, L1 m  A  cas(现金)check(支票)cash a check(兑现)open a savings account bankbook(存折)interest(利息)travellers‘check(旅行支票)crdit card deposite money(存钱)draw money from (取钱)2 X4 i2 [; L! V# C
  7,in the hardwire store0 g6 e8 M/ i& f/ k: o
  machine oil nails(钉子)paint(油漆)can wire hammer tool
& M& x# B* K2 F# p# ]- N0 M1 q) K: z  Z; b" |  8,in the construction site
7 \* K. x1 ]* A' S' Q* s3 T  bulldozer(推土机)vacant lot(空地)0trucks lumber(木材)9,in the photographer‘s+ X; w# e6 l3 [, e8 ~! r
  film(胶卷)a roll of film(一卷胶卷)develop film(冲胶卷)lens(镜头)10,in the hairdresser‘s
/ C0 H) }; P& B; v  N  in the back on the top of ears trim the bangs(修剪刘海)cut 11,in the library6 m* K: l6 z0 g7 }1 V$ j7 R
  librarian(图书管理员)librarycard journal reference book check out book(借书)8 b: s+ O, s" {, Y! u) a$ [0 ?
  circulation desk(图书出纳处)
& S% N4 P2 O8 j7 a- _7 f  12,in the theatre
! l1 K' j1 Y% f& k+ G2 B  stage actor sreat balcony(楼上的座位)performance
1 h0 ]. z9 n9 p! d8 A! r  13,in the stationary store
, h- u* z4 e; l1 \* I3 I6 f+ ~  notebook notecard paper pen
3 [- o; R! I. O$ S  14,in the stadium$ n' Y2 ~$ w1 C$ ~5 T
  game player seats
4 Q/ z: K3 T9 }' b2 @( g8 I  15,in the book store
$ _4 _5 U/ j" k$ n2 B0 H0 Z  dictionary book price regular pricesgroupson sale manager16in the CD store  r/ |1 a$ k3 f! P
  CD,bettles pop rock; }. Q( Z* K: r/ _
4 w8 `( |9 s- ^* ?6 l3 g  1,make a phonecall% _7 F! ]+ w- x) W* U- F6 ]
  pick up the receiver drop the coins in the slot dial the number busy signal cut offto! m% K8 r% u& Q! F, Z+ A$ F* A
  the line is busy pedial/try again get throught(接通)hold on hang up4 w& F* f. m- u6 C0 K4 d0 \0 {
  operator(接线员)answer the call call back(回话)  A! s, t. V2 _% \7 q7 s
  2,playing /listening to music
2 Y2 C4 I& j5 j$ `  album/record(唱片)record palyer(唱机)turn table(唱机转盘)stereo (立体声音响)
( N9 E3 p; M1 P9 R& C9 s  cassette(盒式录音带)loud speaker (喇叭)jazz songs8 Y; j$ G1 {" [; E) s
  3,riding bicycle9 M- Y# M$ w% h; b. {$ A$ j; b
  miles tire is flat tire needs air pedal(蹬车)
4 _: R& j% D9 j$ _2 O; G' S1 N  4,asking for direction
% R# i, K' c0 z$ D( R' y) v( i  I wish I could find I wonder how I can get It must be around here somewhere! \% d+ `. c" }# x/ |; g  `! B$ m) x
  5,greeting1 s, o4 a8 c5 Q
  how have you been ?how are you how are you going how are you doing
" D- e9 I' o# a2 }% T% v% A  6,mailing a package
* I' Q0 X# L  B+ Q3 V8 ]8 w8 f8 c, m  brown paper(牛皮纸)sting(细绳)tape(胶带)scissors(剪子)weigh

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