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[听力辅导] 托业听力 PartA:短对话(二)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:40:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  在这一部分,你将首先听到两个人的对话,然后是一个问题,问题通常是关于第2个说话人的comment的。下面是这一部分常考的考点。有时一道题中有不止一个的考点。词汇纯粹的单词量测试,但通常不是难词(大学四级或以下单词)。比如题干中听到形容词terrific,那么包含terrific的同义词excellent或者very good的选项就是正确答案。也就是说,不仅要认识关键词也要知道它常用的同义词。不过,这种题大多比较容易。因为这些词汇都很常见。" a( t& |* C' `
  1999年1月听力题9 F: v$ @% g! f- W' i% k
  W: Why are you leaving so early? The movie doesnt start till seven。
7 w( I* S$ \7 Z% O- J# {& Z+ ~0 [  M: I dont want to be at the traffic there。 Its a nightmare on the expressway during rush hour。
, N9 ^6 W" k+ l$ |  Q: What does the man mean?
/ m: i7 v2 g, a3 Q! q% c+ Q  (A) He wants to go early to avoid a traffic jam。1 `5 \# W) |7 S9 F8 v" |: p
  (B) He wants to leave the theater before the movie is over。0 @+ ~% v1 g* L# T$ L# j
  (C) He doesnt know the way to the theater。! Y4 q, C! K0 {3 r+ I
  (D) He doesnt usually get up at 7:00。
9 A$ E3 e% p$ m& ^% O  答案是A。这里整个对话都在讲时间问题,关键词是traffic(交通)。其实,即使你不认识或者不十分确定它的意思,你也可以通过dont want to和avoid之间的同义转换选出正确的答案。
; A" d$ N' s! n' M$ k" b  U; ^  1999年1月听力题
, L% x' i( `5 c# t$ g! H  W:If George misses one more meeting we are going to have to find one new committee secretary。M:Wed better give him an ultimatum。
! |- Q5 I" {& {0 A( Q  Q: What does the man suggest they do?& Y5 z/ F3 N. m; @" {
  (A) Remove George from the committee immediately。2 z6 _& ]3 Q+ j+ u' @0 F
  (B) Warn George that his attendance problem is serious。
/ G# H' _9 q9 k  (C) Offer to help George during the meeting。(D) Telephone George to see if hes coming to the meeting。?
# k/ X6 Y7 C$ F  t% D" \9 a  答案是B。- }& J2 s- v- T3 |5 J
  如果你认识并听懂ultimatum是最后通牒的意思的话,你轻而易举就能选出它的同义转换warn sb about sth(警告)。而第一句同样说明了George是个不太称职的secretary,但却用are going to将来时说明并非要remove George form the committee immediately

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