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[综合] 2011年新GRE考试全面分析

发表于 2012-8-15 12:35:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ETS宣布从2011年8月开始,全球GRE都将采用新的考试形式,下面将从从考试时间、考试形式、考试内容和算分方式四方面全面剖析新GRE的特点及相关备考策略。         一、新GRE考试时间表
/ ]1 N- L4 b7 K) D
* U1 A+ Q+ l0 @+ @& ^+ N        新GRE将完全实现机考,语文、数学、写作部分都在同一天完成。新GRE 的时间表ETS已于2009年12月在官方网站上郑重登出:
- M1 m/ w1 I% E  q
- i& m) S. O# l" `. n( m时间4 v. n5 c0 e% g$ \( f
重大事件* G& e: j- h1 ^& X, ]
    2010年( x; F$ {- {2 \: V8 Y% F! C& ]
7月* \* {# M! F" N/ Z4 j0 h$ U' p, n
推出免费的预备测试% I3 ]2 C$ u( ~! I: g4 W
" U: z; p1 e+ F! U$ b- J8-9月
+ R6 o7 u5 H1 v9 {& F8月1日:第一次新考试;
# e* E7 I- N' F) {0 W8月至9月间进行的考试,分数将在11月初公布。
9 ?2 o4 }. j# v" n10月
$ Q& x- p/ W; m# |& c10月进行的考试,分数将在11月中旬公布。/ o$ E1 v1 A2 h. |; ~' [# C
) E/ d5 c: j8 ~! Y) [11月上中旬进行的考试,分数将在11月下旬公布;+ k; B" ]0 L5 W5 U2 a$ U# d: S
) B7 o* s, S" r0 P( k! i5 v$ i' m! J  c$ ?0 @7 x% g
        对策:% M5 a2 L& N& |
( W9 w* u; g& y: l1 Y; |8 t
       1、新GRE考试时间更为灵活,不是死板的一年两次,而是一月一次到两次,为不同考生提供了适合的考试机会。今后考试的成绩也不会再做加权,而是以最优为准。新GRE考试可能在考试初期考位有限,而现在很多美国学校接受资料的截止日期都有所提前,所以请注意考位问题。: t- M) b" J$ E4 p" Y" C+ J
1 ?: c; i, n: j, e8 P
        2、ETS针对GRE考试会给考生提供免费的备考资料,期中包含了非常详尽的关于考试的说明,考生都可去GRE考试网站上下载样题,进行模拟考试。2 e" G1 G$ ^6 R0 i" S
. a6 }' k1 `) U8 v4 \
      二、考试形式1 y) _8 u7 U9 s/ q4 Q

1 Q' ^' f6 B1 v! _新GRE考试形式改变具体如下:3 }  M" E- v! R5 G/ Y+ L% ]
   • 笔考和机考结合的形式将被每月进行一到两次的机考取代;
; x" n) i/ M9 ~+ R   • 新题型可以更好反映商学院和研究生院所需技能;
$ \5 X. R! @0 C   • 新的答题格式包括基于电脑的量化答案输入题; $ f) V: }! @! \3 |
   • 减少对于单词意涵背记的孤立考察,更多基于语境理解,强调考生推理、分析的阅读能力;
% }3 N; c6 f/ N+ Z7 C+ v    • 写作部分把逻辑推理和分析两种技能相结合;! M' P, I/ Q0 R0 X& |+ P2 n
   • 每个部分内部增设Preview和Review修改功能(不可跨越section修改答案);! `, `  S& @9 [6 N
   • 新的“Mark与Review”功能方便考生快速回到先前跳过的题目; # {& v1 f, i2 ~1 ]: l; m
   • 允许考生修改编辑已经做出的答案; 5 {, |* _9 i/ n" h
   • 数学部分增加在线计算器功能。, y& B$ ^0 O8 }. ?
  E1 Y5 y( j, I% L+ R/ a
0 A: O( Q) ?" E' A" [5 j; Z7 S1 n* Q6 A; h
      1、考试出现量化输入是指数学部分出现了主观题目,考生需要填写计算结果而不是简单的排除选项,所以要求考生数学功底要更加扎实,要知道具体的计算过程并正确计算出结果,当然ETS给出了计算器功能。' v  l4 z. R. I

6 f  p) x4 E1 k       2、考试减少了对词汇量的考察,并不意味着不考察,只是词汇量的考察已不再是用具体的题目考察而是融入其他的考试题型之中。
" D* {( @5 l0 N; c. n
8 n( L$ W9 M; a' a      3、一般的计算机适应性考试(Adaptive Test)过程中,考生一旦选定了某一题的答案,就不能再做任何修改。而新GRE考试采取多阶考察(Multi-Stage Test )的形式,利用计算机适应性技术,考生在考试的每个阶段/部分所面对的考题,其难度由考生在上一个部分的答题表现所决定。这样的安排更加灵活,允许考生浏览和回顾考题或者修改已经做出的答案。
2 u  e9 g' k9 j- O: T; ?
& S" K$ g$ d; G/ y" l! U! F       三、考试内容
- M; r( C3 s, l& u; B* @0 f: v% z2 `9 j6 [1 Q; v7 O: ?
$ i5 m1 H( v* K; k" j( J! w
" o% M5 x  q5 i/ C: L& ?题目0 a2 \3 s  D  |7 r3 H0 u( J* u6 {5 X
5 {) R8 m2 F9 k' v' N) _* }4 u时限
2 F- F" W# x" P( K! }0 Z" w分析写作; Y! W" k) \  ?
* J) z( w, \; _% M8 k2 z2 ^Issue 1题. r) [/ o) O8 B, f/ O
Argument 1题
1 ?5 Q/ G$ g7 ]# q' E每项任务30分钟9 D! x3 g- G7 P- }
5 C& ^! j$ R' z$ ^" [两个部分% ?: Y! _; r; q8 B- _% e  q
6 s" C0 d# s) M0 F5 l! N1 T每部分30分钟; j9 E. i( [* D. q5 F$ A
2 a: M+ j- y* z* b% z& \! g( X- L两部分6 U/ H, L, D$ t1 m- S
( f& F# |. q' A' a. g0 B每部分35分钟
9 H0 G5 @% Q0 H) y6 f+ n! Y! f( P5 k不计分题目
2 N8 D6 ]- k  P不定
5 j8 q& `4 \# L不定
6 X* D6 `+ J. D研究题目
% v3 y, T+ E1 f不定. V9 S* a& E# n2 r/ }5 D

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:35:42 | 显示全部楼层


新的GRE考试总耗时约为3小时45分钟,外加考生中场休息时间,共有6个部分。最先考的是写作,其中包含两项计时写作任务{Issue(对一个问题发表个人的观点)和Argument(分析一个论点)};接下来是两个语文部分和两个数学部分(其中一个部分不算分数);最后是研究考试部分。研究考试部分之前会有一个10分钟的休息,其余各个部分之间只有1分钟的间隔。一下逐一进行介绍: , f8 T) }1 X+ }
# S4 h/ Q; z5 m$ K  }; ~5 w' n3 q/ f" Q& \! p8 A" J; r
. H4 q9 S3 c% y. t6 j3 \/ @! z. W. g
   • 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点
/ g% Q# [/ y' ^$ j8 [   • 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点( h0 `, F* K$ g1 {5 v- G& o
   • 考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证" Y. ?9 [* h5 b- J
   • 支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论
; L+ F' P  h0 C4 [" y8 s   • 控制标准书面英语的各个要素% O, H0 M" B9 S+ E) L8 S6 r4 i0 Q

) D: ^4 ?! r5 D- ~; t9 _* L         对策:, e3 p- s) O6 \. I
8 ~9 P% [! X3 I* o2 P* U   2、新GRE考试的Issue答题时间由以前的45分钟变为了30分钟,要求考生的瞬间反应速度要更快,思维要更活跃,作文要更流畅迅速。
, g' J) ]3 \" @6 \   3、新GRE考试的作文原文会直接寄给学校,这样一方面增加了评卷的准确和客观性,一方面也给所有考生提供了一个机会,当然更是一个挑战。
4 k" @8 g9 H# I. }* n
+ F. c" Q. W  y/ {0 n' R/ l: q9 HB、语文
( W8 B5 a8 [+ M, s2 L/ H$ h! x9 C9 g- H  L9 `" O" j  t
         传统笔考GRE分为填空、类比、阅读和反义四个部分。而新GRE考试分为阅读、填空和同意填句(sentence equivalence)。( o6 j: Y8 b# o: _
  w3 \* r7 T  x. o6 }1 K& ~; \, j
   1、阅读(共10个题目左右)4 i  w$ j' d; Y9 T
, \9 z, w" Y1 d* d
% C# m; T9 f. o5 [# M# E % T* J" }* R1 \
   (2)文章体裁更加多样性 (academic or nonacademic);3 M2 I4 I& M! X! w+ c
: u) t  P" O6 [5 n5 A, ]
   (3)题型多样化。在新GRE考试中阅读有三种题型:单选(5选1)、多选(3选多)、点句。  j0 x/ D) N0 A/ h
- D( K4 J6 j( _! ]+ l% v- e( X
   Sample questions: 4 q$ F/ x. }* R8 A3 C, `
   Policymakers must confront the dilemma that fossil fuels continue to be an indispensable source of energy even though burning them produces atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide that increase the likelihood of potentially disastrous global climate change. Currently, technology that would capture carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and sequester it harmlessly underground or undersea instead of releasing it into the atmosphere might double the cost of generating electricity. But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent. Research into better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide will undoubtedly lead to lowered costs。 2 t' W- }8 t; N! V
   Sample Multiple-choice Questions — Select One Answer Choice # q% f( q+ W" {9 b
   1. The passage implies which of the following about the current cost of generating electricity?
- v! @0 Y6 d9 \) Z; T   A. It is higher than it would be if better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide were available。 ; w2 j+ r& \8 f( r  Y$ b( ~* d
   B. It is somewhat less than the cost of electricity transmission and distribution。
  t4 S$ C) |/ h' R   C. It constitutes at most half of the delivered price of electricity。
1 r; v( z) _  S! V: t1 ~' Y' E% }2 e   D. It is dwelt on by policymakers to the exclusion of other costs associated with electricity delivery。 . _# y+ o% J2 h/ u
   E. It is not fully recovered by the prices charged directly to electricity consumers。 8 y* `8 @; c+ z5 B$ h# u
   Answer: C , X: k5 o- f: L7 F) k" P
   2. The passage suggests that extensive use of sequestration would, over time, have which of the following consequences?
: B* `; o6 F5 V   A. The burning of fossil fuels would eventually cease to produce atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide。 , B, C: ]* ^7 W: E, X' [
   B. The proportion of the delivered price of electricity due to generation would rise and then decline。 " `4 X/ }' R+ c  S+ c
   C. Power plants would consume progressively lower quantities of fossil fuels。 5 n( i7 s% F; I# n& W: ]
   Answer: B
$ L4 ]* T$ N$ G% Z7 J$ }   3. Select the sentence that explains why an outcome of sequestration that might have been expected would not occur。 ! ?) r# v4 s0 E, l
   Answer: + W0 K* o6 e$ y. G
   “But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent.”
5 P/ k  T7 Q6 h " J1 T' \( f3 ~) N8 v" u, g
5 `$ Y$ W) K7 Q2 L  {2 h- M5 @6 y
9 f4 s- r) M. }1 c2 M& O; s/ g   (1)每题总长度1-5句话。设有1-3个空格。
/ u/ g9 ]7 m( m- l   (2)若2或3个空,每空对应三个选项,若一个空,对应5个选项。 : [& C. M1 y6 A
   (3)独立选择,没有连带关系。 3 L( P+ K; J4 Q, p
3 E* F7 a/ n# E! g, v2 D
   Sample questions:' l+ L4 x3 c/ Q
# i3 a( A+ E/ A6 s0 K" z2 m& U
   Directions: For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text。
' Y% o0 y9 U7 n3 Y* O9 h3 W & X/ A" Z5 U* A. ]. P
   1. It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be (1)__________ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (2)__________ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (3)__________, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:35:43 | 显示全部楼层


Answer choices for question 1., ]2 n0 m) I, G5 N: ?# O, f6 _
: h9 I; w5 @' ?0 r0 ^Blank(2)4 d+ `4 x' i' h5 K
Blank(3)' O! p, p* f1 K$ v
overshadowed2 C1 n4 H) E) h/ E% \' d
% k! x" B% O/ ePlausibility of our hypotheses& o- R; ?; f, W3 W" `2 S
invalidated- c4 V( L2 v- {
obscure  X& @  Z& B: F! j1 s6 C
Certainty of our entitlement1 s  D( K% Y, H/ V8 T
illuminated3 f& n# y, _3 F7 G5 e  ?3 f
underscore) c; ~: I9 {% @1 ]) D. n
Superficiality of our theories
- c7 D: ~7 Y. l" h    # n) }8 u4 T2 g2 U4 S" {- j! R, q0 J
        选项列表12 E9 k% m% a- E* H) j2 Q0 `
+ W# G* X) r0 Y0 ]7 q" [/ D) {4 S
   Answer: overshadowed, obscure, and superficiality of our theories
  l# _2 |. H0 ^' }) ]4 C5 A& T8 K# V6 M8 s8 b
   2. The author's (1)__________ style renders a fascinating subject, the role played by luck in everyday life, extraordinarily (2)__________。
5 K( b7 W" {9 X2 S
$ _0 D: i, H' n  n# ] ( e. M4 K3 e$ G" a
Answer choices for question 2.
+ U( g8 Z/ L( K+ K% A4 W- n: QBlank(1)
4 [- N1 h2 h) i4 n% ]8 S7 d3 jBlank(2)
* n" P3 S3 ~# `3 d- usoporific
9 \; F; |4 i+ r7 epedantic7 _' H; t. R, }  V  _9 L
% O. N- ]. I: U, Z5 f1 Btedious5 t6 d9 H. L* i& ]; i
colloquial6 T8 p$ C" p% O7 g) S
opaque2 @& C4 F* I% S8 c
' V5 p/ g1 x5 p& j( ~- y; [6 c; j
* Y6 D! c. g. U5 X/ o# f
/ w+ D' T4 A1 B( x( u) I6 j# K: D7 Q' x$ ]* F$ L+ K, |
    Answer: soporific and tedious
2 V; o8 m" r$ M( T  9 l) `% F4 G8 n: r8 R# G: {! `( G
        3. From the outset, the concept of freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of nations was challenged by a contrary notion — that of the _______ of the oceans for reasons of national security and profit。
# G; ^. m: S* {# j3 b: v; `3 i% c( w : t: N; ]8 d( J1 H
Answer choices for question 3.
  E1 C) B$ m3 ?; p" l8 D! a3 ~# R7 upromotion
( Z' o# y, R0 P' l: X) wexploration
% h6 ^+ N+ {% N3 Usurveying
, B) l# ?, U  H# L, t0 Nconservation3 f; `; @" A" S3 A
2 A" H2 b+ i! G9 h( m
, B$ \0 G( T' T* C3 Y. Q8 ]$ Z : H: m$ L" @  V, I8 |
8 }, I' ^; a' e6 e. b) v3 D' U   Answer: appropriation1 m! K  C/ \. d/ t+ g5 z

! U6 ?7 V. X) S3 t6 g% j+ b3、同意填句( m( u( a( k, z. x

1 C; y3 ?& s& X1 x4 L   (1)每题6个选项。每次必选2个;! G% U+ P: |2 r" b. E
  j6 w8 c% ^9 H4 o& V   Sample questions: ( @8 O/ i6 w7 p# n
   Directions: Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning。 # `$ a, z% \+ m2 [
   1. Although it does contain some pioneering ideas, one would hardly characterize the work as __________。 $ d% l6 S4 }6 J% J1 E- H9 f# @
   A. orthodox " @2 r/ z- g3 [' c& ?/ ]3 y0 f
   B. eccentric . n3 Y2 u4 M1 I: [9 A$ s' [4 z7 q
   C. original
7 W* x/ e9 |) F5 C   D. trifling   |; h, ?) A& I6 v. H5 J
   E. conventional 3 J- x* I& e( J
   F. innovative
7 V( o/ n* O4 A( Q1 K3 }   Answer: C and F ! Y% B1 w0 ~7 J9 T# j. d
6 G+ B' A) A" I6 l         对策:
% q1 @- r0 |. D+ {. ?, A6 I   1、阅读部分拓宽阅读量,适应新题型,提高信息的定位和内容的全面把握能力。   \: S, @3 o! n9 }$ F/ `
& ?& ^3 {% D" V+ Z- n" b7 S2 E   3、同意填句注意同义词或近义词的积累。
3 v% G, }# r5 o7 }9 ]  |9 e ; d( x# e& C+ D+ O; p
        C. 数学
2 E& l, a1 p6 X' b$ q% k4 m
; i/ R8 ?% ]6 U& F$ d5 d       数学部分依旧关注代数、几何、统计概率等数学概念,同时引入了更多的生活场景并且更加突出对考生解读数字能力的考察。具体题型主要有多选1;多选多;填答案;比大小。
9 P3 W) {6 `" L$ A9 @% h6 o0 w% `. d, M* r6 J$ K
   Sample questions: / l5 A8 j: Y# z" T8 T! d1 J/ [+ k( `
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:35:44 | 显示全部楼层


问题1图# i3 E/ E; V8 p$ ]& j
   1. The figure above shows a circle with center C and radius 6. What is the sum of the areas of the two shaded regions?
" [; o' C- f* g2 a  E   7.5π 5 o/ d% G5 V+ C3 }' ?) G8 ]
   6π , g5 u6 r* `$ E7 ]7 z0 \
/ S# W8 ]$ P# f; h9 {   4π : D" a5 b, v; c( ]. c! y, Q! f
   3π 8 d6 s$ W* P  k- k$ \! y
   Answer: D ; j1 J! ?# t5 l
$ k2 \6 v4 o% ]0 w$ t  问题2图
8 e) z* z3 }) u$ {9 C- O3 }2 F   2. The figure above shows the graph of a function f, defined by f(x)=|2x|+4 for all numbers x. For which of the following functions g defined for all numbers x does the graph of g intersect the graph of f ? " m/ T3 b+ o: v* _4 x3 ~
   g(x)=x-2 / S7 t/ h9 w& J# q6 c' l; Z6 s
( m1 r. P; a8 \( z$ g# w' c   g(x)=2x-2 4 e2 ^% e1 ^+ |* M7 }1 [+ r1 n% S
   g(x)=2x+3 1 j0 [& Y, [5 ^3 B7 `1 [6 q; L
! W/ j4 \0 I  F1 I( |; D   Answer: E ! U- y0 Q, ]: l) }2 c
  多选多: # T' V- w6 o+ i
   1. Each employee of a certain company is in either Department X or Department Y, and there are more than twice as many employees in Department X as in Department Y. The average (arithmetic mean) salary is $25,000 for the employees in Department X and is $35,000 for the employees in Department Y. Which of the following amounts could be the average salary for all of the employees in the company? 7 a. F# v: y. R
   Indicate all such amounts。   `% v1 ~$ \+ W3 R
0 A+ H- v6 B6 h1 l   $28,000 , O( P$ t# D! R1 s6 E5 o6 M/ e+ I
   $29,000 ! T8 I0 ]1 |# M$ a, v3 Y, h% R2 m
   $30,000 / r9 ?# q$ T! p
   $31,000 9 y! I: L8 u' |' H5 s
   $32,000 * ?+ v# f) z" i; I2 C6 c
  ]% h( t7 l* v% N6 ^   Answer: A and B 4 X; [! z' Q- o* j' m
   2. If f, g, and h are positive integers, f is a factor of g, and g is a factor of h, which of the following statements must be true?
6 x% B+ h+ ]' a6 u$ g1 K   Indicate all such statements。
* G4 g9 L% n+ M0 I! D   f is a factor of g2
% F) h# Q6 T2 ^1 h* `6 b   f is a factor of gh。 1 @+ U3 [) \" S2 w
   f is a factor of h-g
5 V- U8 b7 r/ r3 A, y   Answer: A, B, and C
. M6 g/ G' F' r4 T( i  填答案
& }. v. J2 h; J   1.
/ i" z* G3 v  b. _2 ]  填答案图1
8 l7 F, c. w: w' W: W. D' I% `9 W   Answer: 101 . |( c) U, ]8 p* W$ s0 E3 _
   2. A university admitted 100 students who transferred from other institutions. Of these students, 34 transferred from two-year community colleges, 25 transferred from private four-year institutions, and the rest transferred from public four-year institutions. If two different students are to be selected at random from the 100 students, what is the probability that both students selected will be students who transferred from two-year community colleges? 2 {$ l3 t9 r! d% E9 s
   Give your answer as a fraction。 . K& K- [  u/ a$ Z9 k
  填答案图2   ?. u; I3 R$ b; r! R6 s
  比大小: # Q: P1 j9 p) p$ u# n$ s" y! x
   A. Quantity A is greater。
1 c9 ^9 D) o/ f' `. e   B. Quantity B is greater。
: V5 v; k% ~. p8 v, q: ?   C. The two quantities are equal。 $ H4 q% `% ?( ~( U
   D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given。
3 a2 W: z4 t3 c# o# ]' Z   A symbol that appears more than once in a question has the same meaning throughout the question。
( @$ R1 ?+ O# f7 e$ G" ~% F   1. 1 y( Q5 z- o, Q& @' r0 ?( O2 E4 K
   , }' P8 H3 @, I- }% W+ B
  比大小图 ( [$ P# L( f* g4 ^, d
   Answer: A  ; V: X8 \, \* m' A
; P- _2 N5 ~* [# u* ]- l       旧GRE考试单科分数的区间为200-800分,10分为最小单位。新GRE的语文和数学分数区间将为130-170,1分为最小单位。新的算分方法有助于避免现行考试中多做对一道题导致分数差十分这样局面产生,让分数计算更加精准更加合理。作文考试分数区间依旧为0-6分,0.5分为最小单位。
; z! a  Q& d% n' d$ @6 F4 H新GRE考试虽然新,但未必难,希望结合旧GRE基础实力的准备,同时把握新题型特点,进行综合准备。
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