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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2   One of the truisms of the advertising industry is that it is
! `: J  O0 I) t. I) ~ rarely necessary to say something of substance in an' `5 S- j& `) t; F, |% ~
advertisement in order to boost sales.  Instead, one only
5 J  u" d  f  O$ q needs to attract the potential customer's attention; memory6 ?7 L0 q  V0 \4 i
does the rest, for it is more important for sales that people
0 w* s& r) O/ l! {" P* [ know of a product than that they know something about it.7 I+ ^! I0 `' W. s( h0 d' ]

6 c- J; [1 n4 x9 P- x) ]8 x1 I6 C Which of the following is assumed by the argument? . r6 z/ g2 Z9 [: p% N: I

  l2 E( }, E6 o, H       People can remember a product without having much
, m3 p$ x& U) m9 H& N) r        information about it.    w( N7 f; z) M5 I  F( y
       Advertisements, in their own way, function to improve6 W; Y: A* y5 E7 u
        people's memories.  
; d7 [) H4 u; S. n3 x0 Z       Attracting a potential customer's attention is a simple
) C5 z" M1 m5 r1 ]  ]        matter.  
. w+ G: v9 Z9 x6 v, _& b3 A       The advertising industry knows little of substance7 b/ x# K+ x- b/ X- B" v$ a1 q' y
        about the products it promotes.  & L' O; y& M" D# T/ Z$ O
       Advertisements seldom tell the truth about a product.

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