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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题十五(附一至十五的答案)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
15  Why save endangered species?  For the $ ]! C: o$ H/ Z$ q" H% z+ m
general public, endangered species appear to# i+ V3 r9 H6 m; U4 y, I7 T
be little more than biological oddities.  A very
0 p6 P5 e, S. ], C+ L  U1 {different perception is gained from considering2 w* T2 _, j0 L6 D" d- }
the issue of extinction in a wider context.  The 0 J7 d; s/ R+ A8 @( C
important point is that many major social
2 q' a6 R4 C4 F! Z" z# {: Madvances have been made on the basis of life
: A; r' `8 m2 o  ?forms whose worth would never have been ( ^; D" ]: v% O5 }, v  G) j
perceived in advance.  Consider the impact of
. d7 l0 X4 F8 d1 e) xrubber-producing plants on contemporary life
8 }; ~$ T5 L5 F! {and industry:  approximately  two-thirds of the
8 _" s  Z+ Z, T# Hworld's rubber supply comes from rubber ' ]2 E0 B, f' d' S( {- C
producing plants and is made into objects as
: Y, |+ a/ V, k6 t# U; L4 Ldiverse as rubber washers and rubber boots.
* j7 O! v5 G2 E& r4 W
* A1 i7 a0 G6 D0 T/ H3 [3 }3 DThe point of the passage is made chiefly by: v& m0 {) i6 f& O/ }

# `4 ]0 n- X. g2 I/ v+ m3 m      acknowledging the validity of  two opposing" Z/ X1 }. {  U7 _
       points of view  
' |2 @- x) X) V  f9 `      appealing to the emotions of the audience 7 a8 p$ f  V4 [2 o" F' H% k
       rather than to their intellects  9 T# |0 O; L( O/ z' n
      suggesting a useful perspective for 2 o- M: j; N# S% o
       viewing the question raised at the 8 f' ~$ f( r* v7 v! ^/ k7 ~
       beginning of the passage  " v" K/ w0 d/ n- f  q# e7 [
      trying to discredit the view of an opponent
8 W0 b+ m% f" e: C; N5 A       without presenting an alternative - {7 Q) ^# [, }+ U6 e/ u7 v; g5 |
; Y( v* c# E$ i3 ]) c) s      generalizing from similar to dissimilar & U+ s# k; l$ m' {* s0 S
       cases  $ [) n. a" Z" ^5 H' D- s
含练习一到一十五的答案。BACB  BDBB  DBEC  ABC

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