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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题三十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. Doing altruistic volunteer work has psychological benefits for volunteers,
* c! `# ?( ], T- w& b& T! O/ _& isuch as increasing their energy and sense of well-being.  These benefits7 B+ `% a4 z& L4 G$ x, i
can, in turn, have other unexpected benefits, as witnessed by the fact that
7 B$ D! Y: L2 y# [+ w) w. p, Y+ Flaid-off middle managers who occupy themselves by doing volunteer work
% b1 A1 k" f3 v get new jobs sooner, on average, than those who do not volunteer.
; S/ y  i  x4 Q- {% Y Which of the following, if found to be true, would most seriously weaken the
: ?$ k( Z! [  _( j' a# S" vargument?
* c; ^6 N2 g! U% ]! W- X: H+ QA      A person who is laid off generally experiences a diminished sense
( Z: n' i8 [( t3 @; u6 [: X! T       of well-being, whether or not he or she later does volunteer work.
' y" J1 g1 j+ j; Z B     The majority of former middle managers who do volunteer work after; E9 Q1 I* L: R& A) e. I
       being laid off cease to volunteer when they find a new job.
# T. L& r! U& ~, ?4 f1 M" b- {  C    The personality characteristics that predispose people to do volunteer
2 l' j6 X9 @8 ]8 v       work are characteristics that employers look for in prospective new
( F- M2 Q8 x6 B8 j; l8 S5 X4 O       employees.
0 A3 j6 P' T* k0 s* h1 B" ^( y    D  Laid-off middle managers who do volunteer work do not in general get
. G4 s8 H5 V8 i: @: B$ [8 L% T* C3 W. B       jobs directly related to the volunteer work that they do. , D; u* k8 k9 F7 N! _
  E    People who are involved in volunteer work have, on average, somewhat
) _% m- h, {2 W3 r       greater longevity than people who are not involved.
, n: o; A/ x! z: M% T) B, q- B答案C

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