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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题四十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Newspaper reviews of film adaptations of well-known books or plays
( _2 O5 z. D9 p" s8 ufrequently concentrate on the adaptation's fidelity.  Granted, many peo-; G# v, m' |9 L  [9 F, @9 V
ple go to such films wanting to see a version of the original.  However,
- T" m1 M1 a, F0 y" L reviewers do a poor job by taking this approach, since faithfulness to$ |3 [3 y" Z$ K" X$ `. @
the original is irrelevant to the film's own artistic merit.
: |/ G- Z' l* nA  Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? 6 `/ D3 Q( D* e& w' H" u
       The central purpose of newspaper reviews of films is to enable
7 u( x' w1 j9 H4 e! u& X        readers to find out whether they would enjoy seeing the film.
& `  j" V( M7 {* H7 ^    B  Often the attempt to capitalize on a well-known novel's fame by
3 P* b  ~( U; o( ^$ r: H9 f  q5 C        making a film version backfires, since a long novel's narrative. z7 K, H1 u0 G' t/ U
        must be overly compressed to fit a film. 7 g" ]5 {# }2 x! h! A
     C A film's artistic merit does not depend on the film's relationship
/ P6 p4 b9 h* l- ~; @. u        to other works of a    rt. 0 J' t1 X9 b' Z' ]1 I1 U5 l
   D   Newspaper reviews of films that are not adaptations of well-known
1 U0 [/ k2 ~# Z; g+ G. B: `        books or plays tend to concentrate on issues relevant to the film's
; A2 w, g8 a* E+ P, y- i        artistic merit.
- v# e/ L* e9 w- |% u; t: x   E   Film producers expect adaptations of well-known originals to be
$ H9 f6 I5 D/ e4 P2 h" K        more financially successful than other films. $ D) |2 ?1 o* U( |( o1 g8 P

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