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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题三十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
On the jacket of his recent book on illiteracy, Kozol  writes, “One out of
9 ]) B. u9 j* n  E; X7 |" v- Y three adults in the United States lacks the ability to read this book.”  
; V& S0 v9 E1 T7 M" z0 r  x8 I According to Kozol, this is equivalent to  60  million people.  Kozol then
4 A3 ~: B( a7 e8 q1 x* n divides these into the 25 million reading at lower than a fifth-grade level
1 h5 y- g8 u  C- O. J or not able to read at all and the additional  35  million reading at levels
8 }  k# _: @8 }5 n from fifth through eighth grades.  B& _; J0 |' e0 S
A If all of Kozol's  claims as given are true, which of the following must also % G0 [' J% z9 S4 T+ Y
be true?) b4 W9 |1 {3 [  b- m% k
   B Kozol's book is not substantially below the ninth-grade reading level.  9 k$ K9 M" z; O3 c0 q
      Over   25  million adults in the United States have failed to enter the
" ~3 u$ Q9 D/ G$ ?$ I; B        sixth grade.  
6 ~: _' [% u0 k5 {    C    Many adults who want to read Kozol's book cannot do so.  
( j+ A2 v  i+ s2 G6 ~3 b     D Illiteracy in the United States is not as pervasive as people
1 c$ b" o- Y0 j( D        commonly believe.  $ E7 @5 p4 R/ g' f) y
    E    One out of three students who enter high school in the United States & w2 b$ R# {* V
        fails to graduate.  ! E5 m/ v3 C  d8 h( g2 ~

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