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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题三十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The main purpose of political action committees (PAC's) is to obtain con-( J6 S# H) C1 a! R. X! X
tributions of money from individuals for the electoral campaigns of political , d6 B& q* \+ i- M6 p
candidates.  By increasing the number of their contributors, PAC's get
! E' S4 R5 h/ B! |more people interested in the political process.  Those who doubt this
4 _, U" x$ _$ s4 R. Y2 yclaim need only bet $50   the next time they go to the horse races: they will
! r0 `$ r) i& v% s$ h" Vsee how much more interested they are than when they bet nothing.
- M- O! q% ^" g1 f1 y A  The argument depends on which of the following assumptions?
/ j4 |( O, K# H5 \: i) b: z       Individuals who contribute money to PAC's generally give no more
( n9 H9 h* \5 V        than  $50  during any particular political campaign season.  
4 ]* O- h, z  D- Y4 Y# ]     B  Many people who contribute money to PAC's usually also bet fairly4 o* s2 f3 f5 J* k7 Z
        heavily when they go to the horse races or other sporting events.  
* c- M2 D8 i6 Q   C    Among the people who contribute money to PAC's are individuals who
3 j# |3 g: }; o3 T' N2 G) n# f        would not have become interested in the political process at that time) T2 j0 e+ o& K4 j4 k
        if they had not contributed money to a PAC.  
9 x% k! n# j0 W3 |# r( @& ^& p     D E   Those people who are interested in the political process come from a9 u& \0 m- |) Z7 V& G; t
        narrowly defined portion of the population at large.  % G" [1 I7 f) S
      Those people who contribute to more than one PAC have no stronger
9 |# z* Y9 F0 V, C3 N* P9 {* `. m        interest in the political process than those people who contribute to % V2 g" @5 \/ v0 ^
        only a single PAC.  
( w; ^: \. U( d, F! a( c/ `% Z& m答案:C

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