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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题二十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A certain type of dinnerware made in Ganandia contains lead.* y, [: b/ p# ?" E* M# e! B$ I
Lead can leach into acidic foods, and Ganandians tend to eat
. C8 I! K2 D& r$ Nhighly acidic foods.  However, the extreme rarity of lead poison-
/ f- _) ~4 D( w% H4 i4 f2 hing in Ganandia indicates that the dinnerware does not contain
0 G  j6 }% h) `0 {) X$ O% Sdangerous amounts of lead.2 Y; R4 V. _$ }3 J& M
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argu-4 |6 }* q, |/ u
ment above?
  ~) Z* S7 f0 n* R; @8 K' @5 k& O) z      The dinnerware is produced exclusively for sale outside
$ X* Y  I/ Q9 C$ a+ ]1 f       Ganandia.  * f7 V  n4 Y4 r  W8 z* ?* A  p
     Ganandian foods  typically are much more acidic than" J+ H: h4 r5 ~
       foods anywhere else in the world.  
+ J# U1 S7 u2 q5 K     The only source of lead poisoning in Ganandia is lead
" ^8 M  V! S4 D, x4 N       that has leached into food.  
8 P! ^6 g0 Q! L6 J$ |" n) Y, G. @     Most people who use the dinnerware are not aware that( A; u- U2 F7 U" h8 _, P/ H
       it contains lead.  : i' h: _1 ?, ]
     Acidic foods can leach lead from dinnerware even if that
: v+ d0 g( o8 P8 B       dinnerware has a protective coating.  
' I! d6 m9 [  ?8 k& {: W9 e7 n答案 A

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